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Christian Standard Bible® for e-Sword


B&H Publishing Group


5 Stars

The Christian Standard Bible® (CSB) is the revision of the Holman Christian Standard Bible® (HCSB). 

(Note: previous customers of the HCSB may download the CSB at no additional cost using your HCSB downlaod credentials.)

Some translations are accurate to the original but tend to be clunky and hard to read. Other translations are easy to read but stray away from important precision. Bible translation should never compromise on accuracy or readability. The CSB translation team is passionate about ensuring that ancient truths are communicated to a modern audience as faithfully and clearly as possible.

On one hand, the CSB provides a highly accurate text for faithful sermon preparation and serious study, translated straight from the biblical languages by scholars who love God’s Word. On the other hand, it does not compromise readability and clarity for those who may be less familiar with the traditional (and sometimes difficult) vocabulary retained in some translations of the Bible.

We also know that God’s Word is meant to be shared. A translation that balances fidelity and readability opens the door for every believer to share the Bible with someone who has read it for a lifetime, or with someone who has never before encountered its life-changing message.


“The Christian Standard Bible provides a clear trustworthy translation of the Holy Scriptures in a style that the reader can clearly hear the voice of God in print speaking to their soul.” Tony Evans, Senior Pastor, Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship, Dallas, TX

“As a pastor, I want a Bible translation that is trustworthy for preaching and study, but accessible enough for my people to read and understand for themselves. For this reason, I’m delighted to commend to you the Christian Standard Bible.” Alistair Begg, Senior Pastor, Parkside Church, Chagrin Falls, OH

“I am deeply grateful for the Christian Standard Bible, because it is rigorously faithful to the original languages without sacrificing clear readability. This translation will help believers and non-believers around the world be able to read, understand, memorize, obey, and proclaim God’s Word.” David Platt, President, International Mission Board

“As I travel around the country teaching the Bible to women, I encourage them to draw on the promises of God as their main source and sustenance for life. The Christian Standard Bible lines up perfectly with my core ministry goals— theological soundness and accessibility for the everyday person.” Lisa Harper, Bible teacher and author

“I’m passionate about teaching the Bible, especially to women, because I’ve seen in my own life how God’s Word touches and transforms the heart. I’m using and recommending the Christian Standard Bible because I find the translation trustworthy, while also accessible to the women I have the privilege of teaching and encouraging.” Kelly Minter, Bible teacher, author, and musician

“The Christian Standard Bible is an impressive achievement, balancing textual readability and exegetical accuracy in a way that makes this translation both elegant and enduring.” Jared Wilson, Managing Editor, For the Church

“It was a privilege to serve alongside the Translation Oversight Committee, because I was able to watch firsthand their commitment to the authority of God’s Word and its power to transform lives. In turn, the Christian Standard Bible is a fresh translation that will engage your mind and help you grow in your love for Jesus.” Michael Card, CSB Stylist, musician, and author

“The translation team for the Christian Standard Bible is to be commended for this remarkable achievement. Both the Old and New Testaments can be characterized as consistent, faithful, accurate, and extremely readable. This much welcomed translation communicates in a clear and fresh manner for 21st century readers.” David Dockery, President, Trinity International University

“The Christian Standard Bible is a landmark achievement— beautifully combining accuracy and accessibility in a way that makes it ideal for Bible study, reading, teaching, and preaching. I look forward to seeing how King Jesus uses this translation to edify the church and equip God’s people for mission in the world.” Daniel Akin, President, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, NC 

Runs on e-Sword PCAndroidX for Mac®HD for iPad®, and LT for iPhone®. These links show system requirements for using e-Sword software on your device. Recent versions of e-Sword are required in order to install and use e-Sword modules purchased from eStudySource.com.

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Customer Reviews
Christian Standard Bible® for e-Sword
5 Stars
101 Reviews   Submit Your Review

5 stars
Christian Standard Bible (3/6/2025)
Reviewed by (Dirk Schnarr, Diboll, TX, United States) - Outstanding translation. For years I have used the NKJV as my go to bible for study. After reading the CSB, I am finding it to be a superior translation. I am very thankful that I found this Bible.

5 stars
Great Addition To My Library (3/6/2025)
Reviewed by (Kirk Zehnder, CLERMONT, FL, United States) - I like to read a new version of the Bible each year. I was so glad to see the CSB version now available on ESword. This is a great addition to my library and a great study tool filled with notes and cross references.

5 stars
Great Bible translation (12/14/2024)
Reviewed by (Michael Palumberi, Williamston, SC, US) - I love this CSB Bible. It's very accurate and easy to read.

4 stars
Share My Product Review (12/14/2024)
Reviewed by (Don Winders, San Jose, CA, United States) - Good from the Christian Perspective.

5 stars
Clear yet precise CSB (10/24/2024)
Reviewed by (Bob Bosma, Salem, MO, United States) - I have been searching for a translation that is precise, consistently conveying the major themes of scripture, yet in a flowing American English I can read without distractions. I have found that in the Christian Study Bible. Thank you for including it in the study source library.

5 stars
Good translation (9/28/2024)
Reviewed by (Pete Fleming, Spring Branch, TX, 78070) - This is going to up there with my ESV for a favorite.

5 stars
e-Sword is sharp! (9/11/2024)
Reviewed by (Robert Kellman Jr, Watervliet, NY, US) - I love how e-Sword allows me to simply copy and paste a verse in a Workbook or when I search the internet about a verse I've heard, and I'm instantly taken there. Another great feature is when you highlight a verse, there is a window which shows all of the cross references about that verse. Simply hover over the verses in this window and that verse is displayed to read. This is so powerful! This expands God's word in a way that He intends. You can then see how all of His word is connected, Old Testament and New! This is my favorite feature, by far. All in all, e-Sword has been a true blessing that God is using to transform me through the renewing of my mind.

5 stars
Reviewed by (Rev Arthur Jensen, Hampton, VA, USA) - I am pleased with e-sword products, which I have been using for many years!

4 stars
Good NIV Alternative (1/30/2024)
Reviewed by (Randy Puckett, Clovis, California, US) - I found the CSB to be a good translation for reading more than studying. I prefer the NASB for study, however, if someone is looking for a good alternative to the NIV, this would fill that space.

5 stars
Review (1/30/2024)
Reviewed by (Josh Parker, Fairmount, Ga, US) - Very great product

5 stars
Reviewed by (JEFF LUNDHOLM, COLORADO SPRINGS, CO, United States) - The transaction went smoothly.

5 stars
Refreshing (6/21/2023)
Reviewed by (Arline Lovell, Flag Pond, TN, US) - It is nice to read a new-to-me translation. Job well done!

4 stars
Useful addition (6/9/2023)
Reviewed by (Andrew Johnson, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa) - The CSB is a useful addition to a collection of Bibles. I have been using ESV with NASB as a cross reference for several years but our church decided to move over to CSB. CSB has some variations i.e. translating interpretations over more direct translations. It does help in thinking through meaning of text. Likely to use ESV for prep and studies but CSB for reading in church.

5 stars
Delighted that I got what I was hoping to get (5/6/2023)
Reviewed by (David James, Ackerman, MS, 39735) - It was exactly what I was looking for and not very expensive. I am very glad.

5 stars
Great and unique translation (4/6/2023)
Reviewed by (Pedro Gelabert, Levittown, NY, United States) - I decided to purchase this bible due to its translation philosophy (optimal equivalence), which differs from the traditional way English bibles have been translated (formal equivalence). Only one other one is also unique, God's Word Translation (dynamic equivalence) which is also worth the read and study.

5 stars
Reviewed by (Ruben Miller, Sterling Heights, Michigan, US) - I was excited to find this version of the bible available through my e sword application. My study bible version is CSB, and wow!! this was great to find. So glad i was able to acquire this version. Thank you e sword.

5 stars
Love this bible (2/8/2023)
Reviewed by (Joe Marchand, Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada) - e-Sword is a wonderful program and I recommend it to as many people as I can. I teach a study at our church and continually suggest everyone get it and start using it. Very user friendly, and amazing resources. I recently purchased the CSB bible version which is my go-to bible for personal use for study and teaching. I appreciate the formatting in e-Sword and the ease of use. I also use the ESV, NKJV, NASB, and others all on the e-Sword program. I have 8 translations I use in the parallel option under bibles. I have 2 other popular bible study programs, but this is the one I go to the most. If you don't already have the CSB for e-Sword I highly recommend it.

5 stars
Reviewed by (Ken Ford, WELLINGTON POINT, QLD, Australia) - I find the CSB to. be a pleasure to read.

5 stars
Could have charged more (12/14/2022)
Reviewed by (Bob Christian, Houston, TX, US) - This Holman Bible came with three other references, which included even the original Christian Standard Version. I know I should say this very quietly (!), but the vendor could have charged more for this suite of references & it would be worth it! The whole e-Sword software program is Sooooo valuable. And what a time saver when it comes to looking up reference verses.

5 stars
I love this Bible edition. (10/3/2022)
Reviewed by (Judith Eastham, Albany, OR, United States) - I really enjoy using this translation of the Bible. It is very helpful to have it on e-sword so I can look verses up in it when I am studying.

5 stars
A wonderful translation (8/31/2022)
Reviewed by (David Looke, Melbourne, VIC, Australia) - I love the Christian Standard Bible translation. It is accurate and easier to read than some of the other word-for-word type translations.

5 stars
Another Great Addition to the e-sword Library (4/9/2022)
Reviewed by (Ross Lewchuk, Silver Spring, MD, US) - The CSB module adds another excellent modern translation to my e-sword Bible collection.

4 stars
A couple of negs, otherwise... (10/2/2021)
Reviewed by (Richard P., Whittier, Ca., US) - The CSB is a wonderful translation up there with the ESV. It makes a great reader because of it's flow. Two negs detract from an otherwise fine translation. 1. I wish there had been translator notes. 2. I wish that the OT quotes found in the NT (like in the HCSB)be in bold print...at least they are in italics, which some translators make no distinctions. Well worth the $13.

5 stars
Great Reading Bible (10/2/2021)
Reviewed by (Richard Porter, Whittier, Ca., US) - This is a well balanced translation, closer to accuracy yet ease of reading, so it's one that can be read without the worry that you are being led down an agenda ladened path.

5 stars
Helpful (10/2/2021)
Reviewed by (Rodney Barnes, Portland, Oregon, US) - Nice addition to e-sword. It is helpful when referencing many updated editions to the bible for sermon prep. The CSB is one of a small handful of translations, you can count them on one hand, that use modern 21st Century English. Most of the others are 20th Century or older English.

5 stars
Reviewed by (Robert Chisholm, Minden, Louisiana, US) - Excellent addition to my bible study platform.

5 stars
Christian Study Bible Review (6/12/2021)
Reviewed by (Robert Krickbaum, Pueblo, Colorado, USA) - I have used the Christian Standard Bible translation for a number of years in my Bible Study. I find it to be a trusted translation and not just an update of a previous translation. I primarily study using the CSB, NIV (1984 & 2020), and ESV Study Bibles. I find these to help my understanding of Scripture. I recommend this translation as one of the better translations for balancing formal equivalence and Functional Equivalence.

4 stars
Almost as expected but... (3/18/2021)
Reviewed by (Lois Yingling, Stanford, Kentucky, United States) - I wanted this Bible in eSword because it is easier to read than the KJV and has some different wording. I have it in another program. Once it was delivered I was a bit disappointed that this version did not have the references in the verses that the one in my other application does. But it is still a good Bible for referencing.

5 stars
Great (3/18/2021)
Reviewed by (Jesse Lizotte, Niverville, MB - Manitoba, Canada) - It is a great Bible to use i do however wish that the bibles where free. I have a mac book and spent the money to buy it.

5 stars
CSB Translation (2/2/2021)
Reviewed by (Allan Skinner, Culleoka, TN, US) - I had been using the CSB (hard cover) for several months before ordering the digital version for e-Sword. Overall I would say the translators did an excellent job. As with all new translations it takes time to adjust, and a longer time to really get a picture of how accurate the translation is. The main reason I purchased the digital version was for study. It makes comparison with other versions instantaneous as well as having all the other advantages of a digital version. I would recommend it for any serious Bible student.

5 stars
Excellent Source (1/20/2021)
Reviewed by (Jim Provence, Sachse, Texas, United States) - Was pleasantly surprised to see I also received the Holman Christian Stand Bible (HCSB) version Bible as well. I have worked as a volunteer for the past 3 years with Dr. Gene Getz in preparing his 1500 Principles to Live By videos for translation into other languages. His Life Essential interactive Study Bible was originally an HCSB version and then a CSB version all produced by Holman.

5 stars
A fantastic translation! (1/12/2021)
Reviewed by (Mike Mandel, Toronto, Ontario, Canada) - I have been an E-Sword user for many years, and I'm thrilled that the CSB Bible is available. Although I use many different versions for my study, the CSB is my favourite one.

5 stars
Tremendously useful (11/11/2020)
Reviewed by (Kevin Pauley, Aledo, Illinois, United States) - I have read the Bible every 60 days for many years. I usually switch out translations every few iterations...until I ran into the CSB. I have read it over and over again. Generally, when I think I've found a translation issue and dug into it, I found I was wrong and their team was right. Smooth, easy read with sufficiently high quality translation to make a study Bible. Great job. I highly recommend it.

4 stars
CSB (5/14/2020)
Reviewed by (hal nonyur, Norman, OK, US) - Good translation. Seems solid so far. None is perfect, but I like to use this one along with the NASB, ESV, NKJV and NRSV. GNB, CEV for readability. RSV, ASV, and KJV, too. Readability of the CSB is pretty good, and I've seen some phrasing I prefer over some others. And other phrases or words that I didn't, of course. I trust it more than the NRSV, overall, but the NRSV has some strengths of its own. Mostly I'm grateful we have all the excellent choices, and the CSB is one, imo.

5 stars
Good Addition (1/7/2020)
Reviewed by (Waldon Winner, Williamston, SC, United States) - Good translation addition. God to use for comparison of biblical passages.

5 stars
CSB for eSword (11/23/2019)
Reviewed by (Ricke Carter, USAG Humphreys, AP, South Korea) - Another great translation to use on eSword for Bible studies. I have been using this translation more than others and to compare for better understanding. Get it and enjoy.

5 stars
Always the Best! (10/19/2019)
Reviewed by (Jack Lyons, Houston, TX, US) - Review of one item is not enough. I use many e-sword sources. There is nothing better available.

5 stars
I Find no inaccuracies (10/19/2019)
Reviewed by (Randy B, a, Missouri, US) - I LOVE ESWORD! It is a simple to use and understand yet powerful program for reading and studying the bible. I got the CSB version as it is easier to read and understand and so far I have not found any "Problems" with this version versus the King James Version. The meaning of the verses are there and it is more understandable to me. I would recommend this version (Christian Standard Version) to everyone.

5 stars
Great Resource (10/19/2019)
Reviewed by (Maureen Le Roux, Roodepoort, Gauteng, South Africa) - Great resource to add to E-Sword to help with research and Bible Study. Easy to read and understand without detracting from the original meaning of the text.

5 stars
Mark Entry (7/27/2019)
Reviewed by (Mark Kuhn, Oceanside, CA, US) - Order was great and easy to install,

5 stars
Christian Standard Bible Review (3/10/2019)
Reviewed by (Bruce McElrath, Jacksonville, FL, United States) - I have been using the Holman Christian Standard Bible for a few years now, and really enjoy this fresh translation. Recently our pastor, a former KJV-only zealot, has begun using and quoting from the CSB in his sermons. What a blessing for e-Study Source to have the CSB readily available. While the differences between HCSB and CSB are minor, I find the word choices in the CSB to be more relevant to teens that I teach weekly.

5 stars
Awesome (3/10/2019)
Reviewed by (Kevin Harrison, Webster, Texas, United States) - Awesome

5 stars
Why I Like the Christian Standard Bible (3/10/2019)
Reviewed by (Alvin Kenneth Chadwick, Waco, Texas, US) - This has been my bible of choice since it cane out several years ago. It was the first bible that I purchased from E study when they first offered it for sale. When I stopped using window as my my preferred word processor I had to buy it again. It is scholarly yet very reader friendly. The older American Standard version in the more closer to the Greek and Hebrew but the literalness of makes it very hard to understand. The other modern english are easy to read but not accrete in my judgement as the CSB.

5 stars
Great read (10/30/2018)
Reviewed by (Travis Congdon, Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States) - I downloaded the CSB version as our new Pastor uses it. I like it, Not more for just reading which I use NKJV, but to help study and use it when I need to for our Pastor.

5 stars
Excellent modern translation! (8/14/2018)
Reviewed by (Mike Powers, Woolwich, ME, US) - I recently downloaded the Christian Standard Bible (CSB) for e-Sword. I had not heard of the CSB before, and was interested to see if it is the right Bible for me. I am very impressed with it. The translation seems true to the ancient manuscripts, while rendering into highly readable modern-day English. I'm still praying about whether or not this is the Bible God wants me to use most of the time, but if it is, it will certainly be a constant joy for me read and study from.

5 stars
Easy to read versionn of the Bible (8/14/2018)
Reviewed by (Marge Bras, Manteca, US +1, US) - I LOVE e-sword. One way I frequently use it is to look up Bible verses. The CSB is the version my church uses.I use it all the time to copy and paste verses directly from e-sword into presentations, newsletters, flyers, and even on Facebook--wherever I need to use a quote from the CSB or any of other versions of the Bible I have downloaded from e-sword.

3 stars
Good but... (6/3/2018)
Reviewed by (Gabriel Chávez, Mexico, Mexico, Mexico) - More gender neutral language. I prefer previous HCSB.

5 stars
Reviewed by (Robert Dawson, Shawnee, OK, US) - It's the Bible. As one who speaks some Hebrew and has lived in Israel, I disagree I disapprove of the use of "Yahweh" for "Lord (small caps). This is a translation of God's holiest name for Himself and should never be pronounced. Apart from that the translation is OK.

4 stars
Fills the gap (6/3/2018)
Reviewed by (Gary Greer, Little Rock, AR, US) - I have several bible versions. In recent times there have been a few reference made to CSB. It fills the gap in my set of bibles. I am a fan of NASB and this adds another version I can go to, maybe to help me understand better

5 stars
Preparation for teaching Sunday School (6/3/2018)
Reviewed by (Robert Chaiholm, Minden, Louisiana, US) - I have found the e-sword bible study platform to be most valuable in my bible studies necessary to prepare for my responsibilities as teacher of a senior adult Sunday School class. By having access to various bible translations, dictionaries, and commentaries, with the ease of an electronic format, guide my students to a more complete, and accurate, understanding of God's word.

4 stars
A very good daily translation. (4/16/2018)
Reviewed by (George Shrader, Brownsville, TX, US) - After being a Christian for 67 years and studying God's Wonderful Word, I enjoy using many different versions to study from. The Holman versions, such as the CSB, are very good English study versions; however, I still prefer the old KJV. (I save 5 stars for the KJV) I'm not a "KJV Religionists," but I enjoy it's accuracy. All other versions seem to carry a copyright, which I try to steer away from, but the CSB is very close. Buy the CSB version and use it for your studies. You will enjoy it.

1 stars
Where did it go? (4/16/2018)
Reviewed by (David Paro, Yonkers, New York, United States) - After a review of the CSB, one very big difference from the HCSB is the complete removal of Yahweh from the text. In the latest e-Sword version of the HSCB, there are 654 occurrences of Yahweh, starting @ Gen 4.26 and the last in Mal 3.16. Explanation of a sorts can be found here: https://csbible.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Translation-Decisions-QA.pdf

5 stars
Call it what you like (12/15/2017)
Reviewed by (Stan Vos, Branson, Missouri, US) - I do Bible studies with inmates by mail and one mentioned he was using the Holman version so I downloaded it for future reference, the short time I have referenced it I found very little difference between it and the NIV.

5 stars
Very useful Bible translation (12/15/2017)
Reviewed by (Donald Champ, Toronto, Ontario, CANADA) - I use it regularly to lead Bible studies now.

5 stars
E-Sword (12/15/2017)
Reviewed by (David Smith, Belvidere, IL, United States) - When I was a bi-vocational minister, I picked up E-Sword because I couldn't afford the high-dollar software packages that others were using. Now that I'm a full time Pastor of the fastest growing church in my area I still use E-Sword because I have found that it offers at least 80% of what the other software charge hundreds of dollars for. It has been an invaluable resource and has made me sound a lot smarter than I am on several occasions. I recently began purchasing the premium content (I have switched to the CSB and wanted to use it in E-Sword) and the purchasing and install was fast and flawless, and it felt good to support a company that has offered such a high-quality product for free for so many years.

5 stars
Easy read - accurate (12/15/2017)
Reviewed by (John Quigley, Brackettville, Texas, US) - Have used this for study alongside the ESV and NKJV, have found it to be a very easy read and to be accurate when compared to the other two scriptures that I have used and continue to use in teaching and preaching. It is clear and concise and written in modern english, easier to read than the NIV.

5 stars
Reviewed by (Stan Vos, Branson, MissouriI, US) - I use my e-soward system during my out reach to inmate Bible studies. And just reacently one said he was using the Holman Christian Study Bible so I purchased one for my system. I found it to be very similar at this point to the NIV.

4 stars
Good resource (12/15/2017)
Reviewed by (Rodney Jenness, Lebanon, NH, US) - This version also considers the dynamic version and is literal when that is appropriate or dynamic when that is needed. I have the updated HCSB which is the CSB and there isn't much difference between them.

5 stars
Beautiful translation (12/15/2017)
Reviewed by (Jean DeRoest, Caldwell, ID, United States) - I am really. Enjoying this translation. It is very clear

5 stars
E-sword, a Great Resource (10/15/2016)
Reviewed by (Don Gregory, Metropolis, IL, US) - I have used e-sword for years on my laptop and recently started using it with my iPad. E-sword has been a valuable resource preparing Sunday school lessons, personal Bible studies, devotionals and more recently preparing sermons I will use during a three week mission trip to Italy in November. The ease of using the copy and paste of scriptures into documents created for Bible studies conducted at my church has been so helpful. The ability to quickly search for words in the Bible as a concordance has seemed to breathe new life in my Bible studies.

5 stars
Awesome (8/7/2016)
Reviewed by (Ted Grier, Independence, MO, US) - Very good, easy to use and install, and works flawlessly. Indispensable for my Bible Study.

5 stars
HCSB Bible (1/22/2016)
Reviewed by (David Mosley, Farmington, NM, US) - This is a good bible to use.I checked it against the KJV bible and the NIV bible and found that it was a good bible to use.

5 stars
KISS, 6th grade level reading (1/22/2016)
Reviewed by (JW Walker, Black Canyon City, AZ, US) - Holman Christian Standard Bible is easy to read and accurate. This makes it easy to study with, and to teach from, the language is clear.

5 stars
Good (9/2/2015)
Reviewed by (Edward Wright, Odenton, Maryland, United States) - I enjoy reading this translation.

5 stars
Gods Word (6/2/2015)
Reviewed by (Rita Walker, Houston, Texas, US) - I have used the KJV for 40 years and would never change. But one of my daughters sent Holman to her sister and I started reading it and just love this Bible. I wanted to buy it for my e-Sword because I use my e-Sword every day. I am so happy that I can now look up words on my Strongs on my e-Sword because the Strong's is really heavy and now that I am over 70 it makes it easier. The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, Josephus and now the Holman Christian Standard Bible is just so wonder of you all for doing this for Christ followers. All the maps that is on the e-Sword is just wonderful. Everything you have done I cannot thank you enough. Rita

5 stars
great study Bible (6/2/2015)
Reviewed by (Jay Campbell, Swansea, SC, United States) - This is a must for e-Sword. The Holman Christian Standard Bible is a very good translation and I have their study Bible that I use for lessons at the local jail. (I am a chaplain there) e-Sword is the standard by which all electronic Bibles are judged and to date, none come close. As an ordained minister, e-Sword is my favorite tool for preparing lessons and vital in personal study. Without e-Sword my job would be much harder.

4 stars
great translation (6/2/2015)
Reviewed by (Gene Mitchell, Lawrenceville, GA, US) - This is a great transition, but I was expecting more notes and references for the e-sword app from my purchase. All you get from purchase is the transition itself.

5 stars
Gave me new insight!!!! (1/6/2015)
Reviewed by (Scott Thompson, Wasilla, Alaska, United States) - I bought a hard copy of the Holman Christian Standard Bible for my personal study and reading. Once I had it in hand and started using it regularly I knew that I had to add this translation to my e-sword site. I preach and teach from this version more than any other.

5 stars
Review (12/9/2014)
Reviewed by (Robert Creekbaum, Murfreesboro, TN, US) - E-Sword has been very helpful for me as Sunday School Teacher and as a student in BSF Bible study program. BSF is currently a 9 year program and I couldn't do without my laptop and E-Sword. I would wish that you would come up with a version for android for tablets

4 stars
Reviewed by (dan , , , US) - A good source at times to clarify portions of KJV that are difficult to understand, but KJV is still the Gold Standard of Bibles.

5 stars
HCSC BIBLE (10/29/2014)
Reviewed by (PATRICIA STALWORTH, FAIRBURN, Georgia, US) - It is a bible that speaks plainly and direct. Easy to understand and relate to every day life. I simply love it. I have been using this version of the bible for years. I just decided to put it on my electronic devices. The references on my actual HCSB BIBLE are outstanding.

5 stars
Great stuff (3/12/2014)
Reviewed by (Thomas Fairhall, Bowraville, NSW, Australia) - Great product well worth the money

5 stars
Greatest Book Ever Written (12/31/2013)
Reviewed by (Jo Brazell, Rutledge, Alabama, US) - There is no other book, that has love stories, action packed battles, miracles, devotion, betrayal, you name it, it's in the Bible, again it's the greatest books ever written, and as I said at the beginning, it a love story, but not just any love story, it's a love story of God's love for ME and YOU, from the beginning of time until the end of time as we know it. I can't get enough of it.

5 stars
Fresh, useful translation (9/4/2013)
Reviewed by (Robert Harris, Tustin, California, United States) - The HCSB is great for a study Bible because it strives for accuracy (in the spirit of the NASB) as well as readability. Just one example is the translation of God's name in the OT. While almost every modern translation uses LORD as a substitute for the Hebrew, HCSB translates (literally) to Yahweh when the name of God is important to the context. Translations are getting less euphemistic, and HCSB follows that movement. Genesis 19:5, KJV: Bring them out to us that we may know them, NASB: that we may have relations with them; HCSB: so we can have sex with them. The HCSB also reflects more accurate translation scholarship, such as the translation of monogenous in John 1:14, so long mistranslated as "only begotten," when it means "one of a kind" or "one and only"--the latter being the HCSB choice. For a good, reliable study Bible the HCSB is an excellent choice.

4 stars
Quality reading (6/16/2013)
Reviewed by (Gabrielle Manser, New Plymouth, taranaki, New Zealand) - I tend to stay away from 'easy' reading bibles finding that often the depth and truth of scripture is somehow weakened. This certainly is not the case with the Holman version. While very pleasant to read it retains meaning and substance. It is still early days but I have great expectations of gaining a great deal from using this bible.

5 stars
Easy but Accurate (5/8/2013)
Reviewed by (Roland Barklem, Carlisle, Cumbria, UK) - The Holman Christian Standard Bible was introduced to me on taking up reading the Every Day with Jesus One Year Bible by Selwyn Hughes. I find the HCSB version to be a smooth and easy read but still appear to be as accurate a translation as the main popular Bible translations. Any modification to the wording compared to other popular translations provide a refreshing clarity to our understanding of the passage.

5 stars
Great resource (4/30/2013)
Reviewed by (Johnny Cole, Seguin, TX, US) - It is a great resource. As a Pastor I want to make our people not only hears the Word but understands the Word. I really enjoy reading it for me personally.

5 stars
loved it (4/2/2013)
Reviewed by (phil wyrick, eldon, Missouri, United States) - I loved the Holman Christian Standard Bible

5 stars
Great alternative to the NIV (3/5/2013)
Reviewed by (Scott Denham, Shambaugh, IA, United States) - As a pastor committed to biblical precision, my first choise on translation is the ESV, but as I familiarize myself with the HCSB, it's slightly less "formal" and--since the new NIV self destructed with ith gender neutral approach--the HCSB is probably the best choice for those needing a similar, less formal and dynamic equivial translation. Very readable and yet biblically accurate... I highly recommend it

5 stars
Holman Christian Standard Bible® for e-Sword (3/5/2013)
Reviewed by (Michael Morris, La Vergne, TN, US) -

HCSB is excellent.

5 stars
Clear Sailing (2/19/2013)
Reviewed by (John Gregory, ball ground, GA, US) - Great addition to my other translations. The HCSB is being used in our church.Therefore I wanted a copy to study along with our weekly lessons.So far I am very pleased with it's content.

4 stars
Nice Translation (2/6/2013)
Reviewed by (Michael Walker, Ste Marthe sur le lac, Quebec, Canada) - I read a few translations at time, and it was nice to get this translation as well. I heard and read some good about it, and so far I am not dissapointed. Appreciate E-Sword, and the service they provide as well...

4 stars
A Great Translation (7/16/2012)
Reviewed by (David Ungate, Chattanooga, Tennessee, United States) - I had recently purchased the HCSB study Bible and have really enjoyed it. This is a great translation, and when I saw it available for the eSword program, I bought it. I use it just about everyday. The only thing I would like to see added is a way of referencing other relevant scriptures and word derivatives.

5 stars
Excellent translation (7/16/2012)
Reviewed by (Jeremiah Aeschleman, Springfield, VA, USA) -

This is my favorite translation for literal accuracy and readability, very similar to NIV. I'm glad eStudySource has this translation and I love eSwords workspace for my thoughts on scripture.

5 stars
A gift from God (6/16/2012)
Reviewed by (Neal Metheny, Latham, NY, USA) - Great Translation! Written for new disciples and mature Christians alike. I have had the product for a couple weeks and in that cpl weeks, I find myself back into that translation almost 100% of the time. eStudy has always had excellant service with my business over the years. Never a problem, even with having to reload my computer hard drive with all my previous purchases, eStudy makes it simple yet secure. This biz is a valuable asset to your journey with the Lord Jesus Christ! May God bless you all.

5 stars
Holman (6/5/2012)
Reviewed by (Joshua Tanner, pineville, la, US) - I beleive that the HCSB is one of the closest to the origianal context and language. I aslo find it one of the easiest for me to study and comprehend.

5 stars
A Great Translation (3/24/2012)
Reviewed by (Durante Pardue, Lancaster, SC, US) - As a Minister, I have found The Holman Christain Standard Bible to be a very accurate Translation from the Hebrew and Greek, plus it is an easy read. I am thoroughly satisfied with it and use it often as a reference in my studies and sermons.

5 stars
A good add-on (2/15/2012)
Reviewed by (John Drew, Dothan, Al., US) - This add-on works with out a hitch. It is a great value in price and for study.

5 stars
Pastor (12/6/2011)
Reviewed by (Gerhard Gressman, Estill, SC, US) - One tool that I use every day is my tablet computer. About two years ago I ran across e-Sword while surfing the internet. Since that time, e-Sword has turned into the single most important tool on my computer. Whether its research for sermons or looking up verses for school, e-Sword is always open. I use two monitors and when writing, one monitor has MS Word and the other has e-Sword. It is so convenient and easy to find bible passages and at the same time have access to commentaries. I send hours reading commentaries trying to obtain insight on bible verses. Looking up verses and reading what scholars have written is as easy as clicking a tab. I recently added the Holman Christian Standard Bible, HCSB, to my bible collections for e-Sword. The download was very easy and the HCSB was added to my bible tabs without a problem. I have the HCSB in hard cover and recently started using it for reading from the pulpit. I find the HCSB to be easily understood and very reliable. For many years I was a King James only person. Often people would be perplexed and not understand the meaning of the verses being read. With the HCSB the truth of God’s word is not lost in the words of the Bible. I recommend HCSB as a version that strives to be faithful and is very easily understood by everyone.

5 stars
Great Product (12/6/2011)
Reviewed by (David Mumma, Payson, AZ, United States) - I use E-sword daily in my Bible studies - for leading a church home group and assisting the Pastor. It is quick and easy, and in my estimation, is much better than the ones that have high cost. I find the Step reader invaluable, to read books from other sources. The program doesn't use a huge amount of computer resources, and the availability of so many study resources is amazing. Thank you, E-sword and Rick Meyers!

5 stars
Best Formal/Dynamic Equivalence Translation to Date! (11/22/2011)
Reviewed by (Mark Lingenfelter, North Fort Myers, FL, US) - As a Pastor and the President of a cyberministry, I have for many years been seeking a "go to" Bible that was a bit more readable then the King James yet captured the same accuracy and poetry of the formal translation. However, I could never find a formal/dynamic or dynamic translation whose accuracy I trusted enough for my own daily reading and teaching - until the HCSB. While nothing can replace the KJV for thorough sermon and word studies (if for no other reason than the Strong's references), this is by far the best general use Bible I have found. I use the digital version for my e-Sword studies and the illustrated study print version for carrying around. Even my wife, who would only read the KJV for her personal study, has purchased one and now uses it as her personal study Bible. I highly recommend this translation, even for the most ardent KJVers.

3 stars
Just a thought (10/10/2011)
Reviewed by (Joseph Roth, Marseilles, IL, US) - Love the Bible and I am using it on occasion but I just have one caveat emptor in that some of the text is in bold and to me that's distracting. The problems for me with the bold is it takes away from the text surrounding the bold text. As I'm reading a chapter my eye naturally notices the text in bold and as I'm reading up to that section I'm distracted to the point where I have to re-read the non-bold text to get a proper context. Sometimes it's just a section of the verse other times its several verses. If there's a non-bold version of the text I'd really like that version instead.

5 stars
Easy to read and carefully accurate (10/10/2011)
Reviewed by (John Lotzgesell, Knoxville, TN, US) - I am so encouraged by the HCSB translation. I myself working with the American Bible Society have translated the entire Bible into another language so I know how hard it is to be both easy to read and accurate. The HCSB is one of the best ever in history. Thank God for their careful work.

5 stars
Th awesome word of God (10/5/2011)
Reviewed by (Gus MacDonald, Hull, East Yorkshire, UK) - "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:1 Now with my Holman Christian Standard Bible loaded into the brilliant e-Sword Biblical study tool I can explore as much or as deeply as I want all the wonderful word of our Lord. I can compare the HSCB against other Bibles too (KJV, ASV, ESV ect). Whilst I have other Bibles too (KJV, NKJV, ESV, NIV) I find that the HCSB is very fluent to read & stays very close to the original wording as much as possible. Even the NKJV jars a little in modern English whilst I read it, and the ESV & NIV go a little too far in my mind in its choice of English that strays a little too much from the intended words of not only the KJV but also the original Greek manuscripts too. And of course too the words of Christ are highlighted in red for easy location too. All in all the HCSB is a must for all serious Christians who want a choice of readable Bibles that flow well when read. Recommended.

5 stars
HCSB (9/7/2011)
Reviewed by (Timothy M, Newport News, VA, US) -

eStudySource.com is a great company to purchase products from and e-Sword is a truly outstanding product for in-depth Bible study.

The HCSB is a good Bible version for ease of reading. I recommend it. I have to say, however, I prefer the NASB for serious study and usually read the ESV and NIV for ease of reading. Still, the HCSB is a sound Bible translation and I will be spending more time reading from it in the future.

5 stars
Holman Christian Standard Bible® for e-Sword PC (7/20/2011)
Reviewed by (Holly Burnell, Antioch, California, United States) -

yes I love it to look at different ways to read the bible

5 stars
(H)elp (C)an (S)tatify (B)elievers (6/13/2011)
Reviewed by (Mary Radke, Campo, CA, USA) -

I'm truly enjoying this HCSB Bible! So easy to understand & love to use it to compare with the other Bibles I've downloaded. A must have for all of us that are not proficient in understanding all the thees & thous. And e-Sword Is my favorite software! Thanks so much for making it available to all.

5 stars
Excellent Readability & Trustworthy (6/4/2011)
Reviewed by (Bryan Hornsby, Independence, MO, USA) -

I was introduced to this translation while at Seminary in KC, MO at Midwestern Baptist Theological, and it has proved the test of time. It is the ONLY translation I've come across that actually translates euaggelizo as "evangelize" in some cases including Acts 16:10, Rom 15:20, and 1 Cor 1:17. Another improvement is Luke 2:7 translated as "...and she wrapped Him snugly in cloth and laid Him in a feeding trough..." Traditionally the word "manger" has been used, but few people know what a manger is anymore. This is the only translation that keeps true to the text while making necessary improvements like this. One last detail is that it includes verses rediscovered using the Dead Sea Scrolls. For a long time it was thought that the acrostic Psalm 145 was missing a verse because the letter Nun was missing from the alphabetic pattern used to start each line. Well this line was discovered in the Dead Sea scrolls and included in the Holman Christian Standard version. Psalm 145:13b states "The LORD is faithful in all His words and gracious in all His actions." Which is a fitting conclusion for a review of this translation. God bless you as you seek His face.

5 stars
Reads Like NIV, structure of ASV (6/1/2011)
Reviewed by (Brian Ingalls, Mountain View, MO, USA) -

The HCSB version on e-sword reads as easily, or more easily, than the NIV, but a simple comparison also shows that quite often, the sentence structure mirrors that of the very accurate ASV version of 1908. In other words, the HCSB is a great Bible to read and quote, but it still seems to maintain a high level of accuracy. I'm loving it on my e-Sword.

5 stars
awesome translation (5/30/2011)
Reviewed by (Kenny Tucker, charlotte, nc, US) -

This translation is awesome, meaning, if there is anything I don't understand in KJV, I look first in this version to clarify or get an general idea, then I look in another translation to see if it's saying the same thing. I'm just starting out studying and I think it's a wonderful read; this version is easy to read.

5 stars
Outstanding Translation (4/30/2011)
Reviewed by (Reagan Lynch, Fort Worth, TX, USA) -

This modern translation is the most accurate translation I’ve come across. The HCSB is true to the Hebrew and the Greek text providing the most accurate translation. It is my primary text for lessons and sermons making it easy to explain biblical concepts and theology to the congregation. It also reads well in public readings.

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