Reviewed by (Walter Jones, Selbyville, De, US) - I have enjoyed the Complete Jewish Bible so far. I am not a Jew, and I was afraid it would be full of rabbinical error, but it is not. It is solid and while the naming conventions are different, being Hebrew instead of using English naming. It doesn't so much "correct" the English as it does try to preserve the flavor of the Hebrew texts in English. I haven't taken the opportunity to look at the New Testament part yet as I am using it to help with my current study in Isaiah. All in all, I like it.
Reviewed by (Andrei Moscopol, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada) - I heard about this translation of the Bible and I am interested in having an alternate Bible text. It enriches my Bible study and my knowledge of the word of God.
Reviewed by (Don Winders, San Jose, CA, United States) - It is very well written in both the Old and the New Testaments.
Reviewed by (Manuel Gonzalez, Pahrump, Nevada, United States) - Great reference tool with reference to Jewish customs and language. Definitely recommend.
Reviewed by (Manuel Gonzalez, Pahrump, Nevada, United States) - Great reference tool with reference to Jewish customs and language. Definitely recommend.
Reviewed by (Virginia Wills, Fayetteville, Arkansas, US) - The Bible is missing the Parashah readings. I have found one word that is not correct.
Reviewed by (Michelle Swan, Etna, CA, US) - I really appreciate the variety of study materials, bibles, and resources eStudy has. It is very simple to purchase a resource and download it. I highly recommend them.
Reviewed by (Don Winders, SAN JOSE, CA, United States) - Exceptionally good.
Reviewed by (Richard Crain, CHEYENNE, WY, WY, United States) - I have found this version to be very interesting and useful in my studies. Easy reading and understandable. Not my every day user but definitely a go to for comparison and reference.
Reviewed by (Doug Dickson, Bush, LA., USA) - I'm enjoying a really enjoyable translation of God's Words.
Thank you
Best bible version available!
Reviewed by (Veríssimo Costa, Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil) - I have my first jewish bible on a hard cover! I have bought it in Jerusalem!
Aiding to restore the cultural context of scriptures
Reviewed by (Angel Marquez Ortiz-Girona, macon, GA, United States) - This is my go to version of the Bible. I enjoy learning the Hebrew words for cultural connotation of things. It really helps put things from a Jewish perspective. This is a great Bible if you are looking for strengthening the validity of the scriptures. If you've heard that Jesus is in every chapter of the Bible and are interested in finding out if that is true. Start here!
Some of the words used in English are for an audience with a larger more intellectual vocabulary. However, I think this could be a positive. Hopefully when the reader comes across a word they don't know, like I have, they will look it up in the dictionary instead of asking someone. The reason is because although the words used might not be a word we use everyday. The word has a certain grouping of ideas or feelings that give context to the situation. This is a good entry point to studying any language because as we all know the Bible was originally written in Hebrew & Greek. So looking up a word I don't know in a language I'm familiar with is less scary than a word I don't know in a language I'm not. However, I have found the exercise to be the same.
Also remember Paul's letter are contextually translated not literally translated. So if some things don't read as you are use to seeing it in traditional versions understand that is the reason. For more information on this subject read this article: I'm not sure if e-sword has its own article like this. This is just the first article that came up when I searched for information on the topic of bible translations. The bottom line is if you are using a program like this to study then you are a modern day disciple of Jesus or Yeshua. So let's encourage each other on this journey for this is what spreading the good news is all about making disciples not winning converts. Thanks for reading this, hope this helps. I love you very much. Keep at it!

Very Nice
Reviewed by (Larry White, Highland, AR, US) - I like the Jewish slant.
Excellent translation
Reviewed by (Tim Felgate, Leven, Fife, United Kingdom) - An excellent translation, that has become my preferred bible. ??
Easy to Read and Understand
Reviewed by (Marcia McCance, Stanley, North Carolina, United States) - I've only had this Bible for a short time, and I have many different translations which I consult when I run into a verse that carries a question in my mind. What I have discovered is that the CJB has a point of view that often seems to make more sense, to me. The language is not lofty, it is more plain spoken which I think is a bonus when I am comparing verses. I just love e-Sword and use it write Bible studies and the CJB is a great addition to my resources.
Complete Jewish Bible
Reviewed by (Derrick Ford, Waldorf, MD, US) - I purchased this set a while ago, and forgot that I did, and then when I saw the offering I purchased again. But this set is so good to have as a resource, I didn't mind that I purchased it twice. This is a very good resource.
Great addition
Reviewed by (Donald Kastner, Winchendon, MA, US) - This has been a great addition to my library. It gives me a different perspective.
Reviewed by (Ernest Daniels, Clarksville, Virginia, US) - The reading material which I purchased is a joy I've been looking for and recommend that you think about getting it yourself. The complete Jewish Bible and the Jewish new testament commentary is a blessing. Both additions to my e-Sword program is very helpful and needed. Please take the time to review and order the books.
My Go-To Bible
Reviewed by (Ricky Jackson, Sautee Nacoochee, Georgia, US) - The CJB is my go-to Bible. I use the ESV and KJV+ nearly as much, but the CJB keeps the Bible in the Hebraic context instead of making everyone Greek. It's not perfect; none of them are perfect; but it's a very easy to read Bible without losing the original intent.
This is my third time buying the CJB for eSword. I have also bought many CJB Bibles in print, mostly for gifts, and I have the CJB New Testament on audio. The importance in being able to compare all the different versions side-by-side in eSword can not be overstated; it's one of the most powerful features.
A deeper understanding of the Word
Reviewed by (David Zamudio, St. Louis, MO, US) - The CJB reveals details of scripture that guide me to a deeper understanding of His written word. I learn from the ancient Hebrew words a more direct translation of the meaning.
It's important to understand
Reviewed by (Matthew Witowski, Hammond, IN, United States) - I believe that it is important to understand the Jewish cultural context of the events and words of the New Testament, and this helps tremendously with that.
It's an important translation
Reviewed by (Matthew Witowski, Hammond, Indiana, US) - I study several translations of the Bible to fully understand God's Word, because I don't believe any one translation is perfect, but if you look at a handful of translations of problem passages, you'll get the message. This is a unique one that helps us better understand the Jewish cultural significance of the actions and words of our Lord.
A Very Interesting Translation
Reviewed by (Stephen Jovanovic, Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand) - A translation which gives both a Jewish perspective and understanding which is generally not seen in other translations makes this Bible very interesting. It gives an insight that one would not get from anywhere else, and therefore makes a big difference to interpreting Scripture, and the meaning of the Text.
Just what I expected
Reviewed by (Mary Hayes, Harrison, Michigan, US) - Product was easy to install and use
Reviewed by (Jesse Lizotte, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada) - It is a great Bible to use i do however wish that the bibles where free. I have a mac book and spent the money to buy it.
CJB digital review
Reviewed by (Carol Foster, Mentone, CA, United States) - Easy download, easy of use and great addition to my digital LOGOS library
Reviewed by (Johannes Steyn, Athens, Texas, US) - Great study hel[ and I enjoy reading and using is. very helpful.
The Word Told In Jewish Style
Reviewed by (Roger Black, Bellevue, Nebraska, US) - It is enlightening to read in modern English language the Complete Jewish Bible interpreted in plain modern English in the style and interpretation on a Jewish stand point. While I have my goto translation, it is nice to read the freshness of the Jewish Bible translation.
Reviewed by (Robert Baker, Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom) - An excellent Bible with good references to content.
A good addition to the libary.
Great Version of the Scriptures
Reviewed by (Ronald Gratehouse, Austin, TX, United States) - I have had a hard copy of the CJB version for many years. I have found it true to the text, easy to read, and most important, it adds a Jewish flavor to the text that helps to get acquainted with the Jewish Rabbi, Yeshua, that we call Lord and Savior, Jesus, the Messiah. Great to be able to have an e-copy with me on my iPhone, and iPad. Highly recommended.
Excellent resource.
Reviewed by (Gary Martin, Winton, CA, US) - I have had this resource, in book form, for some time and found it to be an excellent 'go to' product for clarity and conciseness in study, especially from a Jewish point of view.
David Stern's Complete Jewish Bible anywhere I go!
Reviewed by (Elbert Coleman, Houston, TX, United States) - I use the complete Jewish Bible as my main scriptural resource. To have it on esword is a treat! Only thing keeping it from being 5 stars is that it should have the weekly Parasha and haftorahs and besora reading marked as in the book copy.
Great companion to kjv
Reviewed by (Tracey Mickel, East Prairie, Missouri, US) - I truly appreciate all of your hard work to put different versions at my fingertips. I wanted it so I got it and I am 100% satisfied with eStudySource and E-Sword. Been using E-Sword on pc for many years.
Complete Jewish Bible
Reviewed by (Brook Gowin, Troutdale, OR, US) - This is an excellent source for needed insight in understanding the Jewishness of the Old and New Testament.
However it is too bad that the Complete Jewish Bible with Study Notes is not available
Reviewed by (Daveed Warren, Crawley, West Sussex, England) - Esword is the perfect study tool, I use Esword most days.
The JCB (Complete Jewish Bible) is a bible that every believer in Yeshua (Jesus) should have in their collection. This Bible uses the proper Hebrew names of the people and places.
Amazing Bible Resource
Reviewed by (James Jones, West Alexandria, OH, US) - e-Sword is by far the best Bible program available today. For any level of study.The CJB adds a new level of understanding to Scripture for me.
Reviewed by (Steve Foust, House, NM, US) - First time purchase, was a little worried about the process... simple and easy to use. Worked easily with E-Sword and am enjoying.
Very Enlightening
Reviewed by (Paul Nelson, Kalispell, MT, US) - Download into eSword was flawless. This version has become our new goto version over the King James, which had been our trusted source for several decades, For example, the CJB translation regarding Isaiah 59:18-19 was prophetically enlightening. We are so glad we made this purchase. If you are Hebrew Roots and studying Torah, this version will help immensely.
Best Real Study Scripture from the Hebrew perspective.
Reviewed by (Yosef Shimon, Tar Heel, NC, US) - Out of all the scriptures I have read and studied from, the CJB is the best. This scripture is from the Hebrew perspecdtive and not from the Catholic sources including the KJV. Dr. Stern has done a wonderful job in creating this scripture.
Good, but not quite
Reviewed by (Royce Bell, SAN BERNARDINO, California, United States) - Remember, it's a one-man translation and comes with his textual biases glaringly evident. If you are okay with that--and I am, since I correct on the fly--then have at it. If you don't know the difference between aleph and alpha, or you depend on whomever you are using for your insight, then be careful. Be very careful.
more truth
Reviewed by (Joseph Littell, PEARLINGTON, MS, US) - Want more truth in a translation from the Greek original? Ever wonder why most of the Jews in the new covenant are given gentile names? Anyone wonder when Saul changed his name to Paul you can find the event in the book of Acts and it happens like this "also known as Paul" and is then Paul in other translations but you get more truth in this translation, not prefect but much better, so one step at a time until the deceivers are in the rear view mirror. HALLELUYAH!! HALLELUYAH! HALLELU YAH!
Reviewed by (Dee Fabricant, Bulverde, TX, United States) - We have used this bible for years. It is a great tool for a deeper insight into the Hebrew understanding of the scriptures. After all, even the "new testament" was written by Jewish people!
My Journey
Reviewed by (Donna McCuskee, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada) - As a student and teacher of GOD'S Living Word, The Complete Jewish Bible for e-Sword compliments my library of necessary materials in seeking out the GOD of the Israelite's and my GOD as a Gentile. The Complete Jewish Bible brings to light a greater understanding of who my Creator GOD is. Whether you are an occasional reader or a very serious seeker who desires a deeper, intimate walk with JESUS this Bible is a must. Thank you for asking, Respectfully ----- Donna.
CJB Review
Reviewed by (Linda Buhse, Tin Can Bay, QLD, Australia) - I have downloaded the Complete Jewish Bible and am thoroughly enjoying it. This Bible opens scripture up so much - passages that had me scratching my head trying to fully understand it, now is much clearer in this Bible. My husband and I love e-Sword and do our best to spread the word of the work you are doing in the name of the Lord. With the addition of eStudy this is a great package. Well done, and we hope God richly blesses you.
Complete Jewish version love
Reviewed by (Gloria Caldwell, Inman, South Carolina, US) - I love this version because it leave the Jewishness of the Bible intact without any antisemtic translations. I am enjoying the version in e-Sword for my daily study. I love the app to do bible study wherever I am at any time. It brings joy to read and study Gid’s Word.
Complete Jewish Study Bible
Reviewed by (Trevor Turner, Perth, Western Australia, Australia) - A great addition to my Bible collection. I have the Complete Jewish Bible in hard copy and this addition to E-Sword makes my studies so much more interesting from a Jewish perspective.
Very Useful
Reviewed by (Kaz Jowett, Upper Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand) - Helps deepen my understanding of the bible. Appreciation for the Jewish roots of my beliefs.
Real Insight
Reviewed by (Chris James, Plymouth, Devon, United Kingdom) - As with all e-sword products it links well into the software. This bible uses Hebrew (English spelt & pronounced) names for people and places. This means I take more notice of what the scripture is saying because I do not skip over or take words for granted. Having e-sword helps me as I am very visually impaired so my pc can read it to me.
Very pleased
Reviewed by (Ruby Barras, San Antonio, Texas, US) - I am very pleased with this translation. I have a better understanding of what God is saying. Very clear and in common language. I am also interested in Jewish thought on the Scriptures.
Best Bible ever!
Reviewed by (Shannon Wheatley, Charleroi, Pa, USA) - It is the easiest version I have come across. Very easy to understand and read.
Great Resource
Reviewed by (Victor Mazalu, Tanjung Bungah, Penang, Malaysia) - The product is as good as described in the advertisement.
The one I use 98% of the time
Reviewed by (Ricky Jackson, Havelock, NC, US) - I have 16 Bible versions on my eSword but this is the one I use almost all the time. I have it for another PC laptop (separate purchase) and on my iMac. I could probably count on one hand the number of errors in the CJB that I've found but translating the Scriptures is not an exact science and Dr. Stern has done an amazing job overall. It's easy to read, will help you learn some Hebrew (transliterated), and you don't hear the people speaking in an old English accent in your head. :) I have four hard copies of the CJB as well as the CJB New Testament audio version (no OT yet). Bless you for making this amazing tool available!!
The Jewish perspective
Reviewed by (Neill Kling, Bunbury, WA, Australia) - The Jewish bible takes us back to the very roots of our Christian heritage, reminding us the stump of Jesse, the shoot growing from it, and our dependence on a Jewish Christ...
The text turns us back to a middle eastern understanding, our mirror for reflection the gospel as it was written.
Closer to G_d
Reviewed by (Anthony Rimmer, Liverpool, Merseyside, UK) - This is a brilliant resource. The words the way Yeshua would say them. Brings the bible to life using the original language. It's brought me closer to YHWH and closer to Yeshua.
Loving this version
Reviewed by (Lynn Aleshire, Anchorage, AK, US) - I wanted to try a new version to mix things up a bit in my regular reading because I felt I was missing some cultural depth. I have learned new insights daily reading this version which gives a Jewish perspective. Especially helpful is looking at it in Parallel.
Great Resource
Reviewed by (Esther Whitaker, Carthage, IN, United States) - I was already using the Complete Jewish Bible as an alternate translation in my studies. Since I use eSword quite a bit, it just made sense to go ahead and purchase the electronic version for my usage in eSword.
High Fives
Reviewed by (Matt Price, Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand) - In a world where time is always so short, eSword enables me to get more study done in the time I have. The code seems efficiently built, super quick and great usability. Its very affordable and I'm not having to pay for a raft of apps and add-ons I'll never use.
The Bible is a Hebrew/Jewish book and its therefore great to have a modern translation written with as much of the important Hebrew nuances and idioms and metaphors restored
All but...
Reviewed by (Michelle Levandowsky, Scottsdale, Arizona, US) - The only thing missing is the real name of God where Adonai is used. It is like we are making the same mistake the prophet warned the ancient Hebrews about; forgetting Jehovah's name.
Reviewed by (DOLLA MATHEE, KRUGERSDORP, Gauteng, South Africa) - The Complete Jewish Bible is the main Bible we use during Midrash on Shabbat, along with the Linear Hebrew Bible This is the BEST combination to get to the TRUE meaning of the WORD
A MUST for the serious Bible student
Reviewed by (Ian Neilson, Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand) - The Complete Jewish Bible is a brilliant addition to the Bibles available on e-Sword and is a must have for all serious Bible students. I have found it most helpful to compare this Bible with others when I am studying the scriptures as it gives a great understanding of the words from a Jewish perspective. If I was downloading for the first time, knowing what I now know it would be the second Bible i downloaded.
Extremely pleased!
Reviewed by (Scott Marchman, Fayetteville, Georgia, United States) - I have been studying the Torah now for 3 years and having this translation has been extremely helpful in my studies. The process for downloading was simple and quick. Thank you!
Fabulous Translation
Reviewed by (Lawrence Daher, Oberhofen, Berne, Switzerland) - This is a translation that every Pastor should have in his arsenal. This translation comes from a Jewish mindset, making many unclear passages jump out with amazing clarity. I highly recommend the commentaries by the translator, Dr. David Stern as well. Amazing.
I Love the CJB
Reviewed by (Rocky Collins, Tacoma, WA, US) - It's complete, it's Jewish and it's a bible! Seriously though it's written in plain and simple language that even I can understand. No inconsistencies I've noticed as of yet. I usually parallel with the AMP bible before going deeper, makes it easier when Jewish names I'm not familiar with yet pop up. All in all a very good translation that I use everyday. Love it!
New Bible
Reviewed by (Jon Hewitt, Northern Victoria, Victoria, Australia) - I wanted The Complete Jewish Bible and as I still have trouble finding my way around the Bible, I have since found that getting as an electronic bible it really is great.
It's easy to use and find my way around, I would highly recommend it for anyone that likes electronic devices.
helpful resource
Reviewed by (Winston Shu, Sugar Land, Texas, US) - I use it as a secondary source for comparison with a mainline translation such as NIV or ESV. When there is a difference, I'd do further research and see if there is some insight. For example, Luke 2:7, "inn" is translated "living-quarters", indicating Joseph and Mary may be staying in someone's house.
I plan to read through the NT of this version this year.
5 Star
Reviewed by (Theodore Tavora, Rochester Hills, Michigan, US) - Very pleased, helps to clarify the original meaning. Minimizing translation implications.
Complete Jewish Bible
Reviewed by (Bihop Robert Paris, Modesto, California, United States) - This is an easy to read and understand version, I have it in a hard copy and yes I often use it in Preaching.
The best translation of the entire Bible to study from
Reviewed by (Judith Sanders, Cochran, Georgia, United States) - I am so happy to have this translation on e-sword. I believe it is the best one to study the Hebrew words that were spoken in that time. I also have a leather bound Complete Jewish Bible of my own that I read daily and now to have it in this study format makes me very happy.
Great Deepth in Learing Curve
Reviewed by (sharron Clark, Poulsbo, WA, US) - "Adonai appeared to Avram and said" Sometimes when I read the familiar Bible names... their story unfolds in an instance...Reading "Adonai" or "Avram" has focused by brain with renewed hunger for God's Love Story.
A great source of the origins
Reviewed by (Magdy Galal, Garden Grove, California, US) - It is a real blessing to read the bible with the original words spoken or written on those great and anointed days of scripting what the Holy Spirit gave to the writers of the Holy Book.
I am greatly touched.
Thanks to e-Sword for making all these treasures available to us.
Reviewed by (Milton Bulian, Jacksonville, NC, US) - This is the translation I've been waiting for. It has the readability of the New Living with the cultural integrity of the Jerusalem Bible. It just makes sense to me to understand the original culture from which the Gospel emanated. By reverting back to the original Hebrew and Aramaic names, it brings it closer to the original culture in which this phenomenal event was spawned. There is power in the Name!
Reviewed by (Nancy Moiss, Wilmington, NC, US) - I love this Bible. I love spending hours working with e-Sword and use it to grow as a Christian and to prepare lessons as a teacher of children as well as adults. Every resource is at my finger tips and the CJB has greatly enriched my knowledge of God's Holy Word as well as increasing my faith. I feel the CJB sheds more light on Jewish customs, prospective and language.
Study to shew thyself approved
Reviewed by (marcus sudberry, cleveland, ohio, US) - I am finding this source to be an excellent aid to interpreting scripture.
Fabulous Perspective for Bible Study
Reviewed by (Mark Merritt, Fiddletown, California, US) - I teach both a Sunday school class and a home Bible study... We are currently studying the Book of Luke in one and the Book of Matthew in the other... Dr. David Stern's "Complete Jewish Bible" (CJB) offers a Biblical translation from the perspective of a Messianic Jew... It has provided the basis for lively discussions in our classes... We have particularly appreciated the transliterations that help us understand the Biblical reverence for God and His various Names that is often lost in other English renderings...
Please also consider Dr. Stern's "Jewish New Testament Commentary" (JNTC) as a companion to the CJB... It is available as an E-Sword module... Jesus and His first disciples were practicing first century Jewish people... The Gospel stories, the Book of Acts and the flavor of the NT letters come alive... Dr. Stern's comments are eye-opening to those of us who do not have a Jewish background... The combination of the translation in the CJB and the commentaries in the JNTC allow us to climb into many of the scenes in the New Testament as observers or even participants... Those perspectives would otherwise be unavailable...
I highly recommend Dr. Stern's work to anyone who wants to understand the Bible from the point of view of those who wrote it and who are recorded in it...

Torah Portion
Reviewed by (Richard Day, Melbourne, Florida, US) - Yes I like The complete Jewish Bible on esword however I purchased it so that I could read the weekly Torah portion. What I found out is you can only access Bible Chapter and verse. I am putting the whole years Torah portions under topic notes, and will just look at them for reference unless I figure how to link it to the correct chapter and verse.
Reviewed by (Douglas Foster, Mentone, California, United States) - Great aid for studies.
Restoring original names to scripture
Reviewed by (Michael Leavitt, Esko, Minnesota, US) - The Complete Jewish Bible restores the actual Hebrew names for people in the bible, along with the names of actual places such as Beit-Lechem (Bethlehem)house of bread. If you are interested in discovering your Jewish roots of the Christian faith, this bible will help you understand the Hebrew language a little more. You will need to use the dictionaries and the glossary that comes with the bible, and after some study you'll be amazed at how much more understanding of our faiths roots you have.
Yes! A Must Have
Reviewed by (Tony Espino, Imperial, CA, US) - ? Mmm. How can I put this....
Personally this translation has been better than any commentary I've read. I believe that Dr. Stern's translation embodies the character and Spirit of God's written Word. Every person that I have shared this with has smiled and asked where I got this. They love it. My mom who has been walking with the Lord for over 45 years cried and she read some of her favorite passages. It very accurate and has become the translation that I read and study from. If you enjoy reading and studying the Bible then get this Jewish translation and see for yourself.
"Heb 4:12 See, the Word of God is alive! It is at work and is sharper than any double-edged sword — it cuts right through to where soul meets spirit and joints meet marrow, and it is quick to judge the inner reflections and attitudes of the heart.
Heb 4:13 Before God, nothing created is hidden, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of him to whom we must render an account."

The Complete Jewish Bible for e-Sword
Reviewed by (Byron Flint, Cedar Rapids, IA, US) - The Complete Jewish Bible for e-Sword is one of the latest additions I've made to my E-sword software. I have in all, 54 different versions of the Bible, 50 of which are in my E-sword software. Along with 17 different Bible dictionaries, and 22 different commetaries, and yes I do use them all. The Complete Jewish Bible for e-Sword offers a slightly different perspective on many things that the Christian only angle often doesn't offer. It's a good asset and resource to have available to me when I do my studies.
Reviewed by (Gary Labounty, Edmonds, Washington, Presently in Italy) - I was very happy with the fast down load of the Complete Jewish Bible. I have not used E-Sword enough to find all the things I want to learn to use as yet. I am very excited about using it to take my notes, research and find bible verses much faster. I hope to start writing articles in the future, one will be "The blessings from Trials". Thank-you with all my heart for the creation of E-sword, You are definitely a doer of the Word. May God continue to bless you with the ability to continue helping others in the use of this software to increase their learning and gaining wisdom in Gods work.
A Necessary Addition
Reviewed by (joseph guarnieri, niagara falls, new york, US) - This product is a necessary addition to my e-sword package. Since we are worshiping a savior who was born into a Jewish family, it is essential to understand as much about his background as possible. The complete Jewish bible achieves this. And having it in the e-sword package on my computer, it integrates well with the various English translations.
One Of The Best
Reviewed by (Judy Colella, Altamonte Springs, FL, US) - I bought the Jewish New Testament (paperback version) by Mr. Stern and we used it for our Children's Fellowship because the translation was so clear and well-written. I've found the Old Testament in this electronic version every bit as good - the fact that both Testaments are translated from the Hebrew make them exceptional in terms of accuracy as well as clarity. I would recommend this version of the Bible to anyone and everyone, especially for those who have trouble with understanding the King James English. The Complete Jewish Bible not only gives the Hebrew names as originally written, but because of its source, has (in my opinion) greater accuracy than anything taken from the Latin and/or Greek, both of which were themselves translated from Hebrew. Why not use the actual source of God's words? Beautiful book, written with heart. Worth it at any price.
The Jeshua Approach
Reviewed by (John Dalziel, Powell River, BC, Canada) - I had friend in Vancouver, a Messianic Jew, who spoke about the New Testament in a way that breathed life into it. I experienced the same feeling as I read the Christmas story in the Complete Jewish Bible. Don't overlook the pronunciation guide that comes with it.
Scripture Studies
Reviewed by (Jack Taylor, Washington, Michigan, United States) -
My parents came from a Christian background but we weren't as faithful as we could be. My religious training was almost non-existent.
Now in my later years I find the need to learn and practice what I allowed to pass me by. I have begun (about 2 years ago) to study the Scriptures from the beginning. In their source language of Hebrew and to avoid any translation shortcomings of others. (incidentally I am now learning Biblical Hebrew)
E-Sword has afforded me the opportunity to compare various versions and interpretations of the Scriptures. I am also looking at or for denominational differences and their causes.
I am so thankful that E-Sword was developed and that it offers all that I can imagine.
Brilliant Bible
Reviewed by (Johanita Jordaan, Gordonsbay, Western Cape, South Africa) - It's a brilliant bible - thanks.
Reviewed by (Clifford Ferreira, Kestell, N/A, South Africa) -
Since working on and with E-sword program I have had tremendous pleasure as a missionary doctor het in a remote area of South Africa where it is quite difficult to share problems and find answers from other brothers or sisters who are "on the WaY" (Acts 9:2) with Jesus. The Complete Jewish Bible and KJV with Strong's gives a lot of insight. Thank you for a wonderful privilege.
Excellent choice
Reviewed by (Heather Chettle, Port Macquarie, NSW, Australia) - I'm very happy to be able to include the Complete Jewish Bible in my eSword study program, as it gives me a translation from a Jewish point of view about the events surrounding Jesus' life, and his history. Being able to include this version on my iPad is a great benefit to me, as I travel and study.
Back to basics
Reviewed by (Anthea Long, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa) - I love the Complete Jewish Bible for e-Sword as the Holy Spirit uses it to shed more light on the meaning of English to get more revelation on the Word of God
Reviewed by (Beth Mehaffey, Mechanicsville, VA, US) - I've used CJB for several years now but I finally got the e-Sword version on my laptop and on my iPad. I really love the portability of having it on my iPad. For those new to CJB, Hebrew names and locations are a bit different but easy to adapt to. It's nice to have another translation to compare to at my fingertips. It's also a great price!
Great Translation
Reviewed by (Joshua Jones, Norcross, GA, US) - Though it takes some getting used to, if you have a great fear & reverence of our Heavenly Father, you'll really enjoy this translation; especially for parallel studies.
Good Reference for Messianics
Reviewed by (Bill Patton, Minneapolis, MN, US) - Stern's CJB is a great reference for Messianics, or Hebrew Roots people who want to get closer to the 1st Century faith. No more greek Jesus, but Yeshua the Lion of the Tribe of Judah! This work helps clear up the misconceptions of Sha'uls's writings (Paul), and thouroughly grounds the new testament writings in their Torah source.
Reviewed by (Hans-Martin Rommel, Muenster, Hessia, Germany) - excellent, a great help to find the original Hebrew text and meaning.
The Complete Jewish Bible
Reviewed by (Rhonda Brown, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, US) - Received this book. It has been a great help to myself and my husband. We recommend this to anyone wanting a deeper walk with God
Name of God
Reviewed by (Walter Mueller, Hong Kong, SAR, China) - I like this version very much, especially since it gives the original name of our Savior, Yeshua, as the Angel commanded Yosef in Mathew 1:21.
Furthermore, it also shows clearly that Yeshua is the express image of the Father - Yahweh in the flesh, called Adonai in Exodus 3:15; John 1:23; Mark 12:29-30...; and why Yeshua could say: John 10:30 “I and my Father are one“. John 6:46 “Not that anyone has seen the Father except the one who is from God — he has seen the Father”; John 14:9 Yeshua replied to him, "Have I been with you so long without your knowing me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father; so how can you say, 'Show us the Father?”). So, Yahweh could say to Yahweh/Yeshua: “sit at my right hand”.
It's a brain twister, and I can understand why the Jews were ready to stone Yeshua for blasphemy. Our pea-brains can't really understand Eloheem' unless He reveals Himself?
Every member of JW should own and read this version!

great version
Reviewed by (Lynne Clark, Bundaberg, Queensland, Australia) - I am so glad I downloaded the jewish version, it just reads right and I feel as if I am getting closer to the real word of God, the truth from the culture that Jesus was bought into and under, awesome, thank you and God bless you
Complete Jewish Bible
Reviewed by (Margaret Phillips, Fredericksburg, Texas, US) - Very interesting to read from a Jewish perspective. You have to get used to a change in names, but that is really minor. Some things are better translated, being literal word-accurate.
Reviewed by (Dave thomas, Mossel Bay, Western Cape, South Africa) - Extremely enjoyable to read and study from. Gives light on many scriptures and I feel an intimacy with God's Word that i haven't noticed or felt before.
Good system
Reviewed by (MItch Billington, Vancouver, WA, United States) - E-sword is a great program. Downloads that are controlled by e-sword are quick and easy. The Complete Jewish Bible is another translation that one can use for Bible study. It is disappointing that in some instances the author defers to rabbinic teaching (Exodus 23:19, Exodus 34"26 and Deut 14:21), translating "gedi" as "young animal" instead of "young goat", but over-all it is as good of a translation as NIV.
More than worth the cost.
Reviewed by (Larry Andrews, Sierra Vista, AZ, US) - The CJB shows insight in Jewish historical context.
Can't Study Without the Tools of e-Sword
Reviewed by (Michael Maloney, Colorado Springs, CO, United States) - As a disabled person, e-Sword has proven to be a tremendously valuable tool and help in my studies. Interestingly, it seems that everybody I tell about e-Sword, ends up downloading and using it. Thanks and blessings to you!
Overheard in a Jewish Delicatessen
Reviewed by (Jean Doi, Lake Bluff, IL, US) - What fun. I began in Genesis, and it was like eavesdropping on old Jewish men talking about what happened at the beginning. As I read, I'm listening to an almost light-hearted explanation of each of God's six work days, and after each is added, "and that is how it was."
There are many turns of the phrase just different enough from what you're used to reading that it invites new reflection.
Proper nouns are given in Hebrew, often with their meanings in parentheses, and that,too, gives pause for reflection.
And just when you start to speedread because you think you know this stuff, a new word appears to slow you down. For example when God said, "Let there be lights in the dome of the sky to divide the day from the night," the word "dome" was new to me, so I looked it up to see how it related to firmament/arch/sky.
Things may not be so light-hearted when I get to Leviticus, but I am finding this a wonderfully refreshing way to read Bible passages you've read before, and I'm happy to have it.

Good Addition
Reviewed by (steven emison, midland, texas, US) - Very good, an easy to read and understand. Enjoy the Hebrew names of people and places. A good addition to my e.sword experience.
Great Study Tool
Reviewed by (Eric Stephens, Boaz, AL, 35957) - I have owned Dr. Stern's Complete Jewish Bible on paper for several years now and I will now be using it extensively in e-sword as well. I highly recommend this translation to help the reader hear what the original Jewish audience heard when Jesus (Yeshua) was teaching as well as Paul (Shaul)and the other apostles. Having the Tanakh with the personal names are they are pronounced in Hebrew is, to me, very helpful. I love this translation.
Excellent Resource
Reviewed by (Scott Dickson, San Angelo, TX, US) - My family and I are reading the bible, cover to cover, this year. This resource is an excellent one, as it bridges a linguistic gap, that exists between Christianity and the original Judaistic (beliefs/customs/word usage) of our Lord and Savior, Yeshua.
Fresh Understandings
Reviewed by (Tom Rice, Yeovil, Somerrset, England) - I found this version excellent and have already begun to understand more clearly as I have examined verses against other translations. One new key of understanding opens the doors of God's Treasures and helps us get excited about the Word and learning all over. Every Key opens a new door to wisdom and I know much wisdom will be gained by this translation.
The CompleteJewish bible
Reviewed by (Virgil Nolen, Durham, N.C., Usa) - The Complete Jewish Bible
Study Source
Reviewed by (Renate McWright, Live Oak, TX, US) - Excellent study source for those who wish to study the Scriptures through the Hebraic lense. I use this Bible in a Torah Class I teach as it helps new students to find their way around in the arrangement of the Hebrew Tanach versus the Christian Bible. I also like the fact that it is one continuous work rather than two separate covenants. The pagination is continuous even in the New Covenant to show the connectivity of the covenants as spoken of by the Prophet Jeremiah.
Advise needed
Reviewed by (Tovah Wilks, Myrtle Beach, SC, US) -
I Purchased the CJB June 2010 and thoroughly satisfied with it. I have the hard copy too! But I love it with my E-Sword! Thank you!
e-Sword for the Bi-vocational Pastor
Reviewed by (Aaron Johnson, Dolomite, Alabama, US) - I'm a bi-vocational pastor which means I have to manage my time wisely. I can get on my laptap on my lunch at work, and work on sermons or bible studies. The e-sword bible software gives me access to bible translations, word studies, commentaries,etc, at a very affordable price. This is a blessing for the busy bi-vocational pastor on a tight budget. It doesn't take up all the hard drive space like some of the other bible softwares and it's user friendly. I look forward to using more e-sowrd products in my ministry. Thank you for the service you give to the Body of Christ.Aaron Johnson.
Torah Portion Notes
Reviewed by (Les Ward, Waynesville, NC, US) - I have enjoyed the CJB translation for sometime but I am new to the eSword product. I was glad to see that the CJB was available for eSword. I do miss the notes within the text that indicate information about the Torah portion boundaries. Perhaps this will become a feature added later. The CJB installed without issue and seems to be very well integrated into eSword. Thanks for providing this product.
Better Understanding of Scripture
Reviewed by (Lynda Burress, Candler, NC, US) - The Complete Jewish Bible brings a better understanding of other versions, such as KJV, NIV,etc. The New Testament in a jewish perspective. A wonderful addition to anyone who seeks to reach a better knowledge of the scriptures.
Reviewed by (Nancy Tye, Grandview, Texas, US) - I love this along with the Hebrew downloads, its helping me learn the language.
Excellent Resource
Reviewed by (Bettyanne Holland, Meredith, New Hampshire, US) - I like to use several Scripture versions when I study and this one adds so much to the understanding of the original words and cultural nuances. I highly recommend it.
Reviewed by (Robert Cousart, Yakima, WA, US) - I have had e-sword with many translations and commentaries for a couple years now, including The Complete Jewish Bible. I just recently bought The Complete Jewish Bible for my laptop because I like taking it to the Torah study on Sabbath. Just wish I could get The Jewish New Testament Commentary on e-sword. Thanks so much for these resources. God Bless You.
Reviewed by (Michael M, Lenexa, KS, US) - A favorite translation and one that focuses on Hebraic thought. Very useful to me in comparitive references.
The Complete Jewish Bible for e-Sword PC
Reviewed by (Charles Lee, Jax, Fl, US) -
I wished there are words to express my excitement, I am so hungry, this is so great, I can hardly believe I have it now. If you are serious and want to learn more,this is it! I love it and I am truly enjoying digging into God's Word every day. Thank You for making it available. I recommend this Bible to everyone.
A Very Relevant Resource
Reviewed by (Angela Heess, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia) -
This Complete Jewish Bible helps the reader to connect with the cultural, historical and religious understanding of the Jewish people. Through it, we can come to see the Word of God in a context that helps connect us to the people who came to know the Mighty God millenia ago. The reader can also achieve a laymans understanding of the meaning of some words that have been interpreted with perhaps different nuances than originally intended. I find this to be an invaluable resource, it has become an important part of my personal Bible study and has helped me to delve deeper into the words that out Heavenly Father has passed on to us to aid us in our faith-walk. Those who are searching for information on the Bible for historical, cultural or scientific understanding will also gain much through using the Complete Jewish Bible.
Unprecedented Resource
Reviewed by (Judi Jones, Abilene, Texas, US) -
I am amazed at the depth of the resources that are now available for e-Sword. One of the features I like best is the ability to quickly and easily compare any versions or translations I choose. In addition, e-Sword has made referencing various concordances, dictionaries and commentaries as easy as the click of a mouse. I especially like that I can choose any number of translations and incorporate them into my study.
I cannot begin to tell you how pleased I was when I saw that you have this Bible on e-Sword as I have a Yeshiva in S A and this is the best Bible to use for the teaching of the Hebrew Roots. Be blessed in all that you do.
Purchase of CJB bible for PC
Reviewed by (David Banks, Marysville, CA, USA) -
Overall satisfied with the purchase. Very easy to install. Installed first time. Used product key from email, typed it in, and I was ready to commence studying. Will recomend to friends.
The Complete Jewish Bible VS Other Translations
Reviewed by (Ralph Easter, Mount Airy, NC, US) -
I have read a great deal of passages from this version and I think that it is a well translated version of the Hebrew Scriptures. I believe that it was written especially for my orthodox Jewish ancestors more than the gentiles. If you are looking for a transliterated version, then I think The Scriptures would be the better version. I have studied the Hebrew language and I am learning to translate the Hebrew into English and I prefer The Scriptures over The Complete Jewish Bible for myself. I am a Hebrew biologically and by faith a Messianic Jew. Both Versions are written for the Messianic Jew but again The Scriptures is the better version for accuracy. The two ultimate translations are The Scriptures and the King James versions by far. Well, enough said about that, I hope that this review will help someone choose the right version for themselves.
John 8:31-32
Reviewed by (Charles Wetzel, Watford City, North Dakota, US) -
e-Sword coupled with this Hebrew perspective of Yeshua's Word has opened many many doors and shed light in areas of YHVH's spoken and living Word that I believe no other translation has been able to do - The use of the names of the Creator in their true form instead of the blanket use of "LORD" greatly clarifies areas of study that the King James version and others of the like have not been able to do in the past. Whether we claim to be Catholic , Protestant , Messianic Hebrew or the blanket name of Christian, we all are seeking to worship and obey the GOD of the Hebrews (Defined - those that have crossed over). Its time to cross over.
Review of purchase
Reviewed by (David Sheard, Droitwich, UK, UK) -
In these days when nations come against Israel and so much of the "church" is led astray in replacement theology, it is essential to understand the Hebrew mindset and culture. The Complete Jewish Bible goes a long way to help us achieve true context. Thank you to those who have made this possible.
Unexpected blessing!
Reviewed by (Clem Davidson, Ekurhuleni, Gauteng, South Africa) -
31 years ago I found that God knows me and I began to want to know Him. As the Holy Spirit enabled, I began even to understand the Authorised King James Version of the Bible, which had always been "closed" to me. Then I was blessed with a NIV Study Bible and understanding began to flood. Years later, as I became 'bolder' in my use of a computer, I discovered e-Sword! Hallelujah! King James, Amplified, The Message, Matthew Henry's Commentary, Albert Barnes' Commentary - all tore away the "frame" within which my relationship with God and my fellows had been confined.
Then I experienced that 'thing' that computers do best, CRASH! So I lost my Amplified, my only cash purchase up to that time. Starting again and wanting to load another Amplified, I 'found' the "Complete Jewish Bible". Fascinated, I bought it instead and found it to be a wonderful Door, opening into vistas of insight that I had not even hoped for!
What a blessing, often to suddenly find an affirmatory, new understanding of the phrase that I'm reading - never 'totally new' but always 'strengthening' of that which I already understand. It's as if Jesus, in the Holy Spirit, wants me to KNOW that He always has better things to discover in that which I think I have already fully explored. Recently, a virus destroyed my computer again. My first purchase, after loading e-Sword to the new Laptop, was another CJB. Thanks to Adonai, Yeshua, the Ruach HaKodesh and Rick-His-servant, for the blessing of understanding, Amen!