Reviewed by (Paula Nichols, Rosenberg, Texas, US) - I grew up in the Lord by using these Dakes notes. He gives information in a simple way I can understand and it opens doors for further study. This is my go to Bible commentary. I was thrilled to have it in my E-Sword. I feel complete now I wondered how it could be used and you guys nailed it. You made it simple and easy to access. Well Done!
Reviewed by (Dr Jack Fucci, Oneida, NY, US) - The Dake notes go beers by verse and are identical to the printed notes in the Dake Bible. My first Dake Bible was purchased in the early 1980’s and I still have it though worn and the print is small. Using e-Sword, the print is as you wish. I use the Dake notes in conjunction with e-sword personal notes on my iPhone. I now use my phone for all notes along with a beautiful premium KJV text only slimline Bible. No more bulky study Bible to carry. Can highlight etc in e-sword.
Reviewed by (Randy Moore, Lexington, Kentucky, United States) - I have two copies of Dake's Annotated Study Bible and have read through them in my younger days. But, the plethora of information is so great, the font necessarily has to be very small, even in his largest bible which I have. In e-Sword, I do not have this problem! I can read his notes easily and quickly and go to his references in the bible with a click of the mouse. I am so thankful to have this now I am overjoyed! Some of his claims are a little outlandish, but I have learned to go to his references and see if I agree or disagree with his statements. This was a true bonanza for me and was worth every bit of the money I paid for it, which was reasonable for the payback I get in ease of use of his notes.
Reviewed by (Jorge David, Guatemala, Ciudad, Guatemala) - Excelente recurso!!
Reviewed by (Michael Kirksey, Naples, FL, United States) - I have yet to examine my new Bible tool, however, if it corresponds to the explanations and arguments found in my Dake’s Bible, I will be more than satisfied.
Charles dedicated his life’s work to searching out the truths that he has revealed from scripture.
Without question, a must have for every Bible believer.
Reviewed by (Allan Jones, Port Macquarie, N.S.W., Australia) - An Excellent Resource
Reviewed by (Charles Gray, Wishek, North Dakota, United States) - has good insights to scriptures
Reviewed by (Walter Jones, Selbyville, De, US) - Dake's study notes have been a source of inspiration and sometimes, revulsion for years. I don't know if this has been updated to remove the racial rubbish he included. When these notes were written, the racist views were the normal, scientific, views of most white, literate people. They were wrong, but follow the science, right?
Dake was also as much a Dispensationalist as Scofield, though with more personal integrity. So, there's a lot to skip over from that point also. However, where he's not being Dispenasational, there's a LOT of meat left over after you get past the dross.
Reviewed by (Joe G, Talbott, TN, US) - As bizarre as this may sound I was pondering the other day on how wonderful it would be if e-Sword X added the Dake Bible simply for his reference notes. To my surprise I found Finis Dake's Study Notes in the Commentaries Section and was literally ecstatic. Being older and retired, my old Dake Bible has such small print that my specs are needed when reading and researching from it. I do about all my scriptural studies on e-Sword X now with an abundance of good translations, commentaries and lexicons available to expand any research project. Just in the last few days of having access to Dake's Notes I have been able to research deeper into what happened to the fallen watchers or angels and putting together a document on the pre-existence of Yeshua Messiah before He was born of a virgin and entered this earth realm as the Last Adam. Just the scriptural references alone are a gold mine of information. I use many of the other available commentaries, study sources and lexicons and so thankful to have a study tool and resource such as e-Sword X. But the addition of Dake's Notes and all the other available tools within e-Sword X just sets e-Sword apart. I would love to see more translations added if there would be any improvements I could suggest. But I have many others in hard back or soft back just in case I would rarely feel the need to consult more versions of the scriptures. So let me give Dake's Notes and e-Sword X both a 5 Star rating with an exclamation point. Shalom snd many thanks to all who have contributed and may you be blessed in your efforts in promoting the Kingdom of God.
Reviewed by (Shane Smith, Littlestown, Pennsylvania, US) - Best commentary of the word of God, hands down! Love that DAKE uses scripture to walkway back up what he says.
Easy To Use And Meets Expectations
Reviewed by (Richard Crain, Cheyenne, Wyoming, US) - I own a hard copy and have desired a digital version. I find the e-sword version is easy to use and provides the references that I can use. Installation is a snap with no hiccups.
Dake's commentary
Reviewed by (Dan Keller, Dandridge, TN, United States) - I have been using Dake's Bible for years, but somehow the print keeps shrinking. Seriously, it becomes harder to read his notes as I age.
Dake'S Study Notes
Reviewed by (George Coulson, Rodeo, California, United States of America) -
Reviewed by (Clyde Conner, Pulaski, Va, US) - Enjoyed this greatly!
Excellent Resource
Reviewed by (William Johnson, Snowflake, Arizona, US) - I have the Dake bible in print but it's very difficult to look up all the scripture references he has listed. But with eSword version, all the scripture references are hyperlinks that pull up instantly as you scroll over the verse. Huge time saver and adds to all the other commentaries, dictionaries, etc found in one place - eSword!!
Dake Study Notes.
Reviewed by (Wilhelm Visser, Happy Valley, South Australia, Austria) - I've owned a Dakes Bible from 90's and have valued the extra information when Bible study time comes.
This extra notes added on to e Sword makes preparation much easier. I recommend this to people that take their Word studyserious.
Dake notes
Reviewed by (Jason Sosebee, Chickamauga, GA, United States) - Great product. I use it every day.
Reviewed by (jack Henley, LYNCHBURG, VA, United States) - Great addition to e sword
Awesome, deep studies of the Word
Reviewed by (Edgar Daames, George, N/a, South Africa) - Wow, I am able to dive deep into the word of God. May God bless u, making this available to us.
Great Commentary for eSword
Reviewed by (Tony H, Mobile, AL, US) - This is a great commentary book to have for eSword. I have 2 Dake's physical bibles. The Dake's physical bible gives more details then the commentary eSword module does. I wish this could be fixed.
An example: Matthew 24:28 eSword commentary says, "The rapture will have taken place years before this (see Rapture Before Antichrist)." It doesn't tell where in the eSword commentary to find "Rapture Before Antichrist" but if I go to my Dake's physical bible it says, "The rapture will have taken place years before this 2Th 2:7". So you can see that they leave out Scripture location. There are many like this.
But it is still a great commentary to have for eSword.
Reviewed by (Albert Baisch, Murrells Inlet, SC, United States) - E-Sword is always there for me I have been using it for over 25 years. as a pastor i find it invaluable to my ministry......
Reviewed by (Albert Baisch, Murrells Inlet, SC, United States) - E-Sword is always there for me I have been using it for over 25 years. as a pastor i find it invaluable to my ministry......
2 Tim. 2:15
Reviewed by (Rolando Delgado, Haines City, FL, USA) - The Dake I use most days--along with several others as well. I highly recommend this Bible notes as an essential tool in any ones Bible study time. The notes are easy to understand written in clear precise form.
Reviewed by (HAROLD WANTON, Gainesville, Florida, United States) - I have the Bible, but wanted to try the commentary. It is outstanding.
Wonderful Study Aid
Reviewed by (Mike Shelton, Scroggins, Texas, United States) - What a fantastic addition to my eSword library! Anyone familiar with the Drake Study Bible will appreciate the in-depth knowledge and insight that Brother Drake has.
Dake's Products
Reviewed by (David Hill, Virginia Beach, VA, US) - I realize that not everyone agrees with Dake's stance on many passages. I'm afraid I surely have to disagree with his understanding in more than one place. However, his work does provide insights, thoughts, opinions that one may not have considered. And he supports his opinions with scripture, now we may disagree with his understanding of those, but it is far better than simply giving opinions without support.
Reviewed by (Osei Owusu Antwi, The Hague, South Holland, Holland) - I like Dake’s annotated Bible commentary because of it’s useful information
Satisfied and grateful!
Reviewed by (Hendrik I Janse van Rensburg, Pretoria, Gauteng, RSA) - I find his Study Notes such a great help and help my to achieve the following;
2Pe 3:18 But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.
Thank You for Your Product at Great Prices
Reviewed by (Jim Lee, Southlake, TX, United States) - First of all e-sword is free !!! Nothing is free how did e-sword do it !!! I have a really great Dakes KJV Bible. I have used e-sword since 2011. At first it was hard to get use to e-sword and not holding my Bible. Eventually I really started using it a lot and now every day. My references were only a click away. I like the Dakes notes and wanted them for a long time. This man spent his life taking all of the notes he wrote during his life. He has a lot of summaries too. I use to have to thumb through all of the pages to read his summaries and his gleanings for each verse in the Bible. All I have to do now is click a tab and I can see his notes on the verse I am reading at the time. I use other commentaries too. I use J Vernon McGee's commentary, Bible Knowledge, Believers Bible, UCRT Cross Refences. I also have the NASB ,NAS 77, King James and ESV. I can also do word studies with the Stongs Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries, New American Standard Exhaustive Concordance,Vine New Testament and OT Dictionaries. Also I have Nelsons complete Book of Bible Maps and Charts. I also have other material and resources and if I used the Books it would be cumbersome and time consuming and just unfortunately wear me out! Everything is a click away and if I want to share scripture or write a paper it is so easy to copy the text !!!I really cannot share how this has made such a big difference in my life because I can cover everything in lightening speed. I often wondered what reward in Heaven the people that make this available will have waiting for them. It is such a huge Ministry to edify the brethren. Well done !!! Tip copy your Journal Study and Topic notes and save them in a handy place.

Reviewed by (doug moore, rockmart, georgia, US) - good study material
Well done
Reviewed by (Basil Frasure, San Angelo, TX, US) - The material is simple and informative. I have used Dake's hard copy of the Bible in the past. This addition to E-Sword is very handy and I would recommend it.
Great Resource
Reviewed by (Rob Strupe, Lexington, NC, US) - I have always loved Dake's work. It is required study in seminary. Thank you ESS for this great resource!
Excellent job
Reviewed by (Blasio Gonsalves, Hounslow, London, UK) - Excellent job to be available on e-sword. It is so handy and easy to go through which ever book chapter and verse you wish to study.
Great bible commentary
Reviewed by (Michael O, Kampala, Kampala, Uganda) - Just the eCommentary I was looking for. I used the Dakes reference bible before and missed it when I gifted someone and moved to ESword. Was amazed to find commentary in eSword and have now use it as part of Cheyenne’s bible reading plan.
Commentary is very concise and can be reviewed by verse or chapter - a good feature.
I use it alongside the Belivers bible commentary which my secondary reference
Highly recommended for ardent bible readers
Reviewed by (Jorge Luis Rodríguez, San Cristobal, Mixco, Guatemala) - Me parece un extraordinario recurso para apoyo en el estudio de la Biblia.
Love Dake's Bible
Reviewed by (Michael Inman, Rolla, MO, US) - I've used Dake's Bible for years, S I just had to include his notes in my eBible. It is right up there with the Thompson Chain Reference for useage.
Reviewed by (Mary Beste, Lakewood, Co, United States) - Everything I hoped for. Makes Scripture study that much more fascinating.
The Wise and Foolish Virgins
Reviewed by (Donald Winders, San Jose, CA, US) - You are either ready for Christ's Second Coming or you're not ready for His Coming at all.
Not always my doctrinal learning but a good help
Reviewed by (Mark Cain, Greenwood, DE, United States) - I already had Dake's notes on another Bible program but wanted them on my main Bible Study Program. Dake's consistent use of cross references is a big help. He just doesn't always draw the same doctrinal conclusion I do. But what the hey, Stone sharpens stone.
eSword, Dake Notes, Great Combo
Reviewed by (Allen Fox, Carmichaels, PA, US) - Been using Dake Notes (in small print) for 45 years. Absolutely awesome to add them to eSword. I really like the 'hover' pop-up feature for the multitude of Scripture references Dake uses.
Unable to pinch open in my iPad
Reviewed by (Peter Selvarajan, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India) - It is very useful. But I am disappointed that the charts do not pinch open to be able to see the small print better. Can someone help me please?
A must...
Reviewed by (Agnes Vanderslaghmolen, PHOENIX, Arizona, United States) - A must... to have for every believer. There is soo much information in this book. It will help you going deeper into Gods Word. Really a max-super tool... *smile*
A Wonderful Addition
Reviewed by (Kirk Zehnder, Clermont, FL, US) - This is a wonderful addition to the E-Sword library and the many quality resources that are available. I look forward to adding this resource to my study regiment.
At Last On Line
Reviewed by (Richard Barth, Wallace, ID, United States) - Great resource. Huge amount of connections and cross references
Very detailed Commentary
Reviewed by (Tommy Asbury, Columbus, IN, United States) - The Dake's Commentary is one of the most complete and detailed commentaries there is. Not for the novice and even for the learned it takes some time to learn to navigate. I would have given it 5 stars but I do not hold to Mr. Dakes Apostolic views. But for any individual who is rooted and grounded this is a great study tool.
Great study tool
Reviewed by (Yvonne Raetz, OCONTO, WI, United States) - I teach a small home Bible class and find "Dake's Study Notes" very helpful in the preparation of the lessons I teach.
Reviewed by (Sylvia Lewallen, Beaumont, TX, US) - It was not in the format I expected. I expected it to be in a separate book or booklet form too. That would have made it easier for me to use as a study aid rather than having to follow the references back and forth like in the actual bible. I love all of his reference notes but when you are studying, it is cumbersome to have to search for a reference and lose your place where you are studying. But, having said that, I do like it.
Reviewed by (Roy Ledford, Concho, ARIZONA, United States) - Dakes
Reviewed by (Michael Wolf, Germanton, North Carolina, United States) - Exceptional commentary.
Reviewed by (keith Billings, Oklahoma City, OK, US) - This is my go to resource for bible study Faster than flipping pages.
a lot of resources at your fingertips
Great addition for study
Reviewed by (Carol Fox, Idaho Falls, Id, US) - this is a great addition for study!
very helpful
Reviewed by (Jerry Carlson, Sheridan, MI, US) - I've enjoyed the Dake's Study Bible for a long time. Having this on my computer for my study's is a tremendous asset and helpful, quick reference.
Reviewed by (William E. Beaver, Morley, MI, US) - Dake;s study notes, help to give clarity to some of the scriptures that I struggle to understand. Thumbs up.
Handy study source
Reviewed by (Hernan Herrera, SOUTH PASADENA, CA, US) - I appreciate the research and time that went into creating these study notes, and I would certainly recommend them to any serious student of God's Word. These notes offer time tested commentary on many scriptural passages and show solid discernment for the dedicated observer of human affairs and what the Bible says about them.
Sermonic Usefulness
Reviewed by (Ronald C. Baker, Headland, Al, US) - Very useful in itemizing outlines of historical issues affecting the studied text, not found elsewhere in a concise usable format.Many references O.T. - N.T. correlating textual topics adding substance to sermons and Bible studies. Very useful tool. Thanks for making it available.
Very handy
Reviewed by (Maria Scholtz, Mackay, Queensland, Australia) - This Bible are the most informative and helpful I’ve ever used. I was so excited when I saw it on e-Sword and had to download imidiately! I also have a hard copy and use it every day! It really help with so many wuestions while reading the Bible and there are so many interesting things inside as well! Thanks for a great reference Bible!
Reviewed by (Michael Ogobamidele, Dundalk, Louth, Ireland) - I use to have the hard copy but I decided to have the soft for convenience sake since I downloaded I have a great experience. I really love it.
F.J. Dake: Modernity's "Enoch"!
Reviewed by (Jeffrey Ady, Honolulu, HI, United States) - I've owned--and worn out--two Dake Study Bibles since coming to the Lord over 40 years ago. As a father, a pastor, and as a disciple of Jesus who just wants a STRAIGHT, "fundamentalist" systematic theology and grounded commentary as I read God's Word, I have valued Finis Jennings Dake's work. So glad his children have taken up the torch.
Now, I own numerous Bible translations, but keep mainly to the Dake and Amplified (Classic), moving back and forth as I need. But, when reading the Amplified, I miss Bake's columnar notes and "Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index"...primarily because either the Lockman Foundation or Zondervan evidently went with a standard Concordance. The latter is good, but Dake's resources take First Prize.
I must confess that, in the earlier years, I often paid more attention to the commentary/notes columns on each page instead of the Biblical text.
AND NOW--as the curtain is falling at the end of the Age of Grace (Dake was a dispensationalist), you've made available his great work for my Mac(s)!!!! Praise the Lord and God bless you!

Finis Dake Commentary
Reviewed by (Carolyn Millard, Martinsville, Indiana, US) - This is an incredible resource, I am very grateful to be able to use it on e-Sword. I have 3 very expensive bible programs I purchased years ago while teaching, every year I upgraded my programs. Now I almost exclusively use my e-Sword. Praise the Lord for Ricks dedication to empower the God’s people with good resources.
Dake's Study Bible
Reviewed by (Mike Sanders, Blue Springs, MS, US) - Dakes challenges us to dig deep into God's word.
Great Resource For Any Serious Student of the WORD
Reviewed by (Cindy Hyde, Nacogdoches, TX, United States) - The Dake's Study Notes are a great addition to the e-Sword library. Having his notes available at the touch of a button is so much easier than flipping through the pages of his Bible. It makes taking notes a breeze. I can put sermon notes, write Study Note and even Journal using Dake's Study Notes. My husband and I have been using Dake's Bible for over 20 years. We love the electronic version of his notes.
Dake's Study Notes
Reviewed by (Samuel Woods, Dallas, Texas, United States) -
I have had a dakes for years and have always found it to be helpful but to find the notes in e-Sword format was exciting,enjoy it opens of up avenues to delve into
Great source!
Reviewed by (Gene Mitchell, Gulfport, Mississippi, US) - This is a great source to have on e-sword! It’s very simple to you as well.
Excellent resource
Reviewed by (Toy Waterman, Des Moines, IA, US.) - Excellent resource for my in-depth Bible Studies!
Best Dakes software around
Reviewed by (Robert Gabbard, Camden, Ohio, United States) - This is the best software around. This software is easy to use ,easy to
manipulate around .
SO worth it!
Reviewed by (Leona Healey, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada) - I bought this in the hope that it would help me gain a better understanding of the Bible - oh my, what an incredible resource it turned out to be!
I combined the purchase of this, with the download of The Message Bible for e-Sword, and have found a whole new level of understanding. More importantly, I now look forward to reading my bible!
You simply can't/won't go wrong buying this biblical resource.
Money well spent
Reviewed by (Terry Pellman, Athens, Texas, US) - Every tool used to present our message is important. Don't agree with everything stated so far - but useful .... as I once read "I eat the hayand spit out the sticks - nurishment
Reviewed by (Ira Hargis, Sapulpa, OK, US) - I have used Dake's annotated Bible for many decades. It is nice to be able to use it on my PC.
Easy to use and understand.
Reviewed by (Michael Lathim, Redmond, Washington, US) - Precise and direct. I find this a very good jumping off point if you are looking for a word study. I is a very good bases to get into what the meaning of the word says.
Answer to Prayer
Reviewed by (Jerry Graham, Aqaba, Jordan, Jordan) - I was so excited when I saw the announcement that Dake's study notes had been added to the e-Sword offerings. My Dake's Bible was one of the treasures I had to leave behind when we moved to Jordan. Thank you so much for making that part of the Library.
A great controversial commentary.
Reviewed by (Agner Ebild, Give, Denmark, Denmark) - The software is well produced and easy to use. It is easy to compare the commentary with other commentary. Dake´s commentry is controversial on some theological subjects, but so are a lot of other commentaries. Dake´s commentary is good to have to complete the library of commentaries and to provoke some thoughts.
E-Sword is my favourite Bible software.
A must to buy
Reviewed by (Chan Smith, Bedford, Ky, US) - This is a must to buy. It has a wealth of knowledge in it. You will not find this much information in any other study bible. I was going to ask them to add this and they did it with asking. God answered my prayers.
product review
Reviewed by (john parrish, cabot, arkansas, US) - I have a Dake Reference Bible that I have used for years and I really like it that is why I ordered it for e-Sword, I thought that now I have two great helps in one package, but I cannot get to the information in e-Sword.
I know that the problem is operator error, which adds to my frustration.
It will be wonderful when I do get it to work.
An awesome resource.
Reviewed by (Osmer Harris, Azusa, CA, United States) - Having carried a Dake's Bible for years I longed to something similar on eSword. It is not the answer to every question, but certainly adds credibility and cross references. I wish, much like the NET Bible, that it was tied directly to a word or verse. Overall, I am so thankful a good eschatology aid.
Reviewed by (Agnes Vanderslaghmolen, Phoenix, AZ, US) - Love those Dake's Study Notes. They are the best studies there is. Think every real christian need to have this... oh yes!
Thank you for having them... *smile*
Dake study Bible
Reviewed by (Phillip Pearson, Bailey, NC, US) - The Dake Study Bible is really helpful to me in teaching adult Sunday School. His perspectives on scripture are refreshing. I am very glad I added this to my collection of commentaries.
Great resource
Reviewed by (Tom Hughes, Posey, CA, US) - Have had the hard copy for years. But now its great to have it on e-Sword on my iPad.
Dakes Study Notes
Reviewed by (Robert Rascon, Farmington, New Mexico, US) - Dakes Study Notes By Finis Dake has been around for some time.I have used Dakes Annotated Bible & Study Notes from back in the 80's, and making use of it while attending Bible College, and later entering the ministry. The resources provided are the best, and very useful. I am so glad that E-Sword has made this material available, and would encourage all to get it. You will not be disappointed! Rev. Robert Rascon
Increased Knowledge
Reviewed by (Roger Achor, Hot Springs Village, AR, US) - This Dake product is insightful and easy to use. While there remains some controversy over Dake's bible and study notes, I have found them to be particularly helpful. It is a great resource; but never use just one resource in any research.