Reviewed by (Don Winders, San Jose, CA, United States) - Good in our Modern Paraphrase.
Reviewed by (Willie Culley, RICHMOND, VA, United States) - It is a beautiful Bible just like everything else in Esword easy to access easy to reference Easy to cross reference
Reviewed by (Shelly Hoye, Flint, MI, United States) - I have the print but so easily accessible having it digitally.
Reviewed by (Randy Isaac, Mitchell, MB, Canada) - My purchase at estudy was great! Thank you!
Reviewed by (David Channon, Dronfield, Derbyshire, England) - I use literal, equivalent and paraphrase Bible translations. There is so much depth to be had. The Message is my preferred paraphrase version but I sometimes find it closer to the Greek than I find others. Eg the word “look” in 2 Cor 5:17. Love the Message. Accessible and alive.
Reviewed by (Brian Johnson, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) - This is by far the best bible study tool on the internet. It offers the easiest to use hyperlinks to Greek and Hebrew and other books. I love it and use it daily.
Reviewed by (Jack Henley, Lynchburg, va, United States) - To say that e-Sword has made a difference in my studying the Bible is a huge understatement. It stays open on my screen all the time that I have the computer on. I believe I have 10 different translations of the Bible installed. Every year I try and read through the complete Bible, knowing that it is not only for my guidance, but The Word draws me closer to our Lord. The study of God's Word is endless, and I am on a treasure hunt! Finding Him in all 66 books. In Genesis, He is the Seed of the Woman; in Exodus, He is the Passover Lamb, etc. The Holy Spirit helps me interpret and the thoughts of the great men of God that I have by just clicking to get their wisdom on a particular verse is so rewarding. Thank you so much for making e-Sword available.
Reviewed by (Stephen Seachord, PLANO, Texas, United States) - gives me a different perspective translation
Reviewed by (Gary Molloy, McMinnville, TN, United States) - I love The Message for its clarity and modern-day language. Using The Message when using my software's "parallel" option is beneficial. The software breaks The Message into numbered verses like a conventional translation which makes comparison easy.
Reviewed by (Paul Hedicker, Petersfield, Hampshire, UK) - This version adds clarity to the more difficult areas of other Bibles.
Reviewed by (Albert Bean, Kansas City, MO, United States) - While any practiced Bible reader can quibble with Peterson's translation/interpretation of a given text, most will recognize the value of his work. Familiar texts often gain an additional shade of meaning. Narrative passages are more easily read.
For your (or my) one-and-only Bible, no the Message is not that. For a helpful and pleasurable Bible to enjoy, the Message is it.
The Word comes alive in a completely understandable way!
Reviewed by (Cheryl Wiemuth, Fort Worth, TX, US) - Some scriptures are harder to understand than others. The Message comes to the rescue with simple language and phrasing. Bring scripture alive with The Message version of the Bible.
Fantastic, easy to understand
Reviewed by (Pastor David Moodley, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa) - Fantastic Bible, very easy to understand. As a Pastor, using this along side more literal translations can easily help new Christians understand complex ideas. Having this in E-Sword makes study much more fluent as well.
Reviewed by (Gary Underhill, Bristol, Avon, United Kingdom) - The Message is a brilliant paraphrase version. I am glad I bought it electronically as well as a hard copy
Bible alive!
Reviewed by (Peter Rand, BEDLINGTON, Northumberland, United Kingdom) - The Message really brings the Bible alive! I sometimes have to edit it slightly for British usage, but always try to keep the spirit.
Reviewed by (Daniel Juroff, Waukegan, IL, United States) - I think that any resource that supports a better understanding of God's Word is a valuable one. While some folks tend to be traditional thinkers and embrace only one version of the Bible, that notion may be based on incomplete information, or a lack of information concerning the evolution of Scripture over the centuries. But, just as the King James Bible was written in the language of the time, so are later translations rendered in the language of later times. The key question is, "Are these newer translations, or ANY translations, faithful to their original messages. The Message plays an important role in helping to understand Scripture written in archaic English.
Easy to Read
Reviewed by (Wilson Fancieh, Bismarck, ND, US) - I like reading from the King James Version. However, after purchasing the Message eBible make my study more solid. Is like from ancient to modern time. Comparing both, I say both are the Bible the living Word of God. The difference is the translation. But it is the Bible the Word of God. Having the easy reading really add a boast to my study. Because after reading from the King James. You can see how it sound in today English. This I find interesting in that it breaks down the English and allow for more rich and deeper understanding.
Easy to read
Reviewed by (Edward Decker, Brazoria, Texas, United States) - E-Sword Resources is always prompt on my orders. The Message bible is one of the easiest bibles to read and understand of the 15 or so translations that I have. I would recommend it to anyone.
Great Resource!
Reviewed by (Ervin Alexander, Orlando, Florida, US) - I love having the Message Bible to read alongside my other translations. By it being a thought for thought translation, it really helps me make sense of my word for word translations, such as the ESV and King James. My Bible reading is so much smoother and easier now.
A fresh perspective that helps the Bible come alive.
Reviewed by (Lester Verigan, Daphne, AL, US) - While God’s Word never changes, our vernacular does, and this fresh presentation helps us relate God’s Word to our daily lives.
Reviewed by (Jim McSheffrey, Tucson, AZ, US) - The Message Bible for e-Sword provides a casual, relaxed lingo perspective for the reader. Often, this version adds a view not readily apparent from some of the more formal bible versions.
Good for study assistance
Reviewed by (Richard Booker, Philadelphia, PA, US) - I’m a lover of the King James Version but the old English text can be tough to interpret. I’ve found the more modern text , like the Message translation, is good as a study aid. It much easier to read. However, I personally found it can be a little wordy. I get a bit concerned about it adding to and possibly detracting from the context.
Reviewed by (Eric Mosely, Newark, Delaware, United States) - I was introduced to e-sword by my son about 15 years ago and have been using it since, Downloading onto new PC. E-sword allows me to gather information from the sources I desire and put and entire lesson, presentation or sermon together. Great devotion study program. Highly recommend this.
Get the Message
Reviewed by (William Butler, Chilliwack, BC, Canada) - Understanding the work that world-class scholar Eugene Peterson put into translating God's Word and appreciating the fluid style, much of which reads like poetry, is a true blessing to have as an aid in studying scripture.
Therefore, I recommend this version for your edification and enjoyment.
The Msg speaks the way I speak
Reviewed by (Bill Brander, East London, Eastern Cape, South Africa) - I like the language used by the Message. I can more easily relate to it and by then, the Bible.
Reviewed by (rudy lange, LACOMBE COUNTY, Alberta, Canada) - great bible
Reviewed by (Brad Kaelin, Aurora, CO, US) - I have had eSword for a number of years and I love it. I just recently got a new iPhone and I downloaded the ios app and that is great as well. Being able to reference different resources for a portion of scripture is great. You can get nuances of thought from men of God. I truly appreciate what you have done and what you are doing.
Great Copy but Not What I Believe in Anymore
Reviewed by (Ward Bones, San Diego, CA, United States) - I owned a copy of The Message in 2000 and thought it was amazing and this digital version (which was simple to download and install) is I'm sure true to my hard copy.
However, I have learned a great deal going to catholic mass for 15 years since back then when I was Lutheran and my Ignatian RSV Bible lives much more powerfully and to me seems much more true to my understanding.
It's great, but probably best for Protestants as it leans that way. I'm not catholic by the books (still Lutheran) but I think the Reformation missed a lot of insight that the church has had since then from Saints and Holy people.
To me, being protestant is akin to being American and not believing in the Gettysburg address.
Making the Word more Understandable
Reviewed by (Tim Killian, Hickory, NC, United States) - When I am teaching the Word to people, I like to read them several translations so as to give them a better grasp of what the scriptures are say. This one works out great for that purpose.
Reviewed by (Mark Sog, Haidian, Beijing, China) - this version is simple to read and full of life.
Translation Companion
Reviewed by (Tracey Mickel, East Prairie, Missouri, US) - I have been using The Message translation with another Bible app for some time now. It was only natural to add it to my collection for E-Sword App. That App i was using on PC long before I knew it was available for my smartphone. Thanks for all your hard work. Having translations at my fingertips has made studying more fun.
Fantastic Products
Reviewed by (Sean Francis, D'abadie, N/A, Trinidad and Tobago) -
I have been using e-sword products for over 15 years and it is very user friendly and affordable. I use it on my PC, tablet and iPhone. The iPhone app is the best.
Over the years I have changed devices and all I have to do is to download the software and reuse the verification codes.
Recommend e-sword products highly!
Reviewed by (Harold Bradford, South San Francisco, CA, United States) - Excellent
Reviewed by (MICHAEL Konkle, West College Corner, Indiana, US) - Excellent product and easy to get and use.
Reading the Bible More
Reviewed by (Katherine O, Port Severn, Ontario, Canada) - Although I know comparing many translations is best for bible study...The Message translation is by far my favorite to read and I find myself doing that more for sure. Definitely glad I bought it.
Reviewed by (Royanto jonathan, Jakarta barat, Jakarta, Indonesia) - The Message bible by e-SwordHelpful and favorable amazing to read, the Word of God more clear and understanding.
Reviewed by (James C Exner, Cicero, NY, US) - Very excellent Product
Love it
Reviewed by (Nadine Meyer, Invercargill, Southland, New Zealand) - Really enjoy e-sword. Easy to use.
Easier to understand...
Reviewed by (Leona Healey, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada) - Because this particular bible is easier to understand, I find myself reading more than I have in years. At times, it almost gives one the feeling of watching history taking place! So, so glad I bought this one!
Reviewed by (Terry Pellman, Athens as, Texas, US) - As always user friendly
Reviewed by (Mike Spears, Lafayette, LA, United States) - This resource, combined with e-Sword has been an incredible resource for writing and teaching the Word of God. We have enjoyed it's ease and simplicity of use.
Contemporary Paraphrase
Reviewed by (Stephen Bower, Meridian, Idaho, US) - The Message uses up-to-date figures of speech and even cliches to switch on a new perspective of understanding of scriptures that are written in a culture less familiar to us. I particularly like to compare this version in parallel with NASB or another more traditional translation.
Reviewed by (Rev Keith W May, Prairieville, La, US) - I have used E-Sword for may years now and have found it to be invaluable to me for study and sermon prep. Having so many versions of the bible and commentary at a click of the mouse is as handy as a pocket on a shirt!
I recommend E-Sword for anyone who works in the church as a leader or teacher and to anyone who study's the word.
The Message
Reviewed by (John Chandler, Eagle Bend, MN, United States) - The Message is a great study source.
Message Bible Review
Reviewed by (Eddie Daniels, Sr, Oakland, California, US) - The Message Bible is fantastic at making more passages much easier to understand. I am glad to have in my e-sword collection so I don't have to switch to a different app when I want to use the Message Bible. This makes the e-sword app much more valuable to me in my studies and my teaching. I love it.
Been using e-Sword since 2008, non better
Reviewed by (Grant Ellis, Barmera, South Australia, Australia) - Love this product, I use different bible every day, great commentaries the dictionaries are just fantastic and then there is the reference libuary, there is hours of information in there alone, plus all the maps, this has to be the great biblical resouce around, so quick and easy to use and you can write notes, copy and paste, man I love the product, I've been using it daily since 2008. My day just is not right with out Proverbs and daily devotionals to get things started, this truely is an inspirational tool, love it, blessings and thank you so much to all involved in making this product available to everyone and for free :) <3 <3 <3
Great for Today
Reviewed by (Jerry Denton, Phoenix, AZ, United States) - For a long time I shied away from ant translations that weren't the closest to the Greek or Hebrew texts. But with today's culture I realize that there are few who are very concerned about acedemics and complete accuracy . . . even many pastors. When it comes right down to it, communication the truth in a culturally understandable way is the goal. It's much like what the linguists have to do in foreign cultures where people aren't already familiar with the Bible. When I grew up, almost everyone read the Bible regularly and the audience was, of course, a very different audience than we have today. So, a translation like The Message is not only appropriate, but very helpful for today.
Reviewed by (Sarah Spencer, Chanute, Kansas, United States) - I have always enjoyed The Message version, and usually use it when comparing to others as if it were part of an interlinear study.
The Message version is easy to understand and great for beginners.
Great Addition
Reviewed by (Ramon Robinson, Beaufort, South Carolina, United States) - The eStudySource Message Bible is a great addition to E-Sword.
Message Bible
Reviewed by (Allan Jones, South West Rocks, NSW, Australia) -
Reviewed by (Trent Smith, Fairplay, Colorado, US) - I have used ESword for years. I have used it for every type of bible study and my notes continue to grow. My son and wife asked if I would show them how to use the program. As my wife is a Sunday school teacher for K thru 1st graders she needed a translation easier for them to understand. The Message Bible as well as the E Sword program has made preparing and teaching Gods Word easy for this age group understand and apply the lessons. They are teaching their parents what they learn. Thank you for the tools to help building GOD's kingdom.
Reviewed by (Roger Cole, Pensacola, FL - Florida, US) - I thought the NLT was about the easiest to understand, but the Message is somewhere between NLT easy, the amplified, and perhaps the older Phillips paraphrase. I love this translation because its in our everyday vernacular.Well written.
Reviewed by (Morris McGuire, Piperton, TN, United states of america) - While the Message is not a paraphrase like The Living Bible but a translation that takes considerable liberties in the way it interprets the original, That said, The Message has become extremely popular among the full range of intellectual knowledge. I find it an excellent relaxed type of reading to receive a broad look at the "spirit" of the what is being said. So it should be an added source of Bible reading with other more closely translated versions. I give it a firm four stars.
The Message
Reviewed by (Trevor Parkinson, Roxburgh, NEW ZEALAND, New Zealand) -
It is very special to have "The Message" now in my ESword package, a real blessings and THANK YOU SO MUCH.
Bible study aids
Reviewed by (Glen Pickard, Lufkin, TX., US) -
I have greatly enjoyed using all eSword products in the preparation of my Sunday School lessons for my 3rd and 4th grade boys class. A great system. Thanks so much for providing this service to this 72 years young man. I need all the help you can give in order to keep up with the fast pace of this age group.
Love this version
Reviewed by (Debra McClory, Sultan, Washington, United States) - I decided to read through the bible this year using the Message Bible and Bible Project Videos and schedule. I have read the bible through many times using NIV and ESV versions, but reading the Old Testament through in the Message version is wonderful! It gives a whole different flavor and actually makes much more sense in many cases. Although, I did choose to read Psalms in the ESV version because the Message version was just too different for me, but overall I would recommend it especially for those well versed in the bible. I would not necessarily recommend the Message Bible to a new believer because interpretations are not always literal and the meaning can be misunderstood if not already well versed in the bible.
Message Bible helps
Reviewed by (Maggie Briggs, McCalla, AL, US) - This version of the Bible helps clarify and simplify some of the wording of the KJV. Both are wonderful, I just enjoy reading multiple versions to get a better perspective. Definitely worth it!
Helpful in sermon preparation
Reviewed by (Elizabeth Kemp, Shaftesbury, Dorset, United Kingdom) - It was so much easier to add new versions to my E-Sword on my new computer. So many programmes from my Windows 7 cannot be loaded by CD- here is ESword, the same as it's always been, and getting the message on my desktop is a great tool in sermon preparation.
Simple words
Reviewed by (Glen Cowgill, Homestead, Florida, US) - Very simple words which puts the message in terms anyone can understand, maybe too simple. I now use it to compare with my commentary on the verses.
Love this version
Reviewed by (Tracey Mickel, East Prairie, MO, United States) - Not a version to read alone because it isn't always accurate but it a good companion to the King James Version.
Reviewed by (James Smith, Adairsville, Georgia, US) - Very satisfied with this version of the Bible and appreciated that e-sword is free and the purchase of other bible software is affordable.
good read
Reviewed by (Mike Auld, Clarksville, TN, US) - I find this particular version of The Bible very easy to read and understand. I'm currently trying to read the entire thing in ninety days and have no doubt that I'll finish and have a much better understanding of The Bible.
The Message
Reviewed by (Alan Flowers, Mobile, Alabama, US) - Love studying different versions
Great Bible program
Reviewed by (Wilsie Borden, Graham, TX, US) - This Bible program is great!!
The Message Bible
Reviewed by (Maryjane Erb, Utica, NY, US) - I get an email every day with daily reading from the Message Bible. That is how I was introduced to it. I fell in love with this translation. It is very clear in its wording and meaning. This Bible is a plus to your library.
A Friend's Voice
Reviewed by (Diane Marsh, Kanata, Ontario, Canada) - The addition of The Message Bible to my eSword app makes it easy to convert any translation of a passage into familiar vernacular which is like the wisdom and comfort of a good friend.
Red Neck Bible
Reviewed by (Neal Rashall, Midland, Texas, US) - My Pastor refers to The Message as "The Red Neck Bible" because it is so BLUNT about what The Bible is saying to us. I use it in Jail and Prison Ministry to help Non-King James Uses (usually Red Necks) to get what was said. I try to use K.J. and Amplified K.J. then The Message as explanation in some areas.
Reviewed by (Omosaide Abraham, Warri, Delta, Nigeria) - It has become my all important bible application used on iPad. I love the use of its dictionary directly from the bible page without leaving that page. You could actually compare bible verse of a particular scripture. Esword could be used at any time just to adjust the settings also.
The Bible?
Reviewed by (Vernell King, Sioux Falls, SD, United States) - The environmentalist leftists finally have their Bible. Rom 15:13 Oh! May the God of green hope fill you up with joy, fill you up with peace, so that your believing lives, filled with the life-giving energy of the Holy Spirit, will brim over with hope! 1Co 6:10 use and abuse the earth and everything in it, don't qualify as citizens in God's kingdom. E-Sword is great, this work is not.
Great Help for Studies
Reviewed by (Lynette Fowlston, Paris, Tennessee, US) - This is a great help to me as I lead a women's Bible Study and the books we work out of have scriptures from out of different versions. With this we can compare how the scriptures read differently. Its also very useful for those who do not understand the KJV of the Bible. I really enjoy it and use it quite often for the class
Reviewed by (John Combs, Bay City, MI, US) - I read and usually study from the KJV and the NLT. The "MESSAGE" version is in a style of its own. Modern English. But I do find some parts take away the meaning of the original text found in the KJ or the Septuagint. Other than that it is somewhat a good read.
2014 vs 1914, God's Unchangeable Word
Reviewed by (Nancy Hensley, Chandler, Minnesota, United States) -
I am very impressed with e-Sword. I use it when doing Bible Studies. I can quickly find book, chapter, and verse with just a few clicks. So much easier than Bible apps I have used in the past. I have purchased the Message version and the New Living version of the Bible and I really like to compare versions, also using the King James and the ESV which came with my initial download of e-Sword.
I also love F.B. Meyer's commentary. In the past I have spent lots of money and time tracking down mulitiple copies of Meyers original little blue books, Through the Bible Day by Day, (published 1914 - 1918) for each of my family members. Now this material is at my fingertips on e-sword. I also love Meyers' daily devotions. My ipad knows the date so the devotion automatically comes up with today's devotion.
Many thanks to the makers of this incredible software!
MSG Review
Reviewed by (Ilene Elgen, Lordsburg, New Mexico, US) - I feel that e-Sword is one of the most important resources (what a Gift) on the Internet, presently, today. I can go to the Word of God in numerous versions very quickly and with so much ease, getting a fuller understanding of what the Lord has been telling mankind for thousands of years. The MSG version is especially delightful to have on hand. I use the MSG version to compare with the KJV or NKJV as I read daily. It definitely makes the Word come alive for me in a way that I have never experienced before. I enjoy the New Living Version, but I like the MSG even better.
The Message - The E-Sword way
Reviewed by (LM Colbert, Epsom, NH, US) - Have been using The Message for my bible reading plan this year, I have often cross examined the translation with The KJ for accuracy and though, at times, different word meanings have been chosen I haven't found any profound inaccuracy. I do find that it causes me to stop and consider what I'm reading in new context, which I consider to be refreshing and insightful.
Refreshing and insightful
Reviewed by (Robert Duerden, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom) - Petersen's dynamic translation I a delightful and refreshing approach to communicating Biblical truths. He had a remarkable ability to locate the old words of Scripture right into our own modern contexts. Which leaves one exposed to the tea challenge of God's word rather than being able to hide behind unfamiliar vocabulary
Got the Message
Reviewed by (Dennis Carlson, Auburn, WA, US) - Purchased this for my dad. He loves it.
Great choice
Reviewed by (Terry Scroggin, Mount Pulaski, Illinois, US) - I have been wanting this bible for a while, so I saved for it and it was a great choice. I can even help others with this very easy to read and understand version of the bible. Thanks
The Message Bible
Reviewed by (Johan Coetsee, Pretoria, Gauteng, South africa) - Great! Use it on daily basis
Reviewed by (Andy Robinson, Cashmere, Washington, United States) -
I enjoy this Bible as it gives great insight into passages. The modern language makes me think through my preconceived thoughts and often causes me to adjust them. Having heard Eugene Peterson and his heart for this generation makes this version that much more interesting. It is a great resource to have alongside your other Bibles.
Ease of understanding
Reviewed by (Dan Anderson, Salem, OR, US) - The Message will help the reader to understand God's word. It helps to untangle complicated passages.
I love The Message Translation
Reviewed by (Catherine Smith, Toronto, Ontario, Canada) - I have used e-Sword for years and saw the The Message Translation was on sale and I decided to buy because this is one of my favorite translations. Thank you so much for all the hard work and offering great translations!
Not as good as
Reviewed by (Bill McKelvey, Mt Beauty, Victoria, Australia) - It is a refreshingly new way to read the bible. To perhaps pick up on a fresh way of seeing a text and its application to me. It needs to be taken though with reference to acknowledged "best literal" translations such as the NASB or King James because in some cases the underlying meaning of a verse can be different.
Very accessible and readable`
Reviewed by (Don Cameron, Maddington, WA, Australia) - I prefer the Esword edition of The Message Bible because it maintains the readability while separating the text into each verse. Very handy if participating in a Bible Study where everyone has to read a verse. The Message often gets a comment about how it so aptly communicates the intention of the Writer through use of modern construction. My wife and I read the Bible through together with The Message on Esword and it was very rewarding. I am very grateful for The Message, and especially for Esword, and I note that it is getting better all the time.
God"s word in many forms
Reviewed by (Walter Meck, Dillsburg, Pa., US) -
I have had e-sword for more than 10 years and before e-sword had to delete many versions. But I found that God is into working with all the different versions and forms. it was proven as when Satan brought on an attack of quite a force. God had prepared us for this when I printed out 1Th 2:1-20 on a paper. as we were under duress that God guided our hand to this passage and some others that were printed out and in our KJV Bible. this is the scriptures that were highlighted that we found what was needed for that moment it our lives. This was the moment we realized God was into all the version that are from Him and ordained through Him.
Love it
Reviewed by (Jeffrey Smith, Chattanooga, TN, US) - I just recently learned that e-Sword was available for the iPad. What an answer to prayer! I used to have it when I was on a PC but switched to Mac in 2007. I've missed the program and once I got it, I had to have "The Message" paraphrase to parallel the NASB (which I call the 'bi-polar' bible! Thank you for bringing this to the Mac platform
Love The Message
Reviewed by (K de Beus, Phoenix, ARIZONA, United States) - Eugene Petersen's The Message succinctly and beautifully articulates what the Spirit says to the churches....and to me as an individual. The Message compliments the other tools that eSword offers the Christian scholar or lay person seeking to know God better.
Reviewed by (michael erhardt, cambridge, NY, USA) - The message bible puts God's message in a more personal language. when you compare to other versions it helps to get better idea of how much God's word is simple and not complicated.
Great Product and Company
Reviewed by (Rick McNeal, Monterey, Tennessee, US) - Great transaction...great product and works super well with e-sword!! Will do business again for sure.
Reviewed by (Gabriela Gosse, Dubai, Xxxx, United Arab Emirates) - Love the Message bible, an excellent accompaniment to other translations;written in an easy to understand modern language that will give meaning to the text in a fresh perspective.
Excellent paraphrase
Reviewed by (Paul Barfoot, Ormiston, QLD, Australia) - The Message is an excellent paraphrase in modern language, and brings a contemporary edge to study of God's word when used with other translations. I normally use the ESV, but find it refreshing to read from The Message as well because it sometimes highlights things I would otherwise miss.
Reviewed by (Geoff Mcmillan, Hamilton, Waikato, New Zealand) - All good, love it
Reviewed by (Patricia Rogers, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, Wales) - Having the Message Bible on e-sword is brilliant, I can compare versions and choose which one to use for the sermon that day. E-sword makes it possible for me to quickly choose and use text.
e-Sword and the Message
Reviewed by (David Roberts, St.John's, St George, Antigua and Barbuda) - e-Sword excels any Bible resource I have ever found on the internet and I am still amazed that it is a free,stand-alone programme for any user who wishes to try it. Bible study is a serious business (GOD'S Word !) but can bring the understanding of His will and purpose so simply into our lives. E-Sword makes ways available to follow and grasp the truths God wants so much to communicate to us and to draw on the work of others who help us on the way. The Message Bible is one such work. I have read Scripture for 50 years on and off and have never been so shocked and broken and weeping,revitalised,illuminated as with a searchlight in my spirit,halted in my tracks,encouraged, sternly warned,all at the same time ! If one starts to read a "difficult"book like Revelation - beware, it's hard tyo put it down again before the end. God will speak !!!
e-sword my daily bible study aid.
Reviewed by (Alan Tomsett, Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa) - I have used E-sword for about 8 Years now and can only say that it has changed my life in more ways than one.
why would it change your life you may ask well I have always found it difficult to cross reference between different versions of the bible and to find specific passages in the word no matter what version I was using. e-sword with its compare and parallel functions makes this referencing so simple.
further the commentaries and daily devotionals give me insight and guidance as I study the glorious word of God.
the openness and low level od doctrinal teaching appeals to me in that it leaves me free to do my own thinking and formulate my own responses to the word of god.
I often join others in bible study groups and armed with the wonderful preparation which I am able to do with the aid of all the functions in e-sword I am able to made a more meaningful contribution in the discussion groups.
I did a lot of damage to my marriage and hurt my wife through alcoholism and eventually agreed to go to a Christian rehab centre 7 years ago now, god touched me there and healed me, but I still had a lot of hurt and anger to work through in order to renew my marriage. being able to research anger, self and other relevant topics has helped me beyond all imagination. e-sword aided this research and made it fun rather than a slog so what more can I say e-sword has helped me change through the guidance of the Holy spirit and God's amazing grace.

Reviewed by (Eugene Colegrove, Crystal River, Florida, United States) - Totally enjoy reading the Message Bible and seeing how it translates into our modern day. I use it when I am preaching and teaching around the States.
The Message Bible
Reviewed by (Buddy Johnson, Mechanicsville, Virginia, US) - The Message Bible really puts words in the bible that can be understood. The integration with e-Sword makes it just one more bible to use and/or compare to other bible versions. This can be very helpful at times as you try to communicate words of the bible in a bible study setting.
It is what it was mean to be...
Reviewed by (Terry Rikard, Burlington, North Carolina, United States) - Many people fail to look at introduction and see the purpose of the translation. Message written? The best answer to that question comes from Eugene Peterson himself: ""While I was teaching a class on Galatians, I began to realize that the adults in my class weren't feeling the vitality and directness that I sensed as I read and studied the New Testament in its original Greek. Writing straight from the original text, I began to attempt to bring into English the rhythms and idioms of the original language.
What this means is he is not trying to translate the words but the intent. This happens all the time in translations. I am also a Spanish speaker and on day I had someone ask me to tell a group of Latin Americans that he was tickled pink to be there. So I said, "Words can't express the joy he has by being here." I did this because if I would have translated the words it would not have made sense.
What the message does is try and use comparable idioms or explain the original emotions behind the words. Is this a literal translation, no. However it was not meant to be. The problem with this is when you try to translate the original feeling and expressions of the words you take artistic license, some times you do a good job, sometimes our isms creep into the text.
As with any study use many translations....

Reviewed by (gene mitchell, Lawrenceville, Ga, US) - I recommend this esword version of the Message Bible. It is a great study source to the KJV Bible.
All Things New
Reviewed by (Daniel Greenaway, Perth, Western Australia, Australia) - When Jesus rose from the dead He made all things new. When we become Christian, all things become new for us. The Message Bible reflects this boundless realm of possibility, (for God's followers are now more than believers, we are truly God's children, God is our Father, we are included in all of Jesus' inheritance. The contemporary language and positive approach of this translation bring these concepts home to us in a fresh way!
Fair Deal
Reviewed by (Daryll Sears, Broken Arrow, OK, United States) - I chose this version because I am reading a "Through the Bible" devotional. I like it because it is easier to understand. I still like King Jimmy and a close second Amplified Bible for accuracy. I believe the Updated NASB is the most accurate. The Message is more of a story type read with a modern/relevant flavour.
Message Bible for e-Sword
Reviewed by (Pieter Wheeler, Boksburg North, Gauteng, South Africa) - Found this version most useful and easy to use. Very welcome addition to my other Bible translations.
Reviewed by (DJ Wellington, Telford, PA, US) - I've only recently learned of this version and downloaded it because others use it and now it is easy for me to compare with "real" scriptures. Some say it is easier for young folks to read and understand as it gives the general idea in language more appropriate for their minds. Personally, I do not agree with many, many of their wordings and would not have purchased except for the benefits of it being included within the e-Sword platform.
An excellent read
Reviewed by (Steven Rocek, Keilor East, Victoria, Australia) - This is a great version for helping interperet difficult scriptures found in the KJV or NKJV. It gives me a full understanding of the meaning of the text and what the author was trying to convey.
I use it for this and also for casual reading. It is very easy to read many chapters at a time.
Overall a great tool in the toolbox of understanding scripture! My thanks to the author for an outstanding work!
I like to check the various translations!
Reviewed by (Mary McCloy, Lexington, SC, US) - One of my favorite features of e-sword is the comparison of the same verse in all my translations. ;) Thank you, e-sword, for adding msg to my list.
The Message makes the word simple to understand
Reviewed by (Devona LeBar, Broken Arrow, OK, US) - Really like The Message bible I use it at church I like that it is an easy read in todays language.
The message
Reviewed by (Larry Molencupp, Glenpool, Ok, US) - Great addition for your e sword app
Reviewed by (Adam Caviness, Central, NC, US) - Overall the work is insightful. Passages in Ezekiel made me weep, simply excellent! Ephesians 6 broke my heart at the amount that was lost in paraphrasing so simply, tragic.
Reviewed by (Addie Burt, Centurion, Not USA or Canada, South Africa) - The Message Just so great to be able to enjoy the message, just makes reading so much more alive and clear. THANKS Sooooo Much.
Reviewed by (Mark Boyce, Minneapolis, Minnesota, US) - To me the KJV gives authority to the scriptures. The Message Bible makes sense out of what the KJV said.
Poetic re-write
Reviewed by (joe c, Wimberley, Texas, United States) - The Message Bible is well-written and easily-understandable, but i'm not sure i trust the paraphrasing. It is great for younger readers, newer Christians, or for pleasure reading, but i wouldn't use it myself for in-depth Bible studies when there are so many more trustworthy sources out there.
The Message Bible for e-Sword
Reviewed by (Jaco Kruger, Centurion, Gauteng, South Africa) - Love the Message, very good to have it on e-sword !!
Reviewed by (Olu Jemiraye, york, york, uk) - This version presents the bible as simple and as practical as possible: no one should miss it!
Wonderful Paraphrase Translation
Reviewed by (Peter Osroff, Mineola, NY, United States) - An outstanding paraphrase translation. The translation reads as smoothly as a novel; still, it has the cadence of a storyteller sitting next to you. A wonderful translation. Well worth the small investment of money.
The Best
Reviewed by (Raymond Jones, Richardson, Texas, US) - This is one of the Best Bible Translations I have ever read or used. It aids me greatly in my Sermon Preparation and Preaching.
Reviewed by (Joseph Deister, Washougal, WA, United States) - Great daily especialy for new christians and those not understanding KJV.
The Message
Reviewed by (Bill Tongue, Colorado Springs, CO, US) - Of course Gene doesn't get it right *every* time...have you ever read a Bible commentary that gets it right every time? What Gene has done is simply integrate his commentary with the text, a perfectly legitimate exercise but only "offensive" to those who've never seen it done before. I think it's a great idea!
And let me say...when Gene gets it right, he knocks it out of the frickin' ballfield!
The Message
Reviewed by (Helen keith, Scottsvile, KZN, RSA) - LOVE The message. kills thr Psalms, though.
I've got the Message!
Reviewed by (Philip Webb, Derby, Derbyshire, UK) - A while ago I thoroughly enjoyed reading through "The Message" cover to cover - it is of course a paraphrase, but surely one of the best. Peterson has a real gift with words which opens up and illuminates Scripture in a wonderfully challenging way. To have the text available now on my computer with e-Sword's ability to run parallel displays of translations is a real joy.
The Message Bible for e-Sword PC
Reviewed by (Donnie Ludiker, Casper, Wyoming, US) - I love the ease with which I can download Bibles, commentaries, etc. for my e-Sword program. The program it self so easy to use. The Message Bible translation is the best tool there is for communicating the bible to people that have hardly if ever, been exposed to the bible and the saving grace of Jesus.
For Wisdom and Understanding
Reviewed by (IRENE THOMPSON, BRONX, NY, United States) - The Message Bible is a break down of scriptures, to enlighten your understanding and wisdom of God's word.
Proverbs 4:7(AMP.) says it best-The beginning of Wisdom is: get Wisdom (skillful and godly Wisdom)! [For skillful and godly Wisdom is the principal thing.] And with all you have gotten, get understanding (discernment, comprehension, and interpretation).
The Message Bible for e-Sword PC - B0001
Reviewed by (Paul Evans, Poatina, TAS, Australia) - A lovely relaxing paraphrase read. Well worth using, especially when utilized with other translations.
I Like E-Sword
Reviewed by (David Fernandez, Cathedral City, California, United States) - As the head of our sound department having steady access to a computer in our sound booth at the back of our sanctuary, it is a real blessing to use all of the packed features of the E-Sword application and Bibles to follow our Pastor's sermons. It is a sophisticated application that is reasonably simple to master thereby enriching one's reading and learning experience. I'm glad I came across e-sword years ago.
Reviewed by (william bilyk, schaumburg, IL, US) - quick understanding
Comparing Bible Versions
Reviewed by (Daniel Thoma, Grove City, Ohio, US) - Our Nazarene Pastor uses The Message Bible for most of his sermons. I purchased it to compare with KJV, NKJV, ASV, and Youg's Bible.
It is a great help for my studies since I teach two home Bible study groups and a Senior Sunday School Class.
Interesting, but don't use it alone
Reviewed by (Al Margheim, Vermillion, South Dakota, US) -
"The Message" is a good read and having a copy is worthwhile if for no other purpose than to be aware of what it says. Just don't buy into the claim that it is accurate or suitable by itself for study.
The Message is refreshing
Reviewed by (George Willeboordse, Fort St john, British Columbia, Canada) - Like all of the E-Sword modules it works great. It adds the icing to the cake when it comes to verifying or filling out the meaning of a scripture. I use it side by side with the Amplified Bible.
The Message
Reviewed by (Bob Marshall, Culver City, CA, US) - I love the Message. I do not recommend it for your primary bible either for study or personal use. But I recommend it highly for an additional resource. I find myself reading it and saying, "The bible doesn't say that!" But then I go to my favored translation, the New King James, and read it, and realize that it DOES say that but I've never seen it before. Eugene Peterson has a unique way of bringing God's Word into today's vernacular which makes it very easy to read and which gives deep insights into God's Word which I, for one, would miss otherwise.
Reviewed by (Victor Mundy, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa) - A wonderful tool for study and life!
Feedback for B0001
Reviewed by (Praveen Ipe, bangalore, Karnataka, India) - very good
Does the Message get the message across?
Reviewed by (James Griffin, Dublin, Dublin, Ireland) - My initial experience of the Message bible was one of apprehension. However, I have come to view it in a different light. This translation is an excellent read when used as a prelude to the more standard translations. While highly idiomatic in places, the ability to read one of the many books of the bible straight through does have advantages. Peterson’s style is fluid and where necessary close to the standard reading. It takes a bit of getting used to, but does pay dividends. I am very happy with this purchase and would recommend it.
Paraphrased Bibles like the Message
Reviewed by (David Tremain, Mount Pleasant, Michigan, US) - Some people are afraid of paraphrased Bibles and I know that they are not something you would want to use on a regular basis, but we listen to people preach all the time and what is that? People speaking out God's word to the best of their ability in a way they think others will understand and often times it helps. That is why I like the Message Bible some times it helps me understand what the writer was saying. Of course I always compare to what a good translation says to make sure I am not missing anything.
Versatility of e-Sword
Reviewed by (Fred Blank, ALEXNDRA, Victoria, AUSTRALIA) -
To my way of thinking e-Sword rates as the best Bible reading aid that I have discovered. Its amazing versatility is outstanding and I find the ability to 'Compare' a selected verse against all other translations that can be added to e-Sword to be an outstanding feature, providing a great way to clarify the meaning of a reference being considered. The recent addition of the Message Bible to my translation/version selection, has further enhanced the value of the 'Compare' feature. I have no hesitation in recommending e-Sword to anyone who wishes to undertake Bible study/research in a meaningful and value assisted way.
Simple and understandable Bible...
Reviewed by (Diogo Camacho, Mafra, Mafra, Portugal) -
Knew it already. And I am still amazed at the work of God by Eugene. Can't read the bible in Portuguese without going to The Message...
Thank You
e-Sword Message Bible
Reviewed by (CJ Scott, Carlsbad, CA, US) - Excellent help for comparison
Reviewed by (Sherrilou McGregor, Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia, Canada) - I 'ghostwrite' books for two grace preachers, in the USA and South Africa (e-sword has been invaluable for pasting their bible quotations into the manuscripts, thank you from my heart). They often use The Message version alongside scriptures they are 'rightly dividing' in the KJ or NKJ, and I've come to value it (The Message) as a delightful and insightful study addition that, like salt, increases and sharpens the flavour of the meal.
another perspective
Reviewed by (karen rogers, johannesburg, Gauteng, south africa) - Although I generally use the NIV its wonderful to have The Message just to have another perspective on a passage. Often it is in such plain English that the truth just hits you between the eyes! Sometimes with an "ouch" that hurt, but sometimes it just makes you smile.
Time Saver
Reviewed by (Michael Meehan, Martinez, GA, USA) - My wife likes to include Bible verses in her emails. She also likes the Message version because it is so readable. The eSword module makes it easy to copy and paste a verse into her email. Thanks for making it available!
Message Bible one of the best
Reviewed by (Jacques Pelser, Bloemfontein, Free State, South Africa) - This version of The Message is the best I have seen so far. The ease of use and the good translation makes the Word "come to life". Really a great product and very affordable, even at the Rand/Dollor exchange rate. Highy commended. Regards, Jacques Pelser.
A worthwhile companion
Reviewed by (Craig Scott, Hallett Cove, South Australia, Australia) - A great version, particularly for the young and young at heart.
This version is good for general reading or for use with sermon notes as it is easily understood.
It is not so good for in-depth personal study or technical study.
Worthwhile as a companion version.
P.S. - also available at a great price from eStudySource. Thanks guys.
Easy to read
Reviewed by (Rodney Gallagher, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) - Having the Bible translated into modern English can make it easier to understand what the passages are about. English is a fluid language and words from the past do not always have exactly the same meaning or they may not be used in day to day life.
I like this translation!
Reviewed by (Mike Wagner, Farmington, NM, US) - One of the best things about the E-Sword bible system is the availability of numerous translations. I was very recently introduced to The Message, which I think compares very favorably with the other translations. It's nice to read scripture form several different Bibles to get the best understanding of what is said in scripture.
A Bible for evey day living
Reviewed by (Pete Coleman, Brisbane, QLD, Australia) - A great version of the bible that can give insight to every day Christian living. Can be used as a companion text in homegroup setting.
Modern English Bible on PC
Reviewed by (Andy Gingell, Kirkmichael, Perthshire, Scotland) -
The Message is a re-telling of the bible in modern english which catches the passion of the amazing events. Adding the Message to your modern english and traditional transaltions in e-Sword makes it simple to toggle between the different versions to assist my understanding.
Reviewed by (Mark Callaghan, Ulverston, Cumbria, UK) -
I have always found the e-Sword resources very useful. They are great for sermon prep and the ease at which you can compare between versions of the Bible. I have several printed versions of the Bible but not The Message so to have it on the computer along with the NIV, RSV, AMP, KJV etc is an added bonus. My computer is taken to our homegroup meetings which opens up the Word of God even more for us. If you are new to the idea of e-Sword then I would say go for it - it will expand your mind to God's word even more. God Bless all the team behind this program and continue to expand it further.
The Message Bible for e-Sword PC
Reviewed by (Frank Pittenger Jr., South Bound Brook, New Jersey, US) -
Great easy to read version of Gods word.
Bridging the historical gap - The Message
Reviewed by (Edrich Fernandes, Mumbai, MH, India) -
I have always been a NASB man, studying from it, preaching from it and revering it. Last week, I chose to buy a copy of the Message for use in conjunction with my e-sword software - another product I have held close to my laptop heart!
I was amazed at the freshness and contemporary relevance of the work. The English is a tad American, and needs 'adjustment' for an Indian audience. For example, Psalm 23 brags about God setting a six-course dinner before me! A little explanation is called for when you are talking to people who barely get a square meal. Ultimately, a brilliant work, that stands out in its own category. Thanks for making it available for us e-swordites.
Simply Word
Reviewed by (Koot van Nieuwholtz, Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa) -
The Word of God has to be presented in a simple way - this one does it.
Excellent Thought for Thought Version
Reviewed by (Vesey Wilborn, Lithonia, GA, United States) -
The Message bible is a contemporary, thought for thought version of the bible, and much easier to read than the NLT or the NIV. e-Sword already included the KJV and accompanying Greek / Hebrew dictionaries so at 1/10 of the cost of other software programs you can have access to an incredible reference library, most of which is free. Students at my Bible College use it all the time. When the KJV becomes awkward because of archaic language, you can get a breath of fresh air with the Message bible, it has become my go-to version, replacing the NLT & NIV when I need a break from the KJV.
MSG is an awesome translation indeed!
Reviewed by (Tariye George, Bolton, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom) -
I love the MSG. It presents the Word of God in an very easy to understand manner, highlighting and conveying to the reader the core message of the chapters and verses of Scripture which may otherwise be difficult to grasp when reading the KJV. I would definitely recommend that every serious Bible scholar have the MSG translation of the Holy Bible to hand.
A Gardener's Bible
Reviewed by (Liz Scott, Jacobs Well, Qld, Australia) -
Love having this Bible. It adds another perspective to God's Beautiful Word. Even though this is one person's paraphrase, and not a straight translation, it has been carefully, lovingly and beautifully done. Especially from the perspective of someone who is inspired by God's Creation. Nature positively sings of His Glory! I was a professional gardener (horticulturist and teacher) for 25 years ... and came to Love the Lord and His people by first loving his Landscaping. This is a Bible for anyone who can see the wonder of God in a dew drop, and the love of Christ in a new day's sunrise. Enjoy!
Excellent choice
Reviewed by (Daniel Leakey, Newcomerstown, Ohio, US) -
I have to admit, my main reason for purchase was the low cost. Its a translation that I love so I knew would use it and benefit from the cost too. It served as a trial to see how esword really works out... its got me sold. I'll be purchasing some other translations in the not to distant future!!! Value for money and reading combined!!
Readable & Relevant
Reviewed by (T Harris, Irvine, CA, US) -
The Message translation is a perfect compliment to the more literal translations of the ESV or NASB. It's great addition to your e-Sword Parallel bible feature. The Message translation will add a new depth, dimension and perspective to your bible studies. As the most interesting (and influential) man in the world said: "Stay salty my friends!" (Luke 14:34)
Message Bible
Reviewed by (Lyn bevington, mungindi, nsw, Australia) -
Thank you soooooo much for the Message Bible. It is very good, and easy to follow and read, expecially with the verses marked. I am very pleased with my purchase and will definitely be back for more as finances permit.
Message Bible Review
Reviewed by (Adela Ellis, Magnolia, Texas, USA) -
As a Bible teacher at a local church, I have found e-Sword to be invaluable beyond words!! I strive to teach exactly what the Word of God is saying, so the commentaries are super wonderful. I did not think I needed the Message Bible because it was not 'exactly' the Word, but a few weeks ago I had one of the ladies read the passage from her Bible (which was a Message Bible) and the clarity of the essence of the passage was exactly what I was wanted to convey. I immediately ordered the Message Bible to go along with the other versions I already had. It is a great Bible for someone just learning to walk with the Lord -- better than a study Bible for beginners.
God's Word in easy reading
Reviewed by (Mark Forbes, Centurion, Gauteng, South Africa) -
The Message is a easy way to read God's Message in our day today language. Although this is not in any means a way to study the Word, it is a pleasure to bring clarity to scriptures that have sometimes left things unclear.
Good deal!
Reviewed by (Derrick Tan, Covina, California, 91722) -
The Message is very useful in flushing out the meaning of a passage. Highly recommend to help people further understand a passage.
Outstanding offer
Reviewed by (Ernest Daniels, Elmsford, New York, US) -
This version of the Bible will and can open your mind to new adventures in the way one understands stories, parables, and bible context. Just reading the Psalms has increased my desire to read more. Fot the price this has been one of my best investments. Take the time to read Psalm 51. Thank God for E-Sword, which has made reading the Bible more exciting to me. I spend more time studing, research and understand what God has called me to do and be.
A Very Good Choice
Reviewed by (Mike Kangas, Scappoose, Oregon, United States) -
The Message Bible is easy to understand. I have been a missionary in four countries and currently work primarily with farm workers and others with little education. While I understand the long-time Christian's comfort with older versions, I am much more interested in a new Christian or seeker being able to understand on his/her own. The Message Bible makes it easy for a person to understand the Word of God.
Good to have On Hand
Reviewed by (Cindy Skillman, Rapid City, SD, USA) -
My dissatisfaction with this version is that it completely lacks any discernible (to me) literary depth. To me, it is irritating to read. I do feel, however, that it is useful to have this version available in order to point out to me some simpler phrasing which might be easier for younger and/or less educated people to understand. Given an initial understanding, it is then possible to add the depth in one's own words as appropriate to the situation.