Reviewed by (Gary Molloy, McMinnville, TN, US) - I used the Life Application Bible several years ago. I had forgotten how good it was. It gives "life applications" to the Scriptures in a way that some of my other commentaries do not. It is a perfect companion to my other commentaries.
Reviewed by (Dylan Truswell, Newcastle, Nsw, Australia) - Great study bible, very insightful. Helps to apply Scripture to every day life.
Reviewed by (Dakota Heck, Tazewell, TN, United States) - Good resource to have! Really gives you a practical application of the scriptures.
Reviewed by (Charles Gray, Wishek, ND, United States) - This was a great addition to my library with esword.
Reviewed by (Julius Lenhart, Slatington, PA, United States) - estudysource is by far the best study material I’ve used on this life’s journey. It’s in depth analogies of Scripture, Cross reference material, maps and commentaries are excellent. My use of the resources are mainly as a second witness for what’s already been revealed to me by GOD’s Holy Spirit. Thanks to the excellent work of many faithful historians, theologians, archeologists and writers who methodically compiled all the information provided.
Reviewed by (Kenneth Zdrodowski, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA) - They don't want to deal with eschatology (end time prophecy). The bypass major doctrine like the rapture of the Church (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17)and they say in 1 Th 4:16, about the voice of an archangel, and I quote "Michael is the only archangel mentioned in the New Testament (see Jud_1:9; Dan_10:13; Dan_12:1). That's not true, the archangel Gabriel is mentioned "Luk 1:19 And the angel answering said unto him, I am Gabriel, that stand in the presence of God; and am sent to speak unto thee, and to shew thee these glad tidings". Strongs mentions Gabriel as an archangel ". Gabriel gab-ree-ale' Of Hebrew origin [H1403]; Gabriel, an archangel: - Gabriel. I should of known by the cheap price.
Reviewed by (Charles Udekwe, Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria) - The Life Application Study Bible Notes for e-Sword has rejuvenated my excitement around study of the word. I have it loaded on my PC and my mobile device so I am able to continue my study and reflections whenever I have a few minutes to spare. I strongly recommend e-Sword and even more so this study note and bible companion.
Reviewed by (Ervin Alexander, Orlando, Florida, US) - Love Love Love this resource! I really like how it gives application in context that is very plausible to not just the book you are reading, but the whole Bible. It really provides good analogies to use that are during our time.
Reviewed by (Nigel Hewitt, Eastbourne, East Sussex, UK) - Estudy is my go to when I want to get deeper in Gods Word for decades
Reviewed by (billy davis, oshawa, ontario, canada) - this was good recourses.
Great Commentary
Reviewed by (Rev. Juvinar Santiago, Leduc, Alberta, Canada) - This is one of the friendliest and easiest commentary I’ve ever had using E-Sword Bible software. The wording is easy to read and understand. Worth it as part of your e library for research and studying the depth of the scripture.
excellent resource
Reviewed by (William Kayter, Costa Mesa, CA, US) - excellent resource
Beautiful Commentary!
Reviewed by (D Orr, Ashburn, Virginia, US) - I used to be a missionary living in West Africa and often studied the Word at night using a flashlight or candlelight. Now, years later, I am so blessed to be able to use e-Sword on my Mac and iPhone where I have access to endless Biblical resources! I was blessed then and I still am!
I recently purchased the Life Application Study Bible Notes for e-Sword and wanted to share that it is one of the most beautiful and wonderful commentaries I have ever used. I use many others, but find myself going back to this now, new favorite aid. Being able to select a Bible passage and instantly having the Life Application notes synched up with that scripture reference is completely amazing. And I am grateful to the e-Sword team who make this possible for me and countless others!
Thank you!
Jesus is Lord!
Easy to read
Reviewed by (Kevin White, Eight Mile Plains, QLD, AUSTRALIA) - Once again an easy to read production with some valuable insights into God's word. A valuable addition to any library.
Very good sorce
Reviewed by (Chan Smith, bedford, ky, US) - I have been wanting this for awhile now and finally got it. I am glad I did.
Reviewed by (Chan Smith, Bedford, Ky, US) - Very good study bible. I love e sword products. Very easy to read and use.
A must for everyone
Reviewed by (Blasio Gonsalves, North Hyde Lane, Southall, UK) - Life Application Study Bible (LASB) is the must for every person. I am using it more than 10 years and now I am glad it is available on Mac and also on android. I also do enjoyed downloading it and using on my KJam imate phone (old version). Thanks to e-Sword for availability of this LASB study notes.
Reviewed by (Bernard Petrie, Liverpool, Merseyside, United Kingdom) - Very informative and an excellent help to sermon and Bible Study writing.
Great Commentary
Reviewed by (Mark Munter, clanton, al, US) - Great commentary, in my opinion one of the best! Only downside is since it isn't verse by verse you have to figure out which verse is being commentated on. Other than that great for studying!
All that I say is LAB
Reviewed by (Blasio Gonsalves, 155, North Hyde Lane, Southall, UK) - I have been using LAB (Life Applicable Bible) since 1998. I read and trying my best to apply it in my real life. I used to note & type it down on sms (short message system) and send to my friends as encouragement dose. Now all that I have on my Mac, easy to copy and paste; easy to read as font size can be adjustable; and very helpful. I still wonder if "Index to Personality Profiles" is included into this package. If not I am expecting into the new version.
swift installation
Reviewed by (Randy Fee, Caldwell, Idaho, US) - As soon as I hit download the program was there. I did have to end the program and then reopen. I am now learning how to use the notes that I purchased but I like what I have seen so far..
Reviewed by (deborah jefferson, houston, Texas, United States) - It's a good study application in my New Testament study. I am just amaze on how much I'm studying the word God and using the life application to do a deep study of the word along with my other commentaries.
Life Application Study Bible Notes
Reviewed by (Ben Wilson, Mountain View, CA, US) - .
An awesome app
Reviewed by (Bridget Duncan, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa) - Eztremely helpful when you do bible studies
Reviewed by (L J, Birmingham, Alabama, USA) - Great product, very informational and great addition to my e-sword suite of books.
Excellent Study Source
Reviewed by (Lynette Fowlston, Paris, Tennessee, US) - Leading q women's Bible Study Group, I have found this to have very valuable information in it while searching different subjects. It has helped me to answer questions that they ask. I would recommend it.
Reviewed by (Mary Anne Vogel, Harrington, Delaware, United States) - The notes are great and adding so much to our studies of Colossians. They are clear, understandable and loaded with meaningful information to help me guide our adult class into knowing Christ as Supreme Creator, the One who embodies the Godhead. I am newly acquainted with these materials NLT Life Application Studies: Colossians and Philippians , Ephesians and Galatians and was typing the notes until I saw eSword had them! WOW!! THANKS!!!
Reviewed by (Douglas Anayabere, Port Moresby, NCD, Papua New Guinea) - Awesome and very useful application. It adds the vast knowledge of scriptures that would otherwise be a lifetime study but at your finger tips. Thank you so much. It is a blessing...
Great tool
Reviewed by (Tom Reston, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom) - Since Windows 7 and 8 came out I have been unable to use my Christian software. As a Pastor, now retired but still active, this has been a real problem to be able to paste good notes into my sermons or in helpful summaries for other people enquiring about Christian difficulties with Bible interpretation. Now with E-Sword and the wonderful products that you can purchase that work so well with E-Sword, I can work with Windows 8.1 and still produce the notes via E-Sword. Thank you. It is a wonderful tool for busy Pastors, who need to be able to print out Bible information to help others in their walk with Jesus Christ.
Great help
Reviewed by (Daniel Berres, West Bend, WI, USA) - Great help for bible studies
Good Experience
Reviewed by (Earl Drayton, Victoria, TX-Texas, US) - My last purchase was the same as all of my previous purchases; quick and seamless. Keep up the good work guys. Shalom
New Christian
Reviewed by (Lyn Mariluch, St George, UT, US) - I am a fairly new Christian (2 years). I have been studying using the New Living Translation Life Application Study Bible daily for 2 years because it made things easier for me to understand.
This year I have started reading the NKJV but if a concept is a little confusing I turn to the NLT and the study notes.
Thank you for helping a new Christian.
Digital vs. paper LASB notes
Reviewed by (Scott Brummett, Lincoln, IL, US) - My wife and I both use Life Application Study Bibles in the NIV and NLT translations and love them. I am a student at Lincoln Christian University which requires me to make in-depth Biblical studies, for which I use e-Sword. When I saw that the LASB notes were available, I jumped at the chance to slim down on space and weight in my backpack. The digital notes are the same as they are in print. I still prefer my actual Bible, but this just what I was expecting; not inferior except in layout, and the feel of paging through The Book, which couldn't be duplicated with the structure of the e-Sword program. In all other respects, it's the same. I recommend it.
Bible study
Reviewed by (Gary Cooper, Oakland, Tennessee, United States) - Excellent resource to e-Sword. It gives me a better insight to verse study. I recommend e-Sword to everyone. Thank you for such a great product.
No Name
Reviewed by (Thomas Fairhall, Bowraville, NSW, Australia) - Excellent Product easy to use
Reviewed by (Linda Larsen, Macon, Ga, US) - I do a lot of teaching and facilitating Bible studies. When I am preparing for a class, it is so convenient to copy and paste from E-Sword onto my presentation notes. What a time-saver from typing the material straight from my bible!
I was introduced to this resource by a friend who was also excited about the convenience of using the program. Was she ever right!
Absolute best tablet study source
Reviewed by (Carl Williams, Palisade, Co, US) - Excellent study guide, easy to maneuver from daily inspiration to bibe verses to commentaries to definitions. I love having so any translations available, while reading I cn simy flo back and forth between several translations. I hav recommended e-source to several people and will continue to do so.
Review of application bible
Reviewed by (Ross Metcalf, Bright's Grove, Ont, Canada) - Very helpful in understanding OT. Use with the NT Application Bible
Often gives quick understanding to a passage that other more detail commentaries pass over. Recommended for every series bible student.
Great Commentaries
Reviewed by (Enoch Daniell, Fayetteville, GA, US) - Excellent commentaries to help study and have a better understanding of GoMy Entryd's Word.
Reviewed by (Cat Truss, Merritt Island, Fl, Bravard) -
I was so happy to start using Life application study bible notes right along with my e-sword. Posting my bible studies online and sharing them has become so much more easy and my readers are understanding God's word better with the foot notes from LASB
thanks so much for having this available!!!
Reviewed by (D Fitz, Harrison, MI, US) - This has been an excellent addition to my Bible study library. Very easy to understand.
E study source
Reviewed by (Carol Brown, Kings Meadows, Tasmania, Australia) - I am very happy with e study source. It is excellent to study and I shared the communion service a few weeks ago about Christian fellowship communion book of Acts 2:40 to 47 on life application study bible on NASB. After the church then people told me "You did a very good job". I was very pleased. I want to say thank you for this and I am very appreciated. God bless you.
relevant study aid
Reviewed by (B D Barker, kenosha, wisconsin, US) - Very practical study aid. Would like to see comparable help using the hebrew renderings of the Scriptures with keys for hebrew idioms and words of meaning
Great tool for preparing lessons!
Reviewed by (Terry Slone, BIRMINGHAM, AL - Alabama, US) -
I recently loaded e-Study onto my pc and have been thrilled with the application. I teach a Sunday School class and e-study has been a great help in lesson preparation. I recently added the Life Application Study Bible Notes to my e-Study library and have found it to be a great help. All of the Bibles and commentaries in e-Study are excellent and so easy to use. I am anxiously awaiting e-Study for android! Thanks for making this great tool and these great resources available. God Bless you and your ministry!
Reviewed by (Johan de Bruin, Boksburg, South Africa, Republic of South Africa) - I am using the Life Application Study Bible for years and find the notes helpful during verse studies. To have it available electronically is convenient and most helpful.
life application commentary NT
Reviewed by (MARK Dominguez, campbell, CA, US) - Life Application Commentary is a well balanced and awesome commentary. It clearly presents the Truth.
Very Practical!
Reviewed by (Crystal Samples, GRANVILLE, OH, United States) - If you are preparing a devotional or practical application sermon - this may be your first stop. This tool focuses on ways to apply scripture and does it very well. I would heartily recommend it.
My Bible studys
Reviewed by (Cindy Flores, Sunnyvale, CA, USA) -
I feel so blessed to use e-sword as a learning tool to learn more about the Bible.
Excellent Insights
Reviewed by (Lynn Betts, Cheyenne, WY, US) - The Life Application Study Bible notes contain excellent, bite-sized insights. They're good for personal devotional study as well as preparation for sermons or Bible study sessions. One of the best bargains available for e-Sword.
Great Bible Notes
Reviewed by (John Feliciano, Longwood, Florida, United States) - Thank you for having this awesome resource at such a low price I have been Blessed with this and all the other resources I have purchased before.. God Bless you..
Reviewed by (Sharon David, Roseburg, Oregon, US) - I was a little disappointed that there aren't more comments on various scriptures.(Only reason I gave it 4 stars.) It does say "Notes" in the title, I should have known. I have the book form of the Life Application Bible Commentary for the New Testament so am a little spoiled by full content. I am not sorry I purchased the "Notes" though. Still able to get good thought provokers.
I love Life Application's application. :) So any of their books are always a welcome addition.
Easy to understand
Reviewed by (Filipe Teixeira, Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal) - Easy to understand and useful. But not too deep in their analysis ...
Reviewed by (Ted Agombar, Kenora, ON, Canada) - Great addition to my e-Sword resources...
Reviewed by (Ayo Ogundahunsi, Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA) - e-sword has really been a blessing to me!
For studying, there is no parallel, and though I am not pastor nor teacher, every christian that want to grow needs to have a tool like this.
There are so many features that i don't even know which one to mention.
LASB Notes
Reviewed by (Jim Cantrell, Tishomingo, Ok, US) - Another valuable tool
Worth reading and useful when studying the Word.
John 8:7
"This is a significant statement about judging others. Because Jesus upheld the legal penalty for adultery, stoning, he could not be accused of being against the law. But by saying that only a sinless person could throw the first stone, he highlighted the importance of compassion and forgiveness. When others are caught in sin, are you quick to pass judgment? To do so is to act as though you have never sinned. It is God's role to judge, not ours. Our role is to show forgiveness and compassion."
God Bless,
My Best Study & Devotion Companion
Reviewed by (Dennis Dion Torrevillas, San Juan, Metro Manila, Philippines) - The LASB is providing me the understanding and knowledge whether I'm having my personal devotion or deep study of the Bible, whenever and wherever. With it I'm becoming more enthusiastic in reading the Bible and being apt to share the gospel to other people who needed to hear them. It's a tool that helped me grow tremendously as a believer and as a minister of the Word of God.
Liofe Changing Application
Reviewed by (Samdoe Gill, Foley, AL, USA) - The Life Application Study Bible Notes for e-Sword has been the most enlightening addition to my E-Sword program. It is written in such a way that it is very easy to understand and apply. The Life Application Study Bible Notes have become a very helpful tool in helping me understand and apply bibblical truths to my daily life as I read through the bible each day searching for my nugget of truth.
Help Understanding the Bible
Reviewed by (Barry Featheringill, Sullivan, IL, US) - I have recently purchase the Life Application Study Bible software for my computer. This software is exactly like the notes that are in the hard copy Bible. Rather than have to carry around the bulky hard copy this software makes it simple to look up verse notes and helps greatly with daily bible study or when searching for life impacting words from God.
It is well worth the cost and I feel that if you are serious about reading and understanding the word of God this will be a great help
God's Blessings
So Blessed
Reviewed by (Agnes Vanderslaghmolen, Phoenix, AZ, US) -
I am so blessed to have the LASB notes on my laptop and computer. I've an online ministry and people Skype-call me or email me with questions. Now I can quickly go at e-Sword and find the right answers, instead of taking the big heavy bible study book with me wherever I go. I thank eStudySource for this precious resource. e-Sword is a real blessing for Gods Kingdom and for every believer who want to know more of who God really is.
As an european woman, I know several languages and so, I love the different bible-languages that I can read. Maybe soon, I can find a second and newer netherlands bible (NBG.)..who knows?...*smile*
The maker of e-Sword and all around him, are really Blessed and I keep you all in my prayers. I know you all are so Beloved in God's eyes.
Reviewed by (Weston Greene, New Hill, NC, United States) - Very relevant and easily applicable. My sole compliant is that i had expected more background to what the notes extrapolated from the Word. I was hoping for a quick summation of the original relevance to the original audience before the modern interpretation.
Life Application Study Bible Notes for e-Sword PC
Reviewed by (Stephen Bowman, Waterford, CA, US) -
This is so readable it should be in everyones library
Truth relating to applications in daily living
Reviewed by (Raymond Tan, SIngapore, SIngapore, Singapore) - The life application study bible notes has been useful for me in my laptop as I use it to prepare some of my sermon notes and personal learning. It also saves me some convenience since I need not bring along a thick life application study bible. Many of the applications are useful and can be applied to our culture and the struggle we face in our lives today that God's truth is still relevant to us today in many ways.
Reviewed by (W.L. Smythers, Galax, Va., US) - Great for teacher or student of God's word
Reviewed by (Keith Guinn, Jackson, TN., US) - Awesome! Really like how the LASBN makes things clear.
Excellent App for God Chasers
Reviewed by (Kimberly Perry, Phoenix, Arizona, US) -
I am very pleased with the Life Application Study Bible Notes, I truly have all that I need for effective study with out the help of the internet. Yes internet has good results, but there are a lot of times when you are places that you don't have access, and this program along with all the other tool from esword is truly worth the investment. So if you want good study any time and any where, download the extras and use them to your advantage. It is great for new belivers as well as Pastors and Leaders. Thanks eStudySource - it is well worth it.
Reviewed by (Betty Williamson, Fayetteville, Georgia, US) - I am enjoying the use of LASB. It is user friendly and boy do I need user friendly. I enjoy eStudySource materials everyday. I love to study God's word and this web site along with all of the study guides are a great help to me.
I like particularly about LASB that it is simply stated, short and to the point.
Great Footnotes, now in electronic form!
Reviewed by (Mark Knipping, Minneapolis, MN, US) -
I have a NIV Life Application Study Bible (LASB) so that is what I am using as a comparison.
The LASB is absolutely fantastic! It has been indispensible for me and my walk with the Lord. It has SO much information (footnotes, Book outlines and themes, character profiles, etc.) that it, just as its name suggests helps me to apply God’s Word to my personal life. The best example I can give is when I am reading a Scripture text and I ask “What does that mean?” or “How to do apply this principle to my life?”, then right down in the footnotes, there’s the answer! It’s awesome!
This product has the same footnotes and Book outlines and themes as a LASB, so it’s really useful in answering the questions I noted above. The best part is that it is part of eSword! So, now I have the footnotes with me on my computer. Plus, and here’s a surprise I learned this morning, you can format them so they aren’t as small as in a LASB, and that makes them much easier to read, and easier to read means easier to understand and apply to my own walk.

Reviewed by (JOHN BALOYI, johannesburg, gauteng, south africa) -
The study of life application does clear ones view about God's view from our own view no mater how one is highly gifted
Simply clear presentation of facts
Reviewed by (Taylor Holley Sr/, Winnsboro, Texas 75494, US) -
Great insight for the verse by verse information contained in God's Word. Concise, clear facts from God to each of us who read and study His word, who might not connect the information from God. Very understandable in a few words. Easy to follow the writer's train of thought in the verses covered.
Excellent for stimulating application thoughts
Reviewed by (Thomas Nite, Ringgold, GA, USA) -
As a teacher of Preaching courses in the former Soviet Union I highly recommend to my students that they use this resource to stimulate their own thoughts for application of Scripture to their lives and to the lives of those who hear them teach and preach. It is an excellent resource for anyone who is serious about taking his Bible study to the practical level of application. Try it and you will love it. I do.
WOW!Great study tool for studentsand scholars.
Reviewed by (Willie Rabb, Greenville, South Carolina, United States) -
The Life Application Study Bible is a treasure every serious Bible student should have. Once you start to use it you can't see yourself doing without it. A great aid and tool for learning and spiritual growth. Love it!
A superb resource
Reviewed by (Simon Bell, Hanwell, London, United Kingdom) -
As I find with most e-Sword and e-Source materials, they are easily downloaded and seamlessly installed. This is a a quality downloadable publication with clear notes that fully expound what the verses have to say, with the added bonus of e-Sword's readily accessible cross referenced verses. All in all I have no hesitation nor reservations in recommending this at all. The whole concept of the publication is that it is something ever growing. Absolutely fabulous!
The best available Bible commentary
Reviewed by (sunil varghese, pune, maharashtra, India) -
i bought this module from and it's worth it. Thanks for this wonderful software. Looking forward to a long association with you. Be Blessed.