Reviewed by (Manuel Gonzalez, Pahrump, Nevada, United States) - Great reference material with Jewish perspective.
Reviewed by (Bob Mahurin, Glasgow, KY, United States) - Great source for insight from our Jewish friends view
Reviewed by (Caleb Schmidt, Marshall, MN, United States) - This a key commentary for understanding Jewish traditions, customs, and old testament connections in the new testament.
Reviewed by (Tom Dyer, Lynnwood, WA, United States) - We recently heard a couple Messianic Jews about biblical understanding and interpretation. We never would have considered their observations because we know next to nothing about the culture in which most of the New Testament writers lived. The value of studying the bible an awareness of the culture of the time. This commentary helps understand much of the story much better by explaining the background and helping us see aspects we would never have noticed.
Reviewed by (Richard Palmer, Columbus, MS, United States) - I had so many questions about customs, sayings, and the teaching of Jesus as well as Paul. The Jewish New Testament Commentary, by David Stern, has opened an entirely new world to the life of Jesus and his disciples. When the New Testament is approached from the Jewish words and meaning the questions that I was asking became abundantly clear. It helps you to understand the teachings of Jesus, the everlasting covenants of God to humankind, that the land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people and that the Torah has not been abolished. You will also understand that the New Testament is a New Covenant that compliments the Tanakh (Old Testament) as they flow into each other. You will also learn that some of the teaching of the Christian church does not always teach or answer questions correctly due to the lack of Hebrew word knowledge. The commentary helps you to understand that the New Testament is a Jewish book--written by Jews and was meant for both Jews and Gentiles. Jesus was a Jew; all his disciples were Jews and almost all the early Christians were all Jews. So, Jews should know that the New Testament presents Yeshua (Jesus) as the Son of David, Israel's long- awaited Messiah, essential for Jewish individual and corporate salvation. Christians should be certain that they are forever one with the Jewish people, and that the New Testament gives no ground for anti-Semitism in any form. I also bought the Complete Jewish Bible for e-sword that was completed by David Stern as well. If you truly want to know more about God and about his great love for you, I will highly recommend that you purchase both books for e-sword.
Reviewed by (Susan Mills, Atlanta, GAA, US) - The Jewish New Testament Commentary by David Stern is a fundamental tool for every serious person studying God's Word. Mr. Stern is a reputable Bible scholar giving a Jewish perspective of the New Testament, which is invaluable to know how the 1C Jewish believers would view the New Covenant. Highly recommend this tool.
Reviewed by (Ron Bingham, Carrollton, Texas, United States) - Not to say that the Old Testament of the CJB isn't really Good but the New Testament of the CJB, with its commentary makes it obvious that the author likes to turn the New Testament into a partial commentary by adding words that aren't there to promote his agenda that Jewish people (and many non-Jews would try to follow) need to continue keeping the Law of Moses despite the fact that there are many many scriptures that say, for instance, that it has been "rendered inoperative"; that the New Covenant is now the Rule of Life in place of the Mosaic Covenant which nothing was to be added to it nor taken away. If anyone reads, for instance, the Book of Hebrews, it shows there have been changes between the structure of the "old" and "new" covenants. These are now changes in the "old" but a New Covenant with Israel that is not a "supplement" to it nor a "renewal" of it nor a parallel to it because that would make the two contradictory in many points. God does not contradict Himself.
Reviewed by (Tom Callaghan, Gaston, SC, US) - finally having this resource in electronic format and integrated into eSword is great!
I have had the print version for years and used it regularly for adult and youth bible study groups and Sunday School lessons. Now in electronic format, it will help me make more complete use of preparation time and apply that time to actual preparation and not reformatting the commentary for use in handouts. Group discussions now can be aided by advance notifications that cite quotations and sources. Already used it for the first time in this regard and am totally pleased with the experience.
Excellent resource!
excellent resource
Reviewed by (William Kayter, Costa Mesa, CA, US) - excellent resource. great insights from a Jewish perspective.
Adding a Jewish prespective
Reviewed by (Ron Gratehouse, Austin, Texas, USA) - The Jewish New Testament Commentary adds a Jewish perspective to the understanding of the New Testament. While they are commonly called the “Christian Greek Scriptures”, we must remember they were written by 1st Century Messianic Jews. There are two millennia separating us from the writers generation. Our way of thinking is totally Western, but the New Testament is an Eastern Book, written by the Jewish believers in Yeshua the Messiah, Jesus Christ. This commentary helps you recapture, not only the Jewish flavor, but even the meaning and intent of the original writers. It will enrich your study of the Word of God.
Reviewed by (Luis Morales, Bogotá, CUNDINAMARCA, Colombia) - A messianic jewish vision of the New Testament
Pastoral help
Reviewed by (Suresh Abraham, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India) - As a Pastor I am so blessed to get this study resource
Reviewed by (Rich Shade, Erie, PA, US) - Good commentary. I have the hard copy but because I do a lot of blogging and have a channel on Disqus I use the sources of esword to make my points. This is another bullet in my gun.
Reviewed by (Ram Vandereay, Handan, Hebei, China) - This is an amazing product... I love the insights.
I live in China where the availability of products for one to study the word of God is VERY limited, as always I find the sources for e-sword to be of the greatest importance. If you're reading this comment please think about how fortunate you may be to live in a country where you can access the word of God without restrictions.
ok... Now I understand
Reviewed by (sharron Clark, Poulsbo, WA, US) - I can now read 3 dimensionally, here's an example, concerning Romans 16:1 The usual English term for this office is "deacon," which transliterates the Greek word; and the closest Hebrew equivalent is "shammash" (Yiddish "shammes"),...
This is reading with understanding. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR GOOD WORK
Good resource
Reviewed by (Mark Hermes, Cabot, Ar, US) - Looked first at Matthew 1 and what it had to say about the genealogies of Jesus. Very informative. Has very good background study. I recommend having it with your E Sword.
Reviewed by (Ira Hargis, Sapulpa, OK, US) - The Jewish Commentary on the NT, gives fresh insight into the New Testament.
Being use to mostly Anglo-Saxon commentary, this is a very useful and helpful Commentary.
Reviewed by (Tony Espino, Imperial, CA, US) - It's a commentary worth having. But there are some books of the Bible that contain no commentary portion. So for this fact the commentary offered no insight into the book I was studying. But skimming through I enjoyed what I read and will use it when I study other books.
Complete Jewish Bible Commentary
Reviewed by (Sarah Allen, Ruffinn, Ruffin, nc, US) - Wonderful bible Excellent for bible study.
Worthwhile purchase
Reviewed by (Paul Richardson, Pillar Valley, NSW, Australia) - I really value the added Jewish/Hebrew insights that David Stern is able to bring to what has been a Christian Scripture. I have used his insights in both a teaching and preaching capacity. I first bought the book, but am very pleased to have his work added to e-Sword
Excellent Commentary
Reviewed by (Dan Price, Madaba, Madaba, Jordan) - This is an excellent commentary, which utilizes the proper understanding of the Jewish roots of Christianity, thereby providing better insight into the writers' background and thoughts.
Excellent Help
Reviewed by (Darwin Steele, Lafayette, CO, US) - I am in school and this resource has been able to give clarity on several questions and customs. That was the reason I purchased this in the first place and it has lived up to those expectations.
Great Resource
Reviewed by (Jeff Bell, Bakersfield, CA, US) - Another great resource with insight from a different perspective. This is where it's unique and I'd recommend for anyone.
Messianic Judaism
Reviewed by (Gordon Hodgson, Wamuran, Qld, Australia) - Insightful look at the "true" Jewishness of the Bible. Helps in understanding what is really going on with God's Covenant. Explains why the last portion of the bible is a continuation of the Covenant(s) God has with his people. The Christian Church is identified as a part of the Hebrew faith and not separate from it.
After purchasing a hard copy of this commentary, I found the additional cosr worthwhile since it makes access to it some much easier. The Complete Jewish Bible is an essential part of this purchase also
Understand what writers meant
Reviewed by (Cezary Niewiadomski, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) - It is very insightful to learn what original writers had in mind when they used words to describe theological concepts. Obviously their vocabulary was limited, but learning their background and thought patterns of the Hebrew people, helps so much to understand the message of the Bible. Another important factor is to learn idioms used in wiring. We take it for granted but we use so many of them and everyone knows what they mean. But for those who learn another language it is so obvious that every language is made of idioms, therefore we should learn do discover the difference between precise expressions and idiomatic ones. The Commentary helps me a lot in understanding the Word of God. Active links save lots of time in checking up references and transferring biblical text to any other document (preparing sermons, Bible study materials, discussion papers) or to the Web. e-Sword is a wonderful tool and eStudySource resources complement it in every possible way. Could not wish for better Bible tools.

Reviewed by (Anthony Clark, Port Augusta, South Australia, Australia) - Wonderful
I highly recommend it
Reviewed by (Andrei Enache, Kirkland, WA, US) - It took a while to get used to the Jewish names and words, but I think that the author explains very well the letters of Paul, taking into consideration the Jewish customs and way of writing. He quotes rabbbis and Christian scholars, when he interprets a text, he gives the literal translation and the other interpretations. I like it a lot.
Cons: he uses Jewish names and it could be distracting at first.
A Must Have!
Reviewed by (Pastor Kim Kee, Akron, Ohio, US) -
This is a must have for any student of the scriptures. It restores the Hebrew thought back to the scriptures which renders a more complete understanding of any subject matter. You wont regret having this commentary.
best commentary
Reviewed by (Mark Wilson, Tyler, TX, US) - Stern's commentary opens up the world of the Master and his disciples. His explanations of the thorny issues brings clarity not found in standard theological lines. His scholarship is outstanding and his clarity superior. This is the first commentary I would recommend in a library.
a MUST commentary
Reviewed by (JoAnne Stanley, Crossville, TN, USA) - This commentary helps to straighten out misunderstandings present in New Testament teachings. The writers of the N.T. were Hebrew speaking Jewish people and their idioms, their perspectives on the real message don't always translate easily into English. Couple that with centuries of the doctrines of men and we need help understanding our Bible. This commentary, especially if read along side the Complete Jewish Bible will energize your studies and fire up your spirit! Highly recommended!!
Reviewed by (Al Bedard, North Branch, MN, US) - The CJB Commentary gives a wonderful insight and perspective to the Word for who are not Jewish in background. I recommend both the CJB and its companion Commentary to all who study God's Word.
JNTC Review
Reviewed by (Bettye Naler, Owens Cross Roads, Alabama, US) - I have not used my JNTC extensively but have benefited from the few times I have used it. I am looking forward to getting even more insight as I study the NT.
A fresh viewpoint.
Reviewed by (Douglas Godbey, Quinby, Virginia, USA) - The book offers a different view point to the Second or New Testament. Contrary to the teachings of the past, Jesus was (and still is) Hebrew. Much of what we read nowadays comes from Bible scholars that view things from a Western position. This is NOT to say they are (or were) wrong, just not completely correct about the finer points in the Scriptures. The Bible was written in Hebrew, by Hebrews, thinking in ways the modern Western world doesn't. This book comments of the Scripture from a Hebraic Christian Scholar's mindset. It opens the New Testament in a different way than Gill or Matthew Henry does. Well worth the cost because it can add another facet to the Christian life.
Verbal Distractions
Reviewed by (Ken Chant, Werrington, NSW, Australia) - I've not read enough of the commentary to make a truly informed judgment. But I did take a first look at it today, choosing at random Galatians 5:11. I was at once irritated by a cluster of pompous verbal distractions that added absolutely nothing to the value of the exposition. In two short paragraphs there were several occurrences of Sha'ul and Yeshua, plus a clumsy "execution stake".
If the remainder of the commentary is equally replete with such linguistic pretensions, I will be too annoyed to make much use of it.
Reviewed by (Dr. John Nordman, Devonport, TASMANIA, Australia) - The Jewish New Testament helps in all the areas I have used so far to help in the understanding of the text when teachings others.
It's easy application and resource will find itself used by many who wise to better understand the Word of God.
Great Commentary
Reviewed by (Alice Sumner, The Woodlands, Texas, US) -
I've used this commentary in book form for many years and I am so happy that they finally have it for E-sword. You will get a whole new viewpoint of the New Testament Scriptures from a Jewish perspective. You will come to understand phrases that have perplexed most Christians because they are Jewish sayings. This book will really open your eyes and help you in your studies and in understanding our Lord, the Apostles and the early Church much better. Thank you once again eStudySource for giving us great products to help us understand the Scriptures.
Reviewed by (W.L. Smythers, Galax, Va, US) - Great for seeing the jewish background and meaning of the word. A great tool for the pastor or the teacher
Jewish New Testament
Reviewed by (Virgil Nolen, Durham, N.C., US) - Jewish New Testament
Jewish new testament commentary
Reviewed by (Janet Ellen Shen, Yishun south, Nil, Singapore) -
I am glad JNTC is now available digitally so I can access where ever I go. I hve a hard copy of JNTC.
An Excellent Insight
Reviewed by (Stephen Jovanovic, Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand) - This is an excellent commentary to use alongside the Complete Jewish Bible (CJB) when wanting to look at Scripture from a Jewish perspective. I believe David Stern has achieved this. The History behind the Scriptures are a valuable insight to Jewish thinking, and moreover very helpful in gaining understanding from a historical/cultural perspective in exegetical study.
Three Stars.
Jewish New Testament Commentary for e-Sword PC
Reviewed by (Doug Dickson, Bush, LA, USA) - Jewish New Testament Commentary for e-Sword PC.
Just what I was looking for in a New testament Commentary. well worth the cost.
Recommended buy
Reviewed by (Crystal Samples, GRANVILLE, OH - Ohio, United States) - For those who are interested in exploring the depths of the riches of the Jewish background of the New Testament, this is one of those commentaries you should own. I knew Dr Stern and studied with him in California. He is a faithful biblical scholar and man of God.