Reviewed by (Don Winders, San Jose, CA, United States) - It's also very good.
Reviewed by (Terrie Christomos, Branson, MO, US) - I had forgotten I had already bought this book, but I wanted to read it and ose it with the other books in my e-sword. I have so many books in my e-sword, I bought the book again. If you really want to learn about all you can from the Bible, get it.
Reviewed by (Brendon Baddiley, Rolleston, Canterbury, New Zealand) - Really helpful in my studies. The maps really help bring things to life and increase my understanding.
Reviewed by (Allen Mostyk, Kamloops, BC, Canada) - A very good book to allow you to read about the history of an area to help you in your study of the word.
Reviewed by (Ervin Alexander, Orlando, Florida, US) - You won't go wrong with this resource. I love the scripture references!
Reviewed by (Dwain Stoops, NIXA, MO, United States) - Excellent Historical Source of bible manners & customs.
Reviewed by (Andre Rodrigues, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) - Very good book, well written and light.
Sometimes I start reading and don't even notice 1 hour has passed.
I believe every Christian should read this book at least once on his or her life, it gives an amazing context to the histories we read in the old testament.
The Author does a great job of summarizing extensive academic books into an easy to read format. He also makes sure that every chapter ends with a list of sources to enable every reader to goes as deep as he/she wants.
Don't think twice buy this already, it will bless you greatly.
Reviewed by (Peter Lyas, Stockton, CA, United States) - This is the best bible study program I have ever used out of the many programs I have used. Thank you very much.
Reviewed by (Anthony Roe, Dapto, NSW, Australia) - I have used E-Sword for many years and find it is the best resource for preparing sermons and Bible Study.
I have wanted to read this book for some time. I found it impossible to buy a hard copy from any bookseller, so I was pleased to see it as a resource for E-Sword. It has proved to be a very interesting and useful addition to my E-Sword resources.
Reviewed by (Al Franke, Grovespring, MO, US) - I have owned a book copy of Nelson's Bible Manners and Customs for more than 25 years. The new digital copy is an excellent tool for study and for extracting information for my Bible study presentations. I always give credit for the references I use. Now, when I recommend e-Sword to my friends, I can also recommend Nelson's Illustrated Bible Manners and Customs without hesitation.
this is great
Reviewed by (Peter Haddad, West Haven, CT, US) - A wealth of information, for just a few shekels...
Al's popular rating
Reviewed by (All Vigil, Pueblo, Colorado, US) - Yes Esword has been very important to me. It has been one of the most effective computer Bible tools that I have ever had the privilege of using. And I want to thank the creators of Esword plus the creators of the study source that have helped me and countless other people study the word of God and reach the lost for the cause of Christ. The tools used in Esword also have enriched my own walk with Christ and helped me to further my education In my own walk with Christ as well. Thank you very much for this amazing software program. And thank you for all the other modules that we can add two Esword for our growth in Christ.
Reviewed by (Great Product Tavaniello, Galloway, Ohio, United States) - Great resource to learn how people lived and breathed in old times. A must have to further your understanding of the gospel
Reviewed by (Chan Smith, Bedford, Kentucky, United States) - Very good book for study. I enjoy it.
Eye opening study
Reviewed by (Stephen Cassady, Washington, IN, United States) - I have only studied in the life of Abraham to date but what I have read from this resource has been interesting and at times eye opening. This has laid a great foundation for considering the times of Abraham. To a certain extent I had not even thought about this aspect.
So far, very well done. Enjoying the reading.
Resource ok
Reviewed by (Katie Hines, Andrrson, SC, US) - I haven't had the opportunity to peruse this program as much as I'd like. Preliminary results are that it is ok, but rather limited. At this stage of my using this resource, I haven't figured out a way to use it to cross-reference the information with other scriptures other than the one I've pulled up. The table of contents is okay, but the table itself shows how limited the program is. The information I've seen is helpful, just not a lot of it or in enough detail that I would have liked.
Mind your manners and customise your preaching.
Reviewed by (Chris James, PLYMOUTH, DEVON, United Kingdom) - This is an excellent read full of interesting facts put together in a useful way.I knew a lot of the information from other sources but as I am never too old to learn this book filled in the gaps and links needed. It was easy to refer to the contents as sermon illustrations which the congregation appreciated as they said it made trhe sermon background come alive.
Great for study and understanding
Reviewed by (Ram Vandereay, Handan, Hebei, China) - I love reading about the manners from the bible books.
I live in China where the availability of products for one to study the word of God is VERY limited, as always I find the sources for e-sword to be of the greatest importance. If you're reading this comment please think about how fortunate you may be to live in a country where you can access the word of God without restrictions.
Reviewed by (Bruce Guyton, Mathiston, Mississippi, US) - I just love studying the manners and customs of Israel, this book is great for that purpose.
Reviewed by (Bill Miller, Granada Hills, CA, US) - A good background resource
Good Value
Reviewed by (Thomas Fairhall, Bowraville, NSW, Australia) - Very good product makes research so much easier
Good Overview
Reviewed by (Andy Dell, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada) - Overall the maps are good, the only negative is that it isn't integrated part of the eSword Bible or commentary. It is like its own module/encyclopedia. The power of eSword is the integration e.g. say I type in a verse, a commentary pops up, wouldn't it be nice if the references like maps, manners etc that are associated with that time period be connected by a click of a verse. Maybe this is just me in this world of filtering through the right data at the right time - integration would be a great help.
Very informative
Reviewed by (Schalk de Beer, Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa) - Good information document
Product Review
Reviewed by (Allan Christian, Johnson City, Tn, US) - This is a very worthwhile tool to have for Bible study. This could also easily be said about all elements of e-sword. When you live on a budget and need inexpensive but reliable information to both learn and share about God you cannot go wrong.
Nice tool to have
Reviewed by (Kelly McClelland, ORLANDO, FL - Florida, United States) - I have had to run around and look for resources like this to help me as a teacher and preacher to get the cultural and background info needed to give the correct context to my lessons. This makes my job so much simpler and efficient and I trust it much more than many other sources I have used. Try it!
Nelson's New Illustrated Bible Manners & Customs for e-Sword
Reviewed by (Pastor Barbara Mack, Daniel Island, SC, US) -
Excellent resource. I have use the hard copy for years and thankful that I can have on hand at all time. The bundle is a blessing. I can even travel with it now.
My research tool
Reviewed by (Ingrid Wirsche, Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada) - I recently bought Bible Manners and Background and I just love it. I have found it such a good tool in gaining a bit more information and insight into a particular time. I use it for my ladies Bible study all the time. I'm delighted with it (as I am the program e-sword)
Interesting information of Bible times
Reviewed by (Jarkko Tuokkola, Oulu, Oulun laani, Finland) - Bible student needs background knowledge of the Bible times. This is it. I have found some interesting points from the book. Advantage of ebooks is wordsearch option. Book concentrates on the essentials, I think.
Quick Source of Biblical Manners and Customs
Reviewed by (Nick Nelson, Quincy, WA, USA) - Well illustrated source book. I use the graphics and information in PowerPoint and Open Office Impress. For the price a very useful book when information is needed on Customs and Manners of the people and times of the Bible.
Nelson's NIBM
Reviewed by (Jim Cantrell, Tishomingo, Ok, US) - Another blessing.
"Chapter 1 Discovering How Bible Peoples Really Lived
Chapter 2 Life in Abraham’s Hometown (Genesis 11—12)
Chapter 3 Life in Canaan during the Days of the Patriarchs (Genesis 13—46)
Chapter 4 Life in Egypt during the Sojourn and Bondage of Israel (Genesis 39—50; Exodus 1—12)
Chapter 5 The People of God Wandering in the Wilderness (Exodus 13—40; Leviticus; Numbers; Deuteronomy)
Chapter 6 Settling in the Promised Land (Joshua; Judges; Ruth)
Chapter 7 Life during the United Monarchy (1, 2 Samuel; 1 Kings 1—11; 1 Chronicles; 2 Chronicles 1—9)
Chapter 8 The Divided Kingdom: Life in Israel (1 Kings 12—22; 2 Kings; the Prophets)
Chapter 9 Life in Assyrian Captivity (2 Kings 15—19; Isaiah 36—37; Nahum)
Chapter 10 The Divided Kingdom: Life in Judah (1 Kings 12—22; 2 Kings 1—17; 2 Chronicles 10—36; the Prophets)
Chapter 11 Life in Babylonian Captivity (2 Kings 24—25; Jeremiah; Ezekiel; Daniel)
Chapter 12 Life under Persian Patronage (2 Chronicles 36; Ezra; Nehemiah; Esther; Daniel 6; Haggai; Zechariah; Malachi)
Chapter 13 The Influence of Alexander the Great and His Successors
Chapter 14 Life during the Maccabean Age (1—2 Maccabees; Josephus)
Chapter 15 Palestine under Roman Rule (Gospels & Acts)
Chapter 16 Syria as a Cradle for the Church (Acts)
Chapter 17 Cyprus and the Beginnings of “Foreign” Missions (Acts)
Chapter 18 Asia Minor and the Expansion of the Church (Acts; Ephesians; Revelation)
Chapter 19 Greece and the Invasion of Fortress Europe (Acts; 1—2 Corinthians; 1—2 Thessalonians; Philippians)
Chapter 20 Maltese Interlude (Acts 27—28)
Chapter 21 Rome and Italy in the Career of Paul (Acts 28; Romans 16; Ephesians; Philippians; Colossians; Philemon; 2 Timothy)
General Bibliography"
God Bless,

Nelson's NIBM
Reviewed by (Jim Cantrell, Tishomingo, Ok, US) - More info:
"The Goal of This Book
This book, then, will tell the story of God’s people from Abraham (about 2000 B.C.) to the end of the New Testament (about A.D. 100) in twenty historical segments. But it is not a history book. There is a historical thread, but the emphasis is on the lives and customs of the people: their environment (the places they lived), government, religion, warfare, houses and furniture, diet and foodstuffs (agriculture), clothing, family relationships and daily life (including education), their work, travel and commerce, and more. These topics appear in the same order in each of the chapters. That makes it easy to trace a specific topic through the whole sweep of Bible times."
Again I really enjoy this detail.
God Bless,
great background info
Reviewed by (Lawrence Neill, Red Deer, Alberta, Canada) -
Great for learning about some of the background of the mannerisms and customs of the people living in the Bible times. It helps to give me a greater understanding of what it is I am reading.
Excellent resource!
Reviewed by (Crystal Samples, GRANVILLE, OH, United States) - I have been a student of the bible for over 35 yrs and thought I'd pretty much heard it all. I was wrong. Nelson's Bible Manners and Customs is excellent at bringing out the day to day customs and living habits of the people we just read about in the bible. After I received and installed it, I thought I would just browse it for a bit but ended up reading for over an hour about how Abraham and Sarah lived while in Ur. Fascinating stuff!
Great Book
Reviewed by (William Booth, Altha, Florida, US) - I've been waiting for this book for some time and am glad to have it as an addition to my library. I teach class and have been using Nelson's New Illustrated Bible Manners & Customs almost every day of my studies and it has been a great help and aid. Thank you so much for making it available.
If ya gotta know
Reviewed by (Douglas Godbey, Quinby, Virginia, USA) - Why was it so important to know about how Israel lived and viewed their surroundings? It is needful to fully understand what went on in David's life, and Abraham, Paul, Amos, Isiah, Elijah, and so many others.
This book is filled with tidbits and essays telling about the mindset and habits of the Hebrew. Essential for a fuller understanding of the Bible and the people God Loved so much.
Excellent e-Book/Addition
Reviewed by (Donald Johnston, Springdale, AR, US) - This resource is easy to use and navigate using e-Sword. I enjoy physical books, but most of my tools are now electronic. This makes it very easy to carry resources and reference them as needed. It's a quality product. I find it as easy to use as a printed book and in some cases easier to bookmark, reference, etc.
Another useful tab
Reviewed by (Philip Webb, Derby, Derbyshire, UK) - Another very useful supplement to my collection of resources. Not the level of illustrations that one would get with some modern books but still a very helpful and useful resource that throws more light onto the background of the passages.
Nelson's New Illustrated Bible Manners & Customs for e-Sword PC
Reviewed by (Craig Scott, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia) - A great little addition to E-sword. Helps immensely in understanding the background and meaning of many Bible texts. A great introduction to life in Bible times. Well worth getting.
Good Resource for Cultural issues I need in translation.
Reviewed by (Mark Cain, GREENWOOD, Delaware, US) - When doing Bible Translation, I am always needing to look up cultural issues. It is nice to now have pictures with the helps.
Offers good insight
Reviewed by (Scot Hartwell, Gold Bar, Washington, US) - I really like this commentary as it adds pictures and historical annecdotes to my study of the scripture. I would definitely recommend it to all believers.
Knowledge leads to understanding!
Reviewed by (Gerard Neault, Biddeford, Maine, US) - Understanding the culture and the times when the books of the Bible were written increases the understanding of the teaching involved. Understanding what the people heard in the context of their culture leads to a greater depth of understanding.
Pithy and pertinent
Reviewed by (Winston White, Nelspruit, Mpumalanga, South Africa) -
Nelson's New Bible Manners and Customs is a handy quick reference tool to understand the background of any Bible text. It s pithy and pertinent, but still provides in-depth detail. It will answer many puzzlng questions about apparently strange behaviour and explains the customs of the day and their relevance to the Bible texts and therefore to us. They give a greater depth of meaning and understanding to Bible study. As a lay preacher I find it useful in better understanding the text and therefore in sermon preparation.