Reviewed by (Michael Hesterman, Angola, IN, United States) - I have been so blessed for the E-Sword program's availability to use for my studies and sermon preparations. adding the NKJV to the list of Bibles i use in my study and presentations during worship service and bible study has been very useful. Thank you
Reviewed by (Joseph Fryling, Silver Springs, Nevada, US) - My Grandfather purchased me this NKJV for Esword almost 5 years ago, He has a wonderful history as a veteran, He passed due to COVID-19. My Grandmother passed 2 years before, and during those 2 years, I was attending a Bible College in Arizona. My Grandparents were my adoptive parents and legal guardians. I miss them dearly but am so thankful the the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints they have left behind to help grow me in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You for your Ministry, I've tried other programs but keep coming back here. Blessings!
Reviewed by (Michael Randolph, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States) - I used the Bible app for years. A friend recommended e-sword awhile back and after first using, I've been on it ever since.
I seem to move at a better pace than before in other apps. It's the next best thing to the written word in book form. Ty
Reviewed by (Linda Blackwell, Columbia, SC, US) - I L*O*V*E E-SWORD. The addition of the NKJV translation has been a major help as I prefer it to others because it is KJV on steroids. I can understand it better but it is also close to the KJV. Also because it capitalize the pronouns of the Trinity, which I believe is respectful and helps delineate when He/Him/You means the Holy Trinity and when it doesn't and I don't have to figure it out on my own. I'm a very happy camper also because they offer the low light setting which helps me in particular because I have chronic migraines and light sensitivity is a major struggle.
Reviewed by (Andrei Moscopol, MISSISSAUGA, ON, CA) - I use it every day.
Thank you
Reviewed by (Richard Wittmeier, Brandon, Canada, Canada) - This is a great program for doing Bible study. Easy to use and just what I need for doing Bible study for preaching or teaching.
Reviewed by (Mike Gilkerson, Malta, MT, US) - I use it to complete reading the Bible in a year with my family.
Reviewed by (James Goodwin, Lynchburg, Virginia, US) - Thank you so much for your good service and good price on the Bible. It is a blessing. Thanks for all you do.
Reviewed by (Brad Walters, Denison, Texas, US) - Although I did not catch it on sale, I added it to my library and love this NKJV Bible. Don’t wait for the sale, just get it and you will be glad to have it easy and convenient to access anywhere.
Reviewed by (Linda Medina, San Antonio, TX, USA) - I teach Bible study and e~sword is my go to. I read my scriptures every day. The commentaries are very helpful. I do like the NKJV very much.
Another excellent resources well presented
Reviewed by (M B, Athens, GA, US) - As expected, the NKJV Bible is another valuable resource from e-Sword. The add-on is perfect. Another hat tip to e-Sword for its consistently high-quality tools. Regarding the translation itself, it is certainly an improvement over the KJV due to its dependence on a wider selection of source documents, but it must be remembered that it still relies heavily on the Textus Receptus by Erasmus which is not the best translation of the NT. Nonetheless, as long as it is compared with other translations it is a worthwhile addition.
Reviewed by (Dr Kennith Hughes, Patrick Springs, VA, USA) - I have been usuing E-Sweord Bible program for several yers now. I like it eztremely well. It works very good with my mode of study and is very easy to study with. I recently purchased a NKJV Bible and I really like it. It makes the scriptures plainer for me. I recommend it for the serious Bible student. Thank you for put a full library at my finger tips. God bless you for that and increase your outreach for Him. I love the Word.
good choice in my oppinion
Reviewed by (Michael Walker, Sainte-marthe-sur-le-lac, QC, Canada) - Well, the story goes, I was told that the NKJV has a better translation than my NASB, and they showed me some verses that were different. So I cross-reference all my verses with several translations on ESWORD, which is convenient and easy to use. Happy with my purchase.
Reviewed by (JERRY STERNADEL, Baldwin City, KS, KS, United States) - works like it should, and very good support.
Gods Word for Quadriplegics
Reviewed by (NANCY TRAVIS, PENSACOLA, FL, United States) - I'm a quadriplegic. My mind still works, even though my body doesn't! Thanks to eStudySource I'm able to read and study my Bible. As well as any other resources available.
Reviewed by (Linda Weber, Whitewater, CO, US) - Love it!!!
One of my favorites
Reviewed by (John Quigley, Brackettville, TX, US) - I have been using this translation as my go to for Bible Study and preaching since I purchased it. It is clear and concise and well worth the funds used to purchase it. Personally I find E-Sword to be my best study tool and am now going to use it on my Android phone as well.
Reviewed by (JP Julio Pena, Murrells Inlet, SC, United States) - Just love to have the NKJV on my tool box
Reviewed by (Robert Jones, Bremerton, Washington, United States) - The New King James version is an excellent source for today's Bible student. Even as I'm old, I will be forever a student of the Lord. May the Holy Spirit continue to encourage and open, the hearts and minds of all who seek to have a closer walk with Christ.
Reviewed by (Joseph Bolden Jr, Kalamazoo, MI, United States) - Love studying the bible let get while I am on my computer.
Friday morning
Reviewed by (Wolfgang Pusch, Stephens city, VA, US) - Esword helps me to study. I love the multiple commentators and bible selections.
Reviewed by (Daniel Webster, West kelowna, BC, Canada) - I appreciate the excellent resources available for E-sword, as I use this app all the time for bible studies.
Reviewed by (Randy B, A, Missouri, US) - I have wanted this version for a long time. I feel it is very close to the KJV but easier to read and understand.
love it!!
Reviewed by (Julie Thibodeaux, montegut, la, United States) - i absolutely love this version of the bible and am so pleased that eSword had it!! It was simple to down load and it is very useful!!! This is my main version I use!! Thanks eSword!!
Reviewed by (Gert-Jan van Zanten, Harderwijk, GLD, Nederland) - I am using the NKJV and I love it!
An excellent resource to add to e-Sword
Reviewed by (John Sammons, Dade City, Florida, US) - I have always enjoyed e-Sword but I found myself switching to other apps in church because I wanted to have the same translation as the preacher so I could follow along. This add on allows just that. Now I have NKJV in-line with the other excellent e-Sword resources. I should have purchased this much earlier and I highly recommend it.
The New King James Bible
Reviewed by (Derek Smith, Germiston, Gauteng, South Africa) - The New King James Bible
Reviewed by (Donald D Franklin, Colfax, CA, US) - The NKJV is a great help and resource to the KJV. Today some words in the KJV either are no longer used or the meaning has been changed. Example, in the KJV Mark 10:14 the phrase"suffer the little children to come unto me" is used. Suffer use to mean allow, let or consent. However today it has a different meaning and the NKJV translated it "let the little children come to Me". This is a great help understanding that Jesus wants children to come to Him.
Reviewed by (Howard Rabb, Ball Ground, GA, US) - I am a seminary student at Luther Rice University in Atlanta. Since I am disabled, all my classwork is done online, by computer. E-Sword served me in good stead all the way through Bible College, and now graduate school. It is an excellent and useful resource. I have eight versions of the Bible deployed in my computers: KJV, NKJV, NIV, NASB, CJB, CSB, ESV, and ASV. Believe me, I use all of them. That school is tougher than the University of Georgia or Dekalb College, my former alma maters. Thank you, estudysource!
Thank God for E-sowrd
Reviewed by (Claire Hillier, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada) - I did not know how to study the Bible properly for years. I was getting frustrated until I heard Walter Vieth mentioning E-Sword. I downloaded the app and the study world opened up for me. However, it was still hard for me to understand the KJ version so I downloaded the NKJ and now it has become a pleasure to sit and read the Bible the easy way.
Thank you for E-Sword. God bless whoever thought of creating this app
NKJV for e-Sword is Excellent
Reviewed by (Robert Gauer, Hammett, ID, United States) - I purchased the NKJV for eSword because I didn't have this version on my laptop and my church uses NKJV primarily. I do have it on my iPad. I actually have MKJV and of course KJV as well, and a few more translations. e-Sword is just about my only study resource, but I do actually have books- it's just fare less cumbersome than packing around a small library of books. If you are reading this, I suggest donating a small amount of money to support e-Sword. You can be assured that will help someone else grow in their faith. Seeds can grow on their own, but a little help from others never hurts.
Reviewed by (William Lanning, Broken Arrow, OK, US) - Excellent resource for study.
Reviewed by (DENIS OPURU, Kampala, Select, Uganda) - I love using NKJV along side KJV
Reviewed by (Earl Eccles, Norfolk, Va,, United States) - I have enjoyed using NKJV in print form and look foward to using it in esword .
#1 Seller
Reviewed by (TERRY WAFFUL, Fair, Tennessee, United States) - If this isn't, it should be the #1 Best Seller! This Book is fantastic, and it's actually alive! The Book actually saves lives, it saved mine!
New King James Version review
Reviewed by (Terry Slone, Trussville, AL, United States) - I recently added the New King James Version Bible to my e-Sword collection. I find the NKJV a good addition to the other Bible versions I have. I find e-Sword extremely helpful in preparing Sunday School lessons and occasional Sunday Worship and Wednesday Worship messages. I love being able to quickly compare verses between different translations and the ability to view commentaries from renown Bible scholars like Scofield, Henry, Faust, McGee, Guzik, MacArthur, and many others. There are so many great features in e-Sword that make lesson preparation so much easier. I was very happy when e-Sword for Android was released! The NKJV is a great addition to the resources I already have in e-Sword! Thank you for making this program available for free with so many free resources. The optional ones are a great value as well! Keep up the great work!.
Great Resource!
Reviewed by (Shane Smith, Littlestown, Pennsylvania, US) - Love this translation and now it’s even easier to access electronicly.
Reviewed by (Billy Willis, Early, Tx, US) - All is well. Keep it up.
Reviewed by (Isaac Wafula, Kampala, Central, Uganda) - This is the translation that I grew up using as a child. To my dismay it wasn’t in the default downloads for free, so I had to download it.
The prose and grammar of the translation is what has always drawn me to it. So I basically can’t do any bible study without using the Bible translation that am most accustomed to.
Reviewed by (Nathan Bobai, Greater London, London, United Kingdom) - Amazing resource for esword. I really love this version for its readability and faithfulness to the King James Version. I look forward to the NKJV with strong's numbers, should we be expecting that at any time?
Reviewed by (Stanley Bunch, Buffalo, Dallas, United States) - Great addition for ESword.
Great Digital version!
Reviewed by (Raymond Taylor, Social Circle, Georgia, US) - This digital version is great to use in my studying!
Reviewed by (Ed Jenkins, Crane, tx, United States) - the service and the help it give's me us great.
Reviewed by (GLEN MILNE, Morwell, Pick One, Australia) - Excellent
Reviewed by (Thomas Caldwell, Jasper, AL, United States) - Being now retired from years of cross country truck driving I spend most of the days in God Holy Word. The first thing I do each morning in pour a cup of coffee and turn on my E-SWORD. The NKJV is my go to version of scripture. My mentor Dr. J. Vernon McGee’s commentary is my backup go to on my E-SWORD. Dr McGee was one of the men who worked on the NKJV translation. To the people who gave us the E-SWORD keep up the good work, God bless you!
Reviewed by (william yost, TUCSON, AZ, US) - Very happy with products I received
Very Readable
Reviewed by (Marcia McCance, Stanley, North Carolina, US) - The NKJV is an excellent Bible! It is very readable and uses modern verb forms (you and him, rather than thee and thou) without straying too far from the elegant structure and feel of reading the KJV. Anyone, young or old, should be able to read it and find the familiar comfort of the Lord within its pages.
Reviewed by (Nelson Gingerich, Richfield, PA, United States) - I love it!
Good Translation
Reviewed by (Randy Puckett, Clovis, Ca, US) - Good, more literal translation. Wish it were a study Bible.
Mr Kakoulides loves NKJV
Reviewed by (Harris Kakoulidea, Philadelphia, Pa, US) - I love the NKJV Bible more than KJV, It is the Bible I most use when preaching in the Mr Kakoulides & the Bible Podcast. And the Number 1 that is in my commentary on Genesis named Studies in Genesis ( Free to download in Google play store) When I saw it in the Esword I became so happy , that I could use it on this wonderful Software.
Great value purchase
Reviewed by (Ian Norton, Jerusalem, il, Israel) - Excellent bible for an excellent platform... Good price also
Reviewed by (Dave Chroninger, Iola, WI, United States) - this is my main version i use. interesting all the versions you get for free but the one i use i have to buy, that's ok, it's worth it. would be nice if they have a narration with it, still worth it. thanks
Reviewed by (Patrick Cook, Union, OH, US) - Love eSword and love this new version.
thee and thou
Reviewed by (Keith Wood, Victoria, TX, US) - I have a collection of bibles because I love to compare the different translations to try to capture the original meaning. I cut my teeth on the King James as did my generation and have seen many different ones come out. The Good News testament was one of the first popular modern language translations that hit the market in the 60's. Later in life, God would call me into ministry, and my thirst became very real. Dakes became my favorite, but that was more commentary out of the King James, then I attended a church that the pastor used the NKJ. I was hooked, the rhythm of the KJ without the thees and Thous. A Modern translation that closely resembled the KJ without changing the text like so many others do. Acts 17:11c
Favorite version
Reviewed by (Cheryl Wallace, Marysville, WA, United States) - Thank You for making NKJV available! It is my favorite version. I used the Prayer of Jabez to help me decide what version I would use. It is because it is the only version that says 'that I will not cause pain'. All other versions say 'that I will not be in pain'.
I don't mind paying the price to follow Jesus, but I do not want to cause others to be in pain. So this was the perfect version for me!
Again Thank You!
Reviewed by (Bob Kilmer, Roaring Springs, TX, United States) - The NKJV helped me in my studies.
Reviewed by (Ilja Ponsaing, MURGON, QLD, Australia) - Just my favorite translation
Reviewed by (Wilmar Browder, Denver, Colorado, US) - Best
Just what I needed
Reviewed by (Peter Bullous, Sunderland, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom) - I have a New King James Bible (hardback) and as a frequent user of eSword I needed to have it on that also - so it's really useful as I can word-search faster than I can using my hardback Bible's concordance. I purchased the NIV version as well, because that's what our church uses (The Salvation Army).
Refreshing Wording
Reviewed by (Perry Richerson, Belvidere, il, United States) - I grew up on KJV and this is still my go-to version. New King James Version was bought because I was looking for a version that did not have the "thee's" and "thou's" in it. I teach a Bible study in my home, and the younger generation was telling me that those words were distracting their understanding of what I was reading to them. I tried several versions of the Bible, and I like NKJV best for me to teach from.
I rate it 5 stars.
It's the NKJV for E-Sword
Reviewed by (Randy Young, Des Moines, Iowa, US) - It's the NKJV for e-Sword. That's about all there is to say about it. If you want to be able to read the NKJV in e-sword, this is it.
Good addition to the library
Reviewed by (Allen Mostyk, Kamloops, BC, Canada) - This was a good addition to my library as I have just started to use e-sword so another bible is a welcome addition.
Reviewed by (James McCluer, Wichita, SEDGWICK, United States) - Works as advertised in E-Sword.
Another fine tool in my Biblical study.
GREAT Translation
Reviewed by (Mike How, Modesto, CA, US) - Excellent translation
Thank You
Reviewed by (Jimmy Dowers, CAYUGA, Indiana, United States) - A great addition to eSword
Reviewed by (John Chuks Odor, Surulere, Lagos, Nigeria) - It's been quite enriching using this product.
Nice for comparison
Reviewed by (Sean Marcellus, Lewiston, Idaho, United States) - I like this for another version to compare scriptures to, I'm just not a big fan of the KJV
Reviewed by (Dean Hawkins, Gardner, MA, United States) - Honest it is more inspiring to realize I can deepen My faith and the more I return to revisit the more I find that the Holy Spirit is prompting my Memory so to share. Rm. 12:2 transformation comes by Faith Eph.2:8. What a Grace gift. This is what makes it amazing as each day I need walk AM & PM for health reasons. So, while doing this I am able to hear the readings over & over. This I feel is where the Faith depth shows up.
NKJV for e-Sword
Reviewed by (Michael A Martin, Greenville, NC, United States) - Satisfied with the purchase of the NKJV.
Note: Would love to see this digital version in the Thomas Nelsen NKJV Comfort Print.
“So be it-Trustworthy “ a better AMEN!
Reviewed by (Dean Hawkins, Gardner,, MA, US) - I’m 79, enjoyed realizing God really instigated Holy Spirit causing me to realize when at a very young age I first did a sinners prayer. I recall parroting what to say. This event had been forgotten, but Holy Spirit awakened me from sleep just before baptism event.
And added, when my step son passed from cystic fibrosis age 21, Holy Sprit reminded me in 2 separate prayers that son & I were named after Christ as Christians.
The Concordance helped me see clear understanding & meanings.
I’ve been able to use the scripture readings, and now am studying principles of Christ, in First principles program.
All this with help through e-Sward
New King James Bible
Reviewed by (Timothy Bain, Ponoka, Alberta, Canada) - It's very good!
The Sword in NKJV
Reviewed by (Richard Womack, Valley View, TX, United States) - I love the various version of the Word of God. This version is magnificent as always. I am not sure how many I own but love cross referencing the various versions.
Great app for bible study
Reviewed by (Savio Fernandes, Navelim, Goa, India) - I have been using this app for last 8 years, it has been my source and means to study the bible, thanks for the wonderful app, so very easy to use and loads of information given free of charge, this app has helped me to share the word of God with understanding and understandable way, God bless you all for the app, it has been my source of encouragement and wisdom. Thanks very much.
Reviewed by (Donald Harris, El Cajon, California, US) - What more can you. Best selling book of all time. Translated from an old style out of date English into todays modern English style.Its icing on the cake. Get your copy today!
so thankful
Reviewed by (Joyce Judd, Greer, SC, US) - I am so thankful for the e-sword website. As a Christian, I need to read the Word. I need to study. I need aids sometimes.
Because of e-sword, I can have all that with me...on my laptop, on my phone.
I have just purchased - again (because I lost my code and I never mind giving this website $$, little as it is) the NKJ version. It's what my hard-copy Bible is, and now having it on my new computer will allow me to again, "compare".
So thankful...truly.
Reviewed by (Terry Ivey, Cambridge, ON, Canada) - Great resource for bible study. Easy to read.
NKJV for E-Sword
Reviewed by (Kim Pumfrey, London, Ontario, Canada) - Clean and clear version that is seamless in E-Sword. Reading and studying God's word in clear modern English is a blessing from God. Thank you E-Sword!
NKJV wonderful version
Reviewed by (Dean Brickey, BROOKINGS, OR, United States) - Our church used the NKJV in its services, and I had difficulty following along on my iPad using other versions I'd downloaded, so I added NKJV to my list of downloads. Now I'm able to follow along effortlessly as the pastor reads Scripture. Praise the Lord!
Reviewed by (Danie Kriel, Vaalpark, Freestate, Republic of South-Africa) - My purchase of the NKJ Version for e-Sword was flawless. What a great experience. Whatever I may need in future, I will buy here. AWESOM! Blessings to all. SHALOM!
Reviewed by (Steven Cole, Clarksville, OH, United States) - Great!
Reviewed by (Paul Morris, ABERDEEN, OHIO, United States) - e-sword puts Biblical information at my finger tips better than ever. My time is used much more efficiently with Bible 'Compare', Commentaries and Sermon tools.
Reviewed by (Matthias Klein, Hohenthann OT Schmatzhausen, Bayern, Deutschland) - Super
To continue believe in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Reviewed by (Ken Keohavong, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada) - The words “continue to believe in the name (of the Lord Jesus Christ)” is so clear and bold which different from the rest of another’s versions.
1Jn 5:13 These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God.
Great resource
Reviewed by (Richard Gideons, Queen City, TX, United States) - Have used E-Sword for many years for reading the Bible, in-depth study and teaching. It’s a great tool box of resources and easy to use. I highly recommend it.
Reviewed by (Ernest Daniels, WHITE PLAINS, NY, US) - I find that the New King James Bible addition to my library has helped me in my studies. I highly recommend this Bible to everyone's
E-Sword library.
A wonderul resource to own
Reviewed by (Leroy Jett, Smyrna, Delaware, US) - I was tremendously impressed with the ease of installation and use of this timely resource. It is a great use of technology to help believers learn, grow, and apply the power of GOD's Word. The price was also easily affordable and 10 times worth it. Thank you!
NKJV e-Sword Version
Reviewed by (James Brown, Phoenix, AZ, US) - I have thoroughly enjoyed having the NKJV on my computer and iPhone. It has been refreshing to have this app on my mobile device and it allows me quick access to my favorite scripture passages. It is one of my favorite translations, and I believe the NKJV stays true to the original Greek text, and therefore highly recommend it for any student of the Bible. Thank you e-Sword for making the NKJV a part of your enormous and rich Bible inventory.
Reviewed by (DESMOND NISH, KIDD'S BEACH, EASTERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA) - e-Sword has been an invaluable aid in Studying the Bible systematically ever since it was first published. The speed at which it operates makes it a joy to use. The KJV with Strong references has resulted in easy access to the meaning of words without the need to purchase expensive concordances. We highly recommend e-Sword to all our Bible Students. Many have expressed absolute astonishment that such an incredibly powerful and user-friendly tool has been made available at no cost. No Bible Student shoiuld be without it,
Reviewed by (Dennis Burton, St Catharines, ON, Canada) - I have been using E-Sword for many years. It is fantastic very user friendly program. No glitches. Lots of free and purchase ad ons to choose from.
Reviewed by (Al Schmidt, Marshfield, MO, United States) - This is a great blessing in adding to my study to teach the Scriptures in my local church. Thank you.
Like the OT in the NT
Reviewed by (Todd S, Pensacola, FL, United States) - I like how when the Old Testament is quoted in the New Testament, the words are capitalized letting you know immediately that the quote is in the OT so you can research it further if you want too.
Loving my purchase
Reviewed by (Val M., Castries, Saint Lucia, Saint Lucia) - Really enjoying my purchase bought this one at the start of the year and its been a blessing. Been sticking to a great bible reading plan by Amazing Facts. Really loving the NKJV, the sentence structure and wording's amazing. Love the commentary section its really helpful and gives you a deeper understanding of things.
I've got a small print KJV being able to adjust the font size in e-Sword is a amazing. Looking forward to reading the word and spending more time with Jesus. This is by far the best online purchase I've made in my life :)
God bless the e-Sword team, the estudysource team and everyone involved in getting this amazing resource out there.
Got what I ordered
Reviewed by (Jeff Lundholm, Colorado Springs, CO, United States) - I am not a Biblical scholar so I can't speak as to the accuracy of this version, rather I have to take the word of those who are scholars. I do like the way this version reads.
Reviewed by (David Leonardo, Hamden, CT, United States) - Fit perfect into the app, price for the bundle fit in my budget thank you
Reviewed by (Mack Newbanks, Brewster, WA., US) - I enjoy Esword very much and the New King James is the one I use in my regular Bible. Thanks for making this available. God bless you all for the work you're doing for the Lord.
E-Sword is Awesome!
Reviewed by (GREG LOHR, WEST COLUMBIA, SC, United States) - I used to use other electronic Bible Study software, until I found E=Sword. There just wasn't any comparison, E-Sword was and is hands down the best I have used. And the best's Free! To be able to download so many Bible versions (and compare them), commentaries and dictionaries, and to be able to create and save your own E-Sword is the best Bible Study resource ever!
New King James Version® for e-Sword
Reviewed by (Bobby Guinn, Rustburg, Va, United States) - I just love the NKJV of the holy Bible. I am so very blessed when I use it parallel to the KJV format with e-Sword.
Thank you for this incredible Bible study resource. Blessings to you all.
Easy to read and the flow of words is fantastic
Reviewed by (Timmy Tng, singapore, singapore, singapore) - Use it for my Chinese class bible lessons preparation. Make my understanding of the word of God smooth and easy. Putting the words in bilingual side by side makes it easy for the old seniors to understand so easily. Truth to the Greek and Hebrew text is very critical in my studies of God's word. Have yet to find any misinterpretation yet.
Very nice study bible
Reviewed by (Evelyn Moore-Jones, Chicago, IL, US) - Very nice study Bible. Many ministries use this Bible in place of the King James version. Would like to have a companion commentary that would explain word choice differences/meanings between the two versions. Until then, I will continue to do my own comparisons relying on the Holy Spirit to show e the meanings. Thank you for providing this New King James version for eSword.
Much needed NKJV
Reviewed by (Geoff Hawkes, Virserum, Kalmar County, Sweden) - As translators from Swedish into English, much of teh work my wife and I do has Christian content, and we often need to include whole chunks of Scripture in our texts. So, apart from the obvious benefits of having electronic versions of the Bible for our own use and edification, this product is a very powerful tool to have.
As with the other translations we have acquired from e-Sword, it is easy to use and well-presented.
Our grateful thanks for this product
Reviewed by (Tracy Saunders, Rocklin, CA, United States) - This is an awesome package. I am a big fan of the NKJV and love that this is available for E-Sword.
Good Product
Reviewed by (John Brennan, Barrie, Ontario, Canada) - Good reliable translation. I use it along with the ESV in my e-Sword.. May God help us to be doers of His word as well as readers and hearers. To Him be the glory.
NJKV purchase
Reviewed by (Lacy McAdams, Levelland, TX, US) - I love the read ability with the focus on accuracy. The product has been extremely helpful in my message preparation. I like it because it is based on my pc... and not on the internet, so wither or not I have Internet access, I can always get my searches done... E-sword is a great blessing no matter where I use it at home or office or even in the in-between places.
Reviewed by (Mark Harness, Warsaw, Indiana, US) - I really enjoy using esword! it is an excellent resource for
Thank you.
Reviewed by (Mary J, DODGE CENTER, MN, US) - So happy to have the New King James Version.
Reviewed by (Prem Anand P S, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India) - Very Good
Awesome Bible App
Reviewed by (Samson Adeniran, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China) - E-Sword is the best Bible app I have come to know. I had bought licenses for some versions on another Bible app before discovering this and deleted the app together with the licenses when I got e-Sword. Also, this app makes Bible reading and studying fun.
Reviewed by (Kirsis Loyola, Grand Rapids, MI, US) - I'm please with my purchase. However, I was expecting for this Bible to include cross references and maps (that are normally incudled by Thomas Nelson.
Reviewed by (Rex Williams, Prescott, AZ, US) - One thing I was impressed with was the way your commentary was set up,very easy to use,it is not as difficult to find a particular subject as some.
All in all a good translation.
Reviewed by (Kevin Miller, Appleton, WI, United States) - The NKJV Bible version is a wonderful and easy to understand version! I am completely satisfied with my purchase!
Reviewed by (jim manning, wausau, Wisconsin, United States) - One of my favorite translations.
Thank You
Reviewed by (John Lent, Gallatin, TN, United States) - I have been using and enjoying e.Sword for many years
I am SO HAPPY that mods are still available
Reviewed by (Thomas Harner, Sedalia, MO, United States) - I love the NKJV. It stays close to the KJV that I love, but make its understandable.
Reviewed by (Joseph Madden, Fremont, CA, US) - It is wonderful to have the New King James Version of the Bible on my iPhone 8 version of e-Sword.
A must have
Reviewed by (Justin Bailey, Lititz, Pennsylvania, United States) - The NJKV is a must have version of the Bible by Thomas Nelson. With the KJV being the closest English version of the Bible we have to the original Scripture, the NKJV kept the integrity of the KJV and slightly altered it to be easily read in today's society. I highly recommend the NJKV over any other English version to date.
Reviewed by (Greg L, Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, US) - I love this. I’m able to have it side by side with my KJV with e-Sword . So during bible study some people use one or the other version makes it easier to follow along
Reviewed by (Ray Robinson, TELFORD, NA, United Kingdom) - For me this is the best version of the bible as it preserves the original without too much adding of data thats not in the original. Being on esword is even better. 5 stars
Reviewed by (Paul Raggett, DEVIZES, Wiltshire, United Kingdom) - Typical high quality product from esword with the translation that I find most helpful and probably most accurate.
Reviewed by (Robert Nelson, Tulsa, Ok, US) - Pleased
Wonderful version
Reviewed by (Lowell Brueckner, Marin, Pontevedra, Spain) - The New King James is a very good version of the Bible. I think it may be the one I use most in the future for public ministry. It is another item added to my eSword Bibles and Commentaries. The purchase and the upload into my personal app was done with ease. I use eSword every day. It is a wonderful resource for serious Bible study.
Reviewed by (Arthur Shelton, WOODLAND PARK, CO, United States) - I'm so glad I purchased NKJV Bible. Now I'M able to use it along with the other amazing study tools in e-sword.
Best Study Guide
Reviewed by (Glen Pickard, Lufkin, TX, USA) - I have been using e-Sword for many years now and I find it very helpful in all my Bible Studies. I teach 4th, 5th, and 6th grade boys at Denman Ave, Baptist Church in Lufkin Texas. I also serve as a mentor with Christian Men Job Corp. And am involved in discipleship training in leading men to become the man Christ desires them to be. In all this e-Sword is my go to help source. Thanks for a superb system of Bible Study.
Reviewed by (Tom Reeves, Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, US) - Excellent parallel to the King James. I’ve always been a KJV only and still do my studies from it, but have began comparing the two and enjoying the reading. I will be reading it cover to cover!
Reviewed by (Pastor Ed Moran, Sault Ste Marie, ON, ca) - I have found the recourse provided very helpful from week to week as I prepared messages.
The different versions provided often help to give insight into a passage of scripture. --- P. Ed
My Spiritual journey
Reviewed by (Etienne Steenberg, Heidelberg, Guateng, South Africa) - Learning and investigating the true meaning of the Set Apart Word influenced my life immensely in so much that the journey has bound the Messiah and me for life. Knowing Him and His Word opens the door to so much more and is His Set apart Spirit, the Ruach Hakodesh, the only guide to completeness and fulness in Him. This journey has a new meaning as it confirms my destiny foremost but also my commands as His Disciple to increase His Kingdom in real terms on this earth. His Word is my daily inspiration to seek the truth and to be a witness to those in need. I love the Messiah and will follow Him till His return. He is my Alef Tav. His glory is all around us and may He be glorified through the written Word
My Thoughts
Reviewed by (Eric Malecki, Memphis, TN, US) - My only wish, or an addition that I think would be helpful, is if there were some way to have the same references that the hard cover Bible uses for words or phrases. As I get to learn more and more about the uses of eSword, this app is incredibly useful for Bible study.
Easy addition to E Sword
Reviewed by (Graham Goodhew, Shailer Park, Queensland, Australia) - I purchased the New King James Version as an addition to my copy of E-Sword. The process was easy. Within a few minutes it was done. I am very happy with it.
Thank you,
Graham G
One of the best translations
Reviewed by (KEITH JONES, O BRIEN, FL, US) - I grew up reading the KJV and have always loved the Shakespearean language. However, there were places that were difficult to read and understand. The NKJV makes the older translation much easier to use and navigate it. Since I do not speak old English, I prefer the NKJV as most of my church members use it. Thanks to this resource is available at a very affordable price. I heartily commend this translation as a valuable addition to my collection.
Reviewed by (Rick Marino, Deltona, PA, US) - NKJV
Reviewed by (Wayne Dempster, Timmins, Ontario, Canada) - Hi,
I see the New King James Version as a version between the KJV and the NIV; our bible studies are now in the NKJV mostly, so this prompted me to look at and go to the NKJV. But the real story here is that I use E-Sword in all my studies regarding the bible. I never leave home without it!
Reviewed by (Shaun Lewis, Baxley, Ga, Unites States) - I love this app. I use it everyday in my study’s
eSword is amazing! Thank u!
Reviewed by (Cj Navarro, Ruidoso, NM, US) - I live in a cabin w/no internet. I can use eSword offline to produce my generate my lessons for the two eschatology classes I get to teach ez. week. THANK U ESWORD!! The addition of NKJV is excellent
e-Sword Is The Best
Reviewed by (Larry Bunch, Bryan, Texas, United States) - e-Sword is the best way to study the Bible on your computer or i-Phone! Easy to use and accessories available.
Reviewed by (rudy lange, LACOMBE COUNTY, Alberta, Canada) - just love this edition of the bible, use it alot
Reviewed by (Tana Hoskins, Aransas Pass, TX, US) - I really enjoy studying the NKJV & comparing it to KJV, looking up Greek & Hebrew words.
Thank you for this resource!
Matthew 4:4
Excellent Bible translation
Reviewed by (Szymon Matusiak, Kozienice, Mazovian Voivod, Poland) - I am very glad that such a good Bible translation as NKJV is available for users of E-Sword Bible Program. I have a paper copy. However, such electronic form of that Bible is very useful, both to compare it with other versions of Scripture, and to cite verses from it.
I recommend that product with all appreciation.
Reviewed by (Ron Harmon, Killen, AL, US) - Absolutely love the product. Found the purchase experience difficult. It required the help of a friend - very, very, frustrating.
This is the version I preach out of
Reviewed by (Matthew Witowski, Hammond, Indiana, US) - E-Sword is a wonderful way to study the Bible, searching the Scriptures to find things. It's better than most of the ones you pay a lot of money for, which helps financially challenged people like me. I hope that God blesses you in this very important ministry.
My Study
Reviewed by (Aubrey Jayroe, Forrest City, Arkansas, US) - I use e-sword as my only resource for biblical study. It is easy to use and provided everything I need to utilize the scriptures in my sermons.
Reviewed by (Arnold Lalum, Great Falls, MT, US) - e-sword has become my main Bible program. It is a fast and user friendly program, most users will enjoy.
Great product, great service
Reviewed by (David Michaels, Mattawamkeag, Maine, US) - ESS is a great service, pray they stay around. Love E-Sword, been on every computer I've had. Really enjoying the New King James BIBLE.
very useful
Reviewed by (FRED COPELAND, Newtownards, DOWN, United Kingdom) - helpful in bible study
Reviewed by (Trevor Britten, Windhoek, Khomas, Namibia) - The system for downloading from E-Sword is easy and efficient.
My Go To Bible
Reviewed by (Lin T, Temple, GA, US) - I have used this translation for many years. My go to bible. Thank you for making it available on E-Sword for mobile phones.
The NKJV is smooth reading
Reviewed by (Charles Upton, Baltimore, MD, US) - The uncompromised NKJV is exactly what the world needs. It provides grammatical clarity without the restructure and the loss of Old English prose.
New King James Version
Reviewed by (William Negron, Coram, NY, United States) - New King James
American language
Reviewed by (Frank Edgar, Terlton, Oklahoma, US) - It speaks my language!
New King James bible
Reviewed by (Andrew Whitaker, New Hazelton, British Columbia, Canada) - It is wonderful & accurate but I knew that before I bought it.
Great addition to my library
Reviewed by (John Freeman, Whitehall, MT, US) - Great to have the New King James Version now on my computer to complement my other versions of the Bible. It is a well needed quick study tool as I can quickly cross reference the scriptures in my computer instead having to page through my paper version. E-Sword makes the download easy and version comparison fast.
Reviewed by (Salesa Siona, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) - NKJV
Great Product
Reviewed by (David Radcliff, Charleston, West Virginia, US) - As with all e-Sword products this is wonderful. I enjoy the NKJV without all the "thees" and "thous". It makes reading many passages so much easier. Of course e-Sword itself is THE best Bible program I have ever used. I've looked at several on-line but none better than this one.
Reviewed by (Knox Campbell, St Albans Park, VIC, Australia) - I use the New King Version so I can use the Strong's numbering system in the King James Version. I then can compare with other translations. Many thanks. Knox.
Excellent product
Reviewed by (Michael Smith, Renton, WA, US) - As usual everything associated with esword is seamlessly installed and works as expected. I love the New King James for its readability thus memorization ease. Thanks so much for these electronic Bible products.
Great study source
Reviewed by (Kanga N'Gouan, Glasgow, Larnakshire, United kingdom) - A good application for personal development.
Easy to setup. It will better if you could allow to oppen different blank pages in the study note and also the journal.
Reviewed by (MICHAEL Konkle, West College Corner, Indiana, US) - Brings back memories of days gone by. Excellent tool.
Same Version
Reviewed by (Gary Emmerson, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) - It is good to have the same version of the bible in eSword as I normally use. Makes eSword more relevant.
Awesome App
Reviewed by (LeRoy Kilber, Webster, SD, US) - eSword is an awesome app and I love it! You can do lots of things like, search, compare versions, get definitions and a host of other thing.
Most of all it is very user friendly! As well as a blessing for & too the user.
Reviewed by (Elizabeth van der Riet, Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa) - Of all the Bible versions out there, this is by far the best one for me!
KJV today
Reviewed by (Nita Brown, Lancaster, South Carolina, US) - I have found the NKJV very helpful clarifying the "old English" usages in the traditional KJV while remaining a close parallel to the KJV.
Reviewed by (Jan Smal, Magalieskruin, Gauteng, South Africa) - Hi
All worked perfectly and priced right. Thank you
Reviewed by (Salesa Siona, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) - NKJV
NKJV Bible
Reviewed by (Laura de la Torre, Chicago, IL, United States) - This is my primary use Bible, I have two I use over any other. I also have KJV, NLT, Amplified/NKJV, Complete Jewish Bible. These are all actual Bibles.
I truly enjoy E-Sword and the free Bibles available But as this was not one and the MKJV and LKJV just were not what I was looking for when I take my laptop to services. This is why I bought the NKJV for E-Sword.
Reviewed by (Salesa Siona, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) - NKJV
Reviewed by (Salesa Siona, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) -
I [loved adding] NKJV to my esword bible thank you.
Reviewed by (Walter Tucker, CARSON, CA, United States) - I am pleased.
Reviewed by (Samy Bouchahine, Lebanon, Lebanon, Egypt) - Good translation, recommend
Reviewed by (Rick Allen, Richfield, UT, United States) - I initially bought this for a friend, but intend on using it myself. The e-sword program has been such an inspiration that I submit it to others. It is so sophisticated, yet so complimentary to the average person to use, that it's the best, in fact the only program I use for in-depth study, but also for quick referencing also. Do to both technology and the development of this program, and the offered made available e-sword, God's Word is being presented to all the world.
Reviewed by (Titus Green, Westminster, Colorado, US) - NKJV is my favorite mainstream translation. I refer to the original Greek frequently, and while as with any translation there are words/phrases that perhaps could have been translated better, I find NKJV to be faithful and accurate. It's great to have NKJV available in E-sword format, I haven't had any issues or found any flaws with it.
Reviewed by (Ken Hannah, Athens, AL, US) - Really enjoy this program. It is really easy to use. Very helpful for Bible study, and teaching preparation.
New King James Version
Reviewed by (Tommy Runnels, Houston, Arkansas, US) - The best way to enjoy the Bible
Excellent resource
Reviewed by (Ralph Cunningham, Conyers, Georgia, US) - NKJV is an excellent addition to the eStudy software. The software itself is excellent, and the now-current frequent use of the NKJV Bible make that version an excellent supplement for the basic eStudy package.
Satisfied Purchaser
Reviewed by (Fred Moore, Cypress, TX, US) - Fair price and have not had any issues with the NKJV addon
Good modern translation
Reviewed by (David Tucker, Camarillo, CA, US) - Thank you for making the NKJV available for eSword.
Always Giving God Glory
Reviewed by (Shirley Bryant, Woodbridge, VA, US) - E Sword; how grateful I AM to our Heavenly Father for this program
I have been a faithful user for years; I love how you continue to improve; you give freely!!! Amen, and for premium purchases, you make it conveniently! Your products are 2nd to none. Thank you for Loving Our Heavenly Father and obeying HIS Call!!! It benefits so many of us!!! By the way, I purchased recently the NKJV and the NIV of the Bible and it also downloaded NIrV.
Thank you Thank you, you are so very awesome!!!
Reviewed by (James C Exner, Cicero, NY, US) - Very excellent program.
Recent Purchase
Reviewed by (Andrew Collins, Joshua, TX, US) - I've used e-sword on my Windows desktop for several years and wanted to use it on my iPad so I can study anywhere in the house. The NKJV Bible is what I use to study along with the ASV Bible for my Wednesday night bible class.
Reviewed by (David Adams, Itasca, Texas, US) - Just what I wanted!!! Thank you
One of my favorite translations.
Reviewed by (William Lamb, Manchester Center, Vermont, United States) - New King James is both readable and memorable. Good for hiding His Word in my heart.
One of my favorite translations.
Reviewed by (William Lamb, Manchester Center, Vermont, United States) - New King James is both readable and memorable. Good for hiding His Word in my heart.
Reviewed by (James Carmichael, Freetown, Indiana, US) - The NKJ was a wonderful purchase. If was so easy to obtain and download. The order was immediately available and now it’s on every device I use for sermons and personal study. Thank you e-sword!
Reviewed by (Walter Jeffries, Bowie, TX, US) - I really like the big letters.
Love it!
Reviewed by (Michael Grabarkiewicz, Flat Rock, Michigan, United States) - Very easy to understand and great for study. I use this version extensively for all my time in the Word.
Reviewed by (Robert Levesque, Horatio, Arkansas, US) - E-sword is in my opinion the best and most comprehensive bible program.
Just as Good!
Reviewed by (Sharon Byerly, Taylor, TX, US) - This e-Sword version of the New King James Bible is Just as Good as any Hard-Back version. No, it's actually better, because it's faster to find references and it's faster, hands-down, to do word searches!!
New King James
Reviewed by (Danny Murphy, Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand) - Thank E Sword. The New KING JAMES is the most accurate bible, that's why I chose this version and I know my knowledge of GODS will increase when studying his word. God bless MR D Murphy.
New King James Version was
Reviewed by (Louis Crespo, Charlotte, MC, US) - Awesome bible, includes every possible way to study and it does it with a very easy to read and study detail. Best purchase ever! Highly recommend!
great teaching Bible
Reviewed by (Bob Batte, Prospect, OR, US) - I've been teaching and preaching from the NKJV Bible for over 30 yrs. I recently upgraded my laptop to a newer Windows version and my old study software would not operate. I purchased "esword" and was glad to see I could add the NKJV to my study. I would recommend this version to any one seeking a version that stays true to the original text while doing away with the "thee's and thou's"
NKJV vs.other versions
Reviewed by (George Shrader, Brownsville, TX, US) - I am not a pastor, only a Christian, and for over 48 years I have studied God's Word in over 27 versions of the Bible and until the New King James Version was published no other version was close enough to the original Greek to satisfy my studies, except the KJV. I challenge every student of the Bible to read the NKJV, it is excellent, and I'm sure you will agree, unless you are looking for a version that "fits" your religion. True the NKJV is copyrighted, like all the others except the old KJV, and they are protected by our severe federal copyright laws that carry a heavy punishment if broken; that being the case, I prefer to stay away from copyrighted versions, but I enjoy the excellent NKJV.
Everything at my finger tips
Reviewed by (Tony Edridge, Fort Collins, CO, US) - When I want to study a passage of scripture, almost everything I might need is there right at my finger tips and on my computer screen. This includes over 20 Bible versions, Greek and Hebrew translations, commentaries, and dictionaries. The search utility is fabulous, especially using Strong's numbers. And I can copy and paste into any word processor. There is much more, but that's how I use e-Sword.
Reviewed by (Barney Knight, Austin, Texas, US) - The NKJ Bible is my preferred Bible, and this functions very well with e-Sword. I enjoy the research abilities of e-Sword. I used it recently to help discuss with my grandson Jesus' commandment to love your neighbor. The word "love" appears in the NKJV 363 times.
Reviewed by (Abraham Laleye, Anthony Village, Lagos, Nigeria) - Excellent
Reviewed by (Terry Pellman, Athens, Texas, US) - Perfect matching
Version I Needed
Reviewed by (Bob Wells, Panama City Beach, Florida, US) - Many of the study books we use are using the NKJV and I was unable to quote that version during my study preparation using eSword. So glad to now have the NKJV available for my studies.
New King James Version® for e-Sword
Reviewed by (Allen Womack, Anniston, Al, US) -
I am enjoying the New King James version on e-Sword on my computer. This is one of my favor version.
Reviewed by (Duane Hazen, Fort Benton, MT, US) - I enjoyed this version for a wail. Old computer died so installing on new one. My old version had the concordance reference numbers that were nice but I can get that from the KJV that is supplied with the software. I would recommend this version. Adds a lot to parallel viewing.
E-Sword fan!
Reviewed by (Jeff Menuey, Cooke City, Mt, US) - E-Sword is a great study source, God's Word so easily accessible is truly a blessing in this world of technology. Easy & quick to download most any translation of the Word.
The Magesty of God’s Word
Reviewed by (Constance Owen, Greenwood, Indiana, US) - Thank you for making the New King James Version available on the E-sword app. This version maintains the dignity and magesty of God’s Word while removing some of the stilted, outdated language of the old King James Version. There is a very wonderfully talented Malaysian believer who uses the New King James Version to write and perform Scriptural worship music. Her name is Esther Mui. By using this version of the Bible, I can memorize these Scriptural songs and God’s Word. What a great blessing! The NKJV so awesome and majestic when read aloud or sung, especially the Psalms and the Prophets. Flooding the ear-gates and eye-gates with God’s Word is such a pleasure using the NKJV. Hopefully there will be more public proclamation of the Scripture as a regular part of our day and also during the corporate church worship hour. I am grateful for the time and labor spent to put the NKJV at my fingertips. May God bless His Word as it travels from E-sword out through the words, music, and deeds prompted by using the NKJV.

Very helpful
Reviewed by (William E. Beaver, Morley, Michigan, US) - I found the NKJV very helpful to unravel the old English language. I could not always understand the inflictions in that translation, now I use both books to help me read and study the word.
e-Sword on iPad is Essential
Reviewed by (Kobus Engelbrecht, Centurion, Gauteng, South Africa) - e-Sword on the iPad is just so much better than anything else that is available.
The only problem is the price for some of the resources. Wish I could say it was only slightly more than expected but unfortunately not.
Compare on parallel setting
Reviewed by (Joseph Dorsey, Penn Yan, NY, United States) - I've been using esword a lot more lately as a Bible study tool.I really enjoy it.
Good translation
Reviewed by (Chan Smith, Bedford, Ky, US) - Very good translation. Good price with bundle
Reviewed by (Alan Love, Juneau, Alaska, US) - What can I say? It downloaded quickly, the price was right, and this is a translation that I can trust not to deliver opinions.
Reviewed by (Jerry Hildabridle, Burnet, Texas, US) - I have used e-sword for many years everyday. I had most of the modern bible translations. The (free) versions are good, but I follow a specific minister and he uses the NKJV. I outline his teachings, coping and pasting bible verses. I wanted a "red letter" version and the Thomas Nelson bible has it. I have on occasion used other bible programs, but Rick Myers' e-Sword is by far the best. Every morning, the Lord, me, Robert Morris and Rick Myers (e-Sword), What a team!
Stick with the original
Reviewed by (James Morgan, New York, NY, US) - The NKJV is close to the KJV but the scholarly teachers who rightly divide the word caution us to use the King James Version for study and only use the other versions as backup for clarification of the KJV. The KJV is the best. Stick with it.
Needed for laptop
Reviewed by (Jeff Lynch, Moorpark, CA, United States) - The Pastor of my Church introduced me to e-Sword 7 years ago when I first began attending. The use of e-Sword was superceded by One Bible on my tablet and cell in recent years but it doesn't do so well for the PC or laptop. I needed this version for my laptop for Discipleship and it's still the gold standard. jl
Perfect Addition to My e-Sword Bibles
Reviewed by (Eva Patte Rehak, Delavan, Wisconsin, US) - I am more than happy with the New King James version for e-Sword. I've had e-Sword on my laptop for a long time and use it daily. This NKJV version was exactly what I needed. It's the version used most in my church so I can come home from church and re-read every scripture that I took notes on in church. Thank you very much for offering such a wide variety of Bibles, commentaries, dictionaries and other reference materials. e-Sword rocks!
Reviewed by (Stacy Crim, Tuscumbia, Alabama, US) - Much needed resource since I preach from the NKJV. Was always having to go online if I wanted to place a particular verse in a Powerpoint. Now I just bring it up on E-Sword and done.
An Excellent Translation!
Reviewed by (Mary Buck, Cambridge, Minnesota, United States) - This new King James translation is excellent and very clear. I have enjoy reading it as I like to read the bible in one year. I have compared the translation to others and strong's dictionary also the Hebrew and Greek. It is surprisingly accurate translation. I am so happy with it.
Love this Translation.
Reviewed by (DAVID SHIP, Geraldton,, WA, Australia) - Appears efficient and accurate - performs well! Love eSword and how one can study the Gospels etc from so many points of view and Bibles! Not to forget all the other excellent products!
Reviewed by (Gloria Mason, SPRINGHILL, Louisiana, United States) - I already had this bible in single format, but I am learning to use e-sword and love being able to parallel with KJV.
Love it!
Reviewed by (Brandon Beebe, Gilbert, AZ, United States) - Normally a NASB/NIV for memorization and NLT for reading big chunks of the Bible... I love the NKJV! Started using it for school and it is great; also, the E-Sword platform is a MUST.
Get it with the Vines & Believer's Commentary companion set - great study references.
Online purchase of modules for e-Sword program
Reviewed by (Eva Patte Rehak, Delavan, WI, US) - I love my e-Sword program and have been very happy to see there are so many Bible versions available for download. It's easy and fast and makes the program very easy to use, comparing different Bible versions.
Reviewed by (Peter Haddad, West Haven, CT, US) - It is a delight to have this version available in this software, especially with it keyed to a search engine.
Review of service only, not content! ;)
Reviewed by (Dave Simonson, Marshall, MN, US) - It is always helpful to have several translations of the Bible. More archaic languages sometimes are confusing, and having something in more modern language can bring clearer meaning to a passage I am studying.
My Everyday-English Bible
Reviewed by (Gideon Aggenbag, Uitenhage, Eastern Province, South Africa) - This is the most easy-to-red Bible in everyday-English I have read.
Excellent Translation!
Reviewed by (Mary Buck, CAMBRIDGE, MN, United States) - The New King James Version is wonderful and as far as I can tell it is a very close translation to both the Hebrew and Greek. I had heard it was good but I just love it!
Reviewed by (Lee Snyder, Silver Spring, Maryland, US) - I got my second copy of the New King James version for my new computer, since I could not move it from my old computer to the new computer. I am pleased with downloading and installing it. I print every Sunday scripture reading for all the liturgists of my Church. Being able to copy it from the e-Sword software sure helps me (at age 73) rather than having to print out each letter from my Pew Bible. I am happy with your software.
Lee Snyder
Reviewed by (Terry Eaves, Jackson, MO, United States) - I have been searching for an e NKJV for some time. I am delighted to have it again after my previous software was not updated to work with Windows 10. Thank you for making it available.
Bible study
Reviewed by (Paul Malinauskas, SPIRIT LAKE, Idaho, US) - It is the translation I prefer and is the same as the BIBLE that I use
Why Not
Reviewed by (Karl Greenman, Talbott, TN, United States) - I think five stars is right for the first inspiration, the original author's manuscript. This is a very good translation, it's what is used in our church. I still use the King James mostly. I am glad to include it in my E Sword. It does read better, it flows.
Great Product and Service
Reviewed by (Eva Patte Rehak, Delavan, Wisconsin, US) - I've always loved my e-Sword program because it makes Bible study easy and fun. I have several Bible versions in e-Sword and just needed to add the NKJV. It was easy and the download worked without a hitch. I use e-Sword when I watch my church's online service (they broadcast the live service so people won't miss anything if for some reason they can't make it to church). I don't write very well but I can type up a storm (LOL) and I like using the Topic Notes section to keep up with the sermon as I'm watching the broadcase. Thank you for such a wonderful and useful program.
Bible Studies
Reviewed by (Patricia Dickinson, Mattawan, Michigan, United States) - Use to take me days to do a Bible study; looking up the references, then writing them out by hand. E-Sword makes it so easy and helpful. I can find any topic I want quickly and thoroughly.So glad I have E-Sword and wouldn't want to be without it.
Absolutely A Good Buy !!!
Reviewed by (Susan K, Dublin 9, Co. Dublin, Ireland) - I am very pleased with NKJV Edition for esword !Five Stars Ratings
Reviewed by (Larry Dowden, Florissant, Colorado, United States) - Just e-Sword and the Word. I use an Ipad Pro, love the split screen feature. Most other Bible study programs don't have this feature.
My favorite translation
Reviewed by (William (Will) Short, Rapid City, SD, United States) - The NKJV has been my Bible of choice for years and continues to be so in my current study of Revelation.
Reviewed by (Calvin P, Foley, AL, US) - The more I use the NKJV the better I like it. I still have a lot of respect for the KJV and use it as well. But the NKJV will grow on you as you compare the two and gain confidence and trust in the updated version.
NKJV - Love it
Reviewed by (Thembani Nyathi, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa) - I am glad l purchased this useful resource for my eSword. Makes studying the Bible easier in modern English.
My Story/Experience
Reviewed by (Tedi Marshall, Chicago, IL, US) - I learned of e-sword in a Bible class I was taking many years ago, and have been using it ever since. It is my main tool in personal study, prayer session and lesson/message preparation. It is very user friendly, with an excellent and extensive pool of resources from which to choose. Customer service is quite efficient, responding quickly to an inquiry. I have been pleasantly surprised at the ease in adding resources.
I highly recommend this "ministry" and am grateful to God for presenting it to me.
Reviewed by (C. Horton, Mt. Vernon, Texas, US) - I purchased this volume for the new Bible Bowl season. Our children use the NKJV in this and I was needing this last year. I updated my e-sword and downloaded my purchase and I'm greatly pleased with what I now have before me.
To all of those behind the scenes at e-sword, Thank you so very much for what you do for the kingdom of God !
Reviewed by (John Pernsteiner, Menomonie, WI, United States) - Totally enjoy my NKJV Bible would highly recommend it everyone easy to read and understand great study notes and notes on chapters.
Reviewed by (Ted Grier, Independence, MO, US) - Very good. Simple to install. Works flawlessly. I love it! Indispensable for my Bible Study.
Purchase of NKJV for e-Sword
Reviewed by (Richard Fjeld, Alexandria, MN, US) - I have had bible software since the DOS days and upgraded to Windows when it became available. Eventually, the software changed to include a library of books, and it was no longer user friendly. I tried e-Sword. I liked e-Sword and wanted the NKJV for it. The purchase went smoothly and so did the install.
Over the decades, I have used many bible versions and have found the NKJV best for my needs. The NKJV is a trusted version. I like that all nouns and pro-nouns related to the Godhead are in upper-case letters to make it clear who is being referred to.
Reviewed by (Pieter Slabberts, Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, UAE) - Best buy ever
Very nice
Reviewed by (Kevin Miller, Appleton, Wisconsin, United States) - NKJV for e-sword is a very nice and handy product! Blessings!
Moving forward in Ministry
Reviewed by (Kathryn Droste, Merrillan, WI, US) - Over the years, since the Lord saved this wretch, He has blessed me with various ways to share my faith and testimonies to Him, with others.
In the past two years, He has brought me into Prison ministry. I am able to share my Lord over the Word through a Monday night Bible Study and bi-monthly in seminars that teach the Word, in truth and in application.
While I grew up with the KJV, I find that the updating of the English in the New King James Version improves comprehension in the men I work with.
The electronic NKJV has made preparation for these opportunities so much simpler that I am able to spend more time digging deeper into the Word, with the men, than in laboring to republish verses from the NKJV.
Thank you so much for having this resource available, and at such a reasonable price.
GOD Bless your continued efforts with EStudySource!
New King James Version® for e-Sword
Reviewed by (Debbie Kitshoff, Invercargill, New Zealand, New Zealand) - Fantastic to be able to access NKJV as I have this version of bible as my regular hard copy.
Reviewed by (FAYTHE GLENN, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA, United States) - I love this Bible. Everything you need to study God's Word.
NKJV Usage
Reviewed by (Gary Freeman, Whitehall, PA, US) -
I found this a good tool to see differences between KJV and NKJV. I use this to show why the KJV is superior to the NKJV.
Great Work
Reviewed by (Grigore Sbarcea, WYONG, NSW, AUSTRALIA) - Except for the first edition of E-Sword that I downloaded from you years ago, which I liked very much, I wasn't impressed with subsequent upgrades.
I had the feeling that you came up with something new just to fill up your time. The last version, however, which I downloaded just a few weeks ago, is very good and I like it. I will recommend it to anyone. Grigore Sbarcea
Reviewed by (Richard Hayes, Middlebourne, WV, US) - NKJV is easier to read and understand than the KJV.. I really like it and would recommend it to anyone
Reviewed by (Dave Schoch, Redmond, OR, US) - One of the best versions today, it has little Calvinistic slant in the translation.
Great Resource
Reviewed by (Ray Snarski, Sikeston, MO, United States) - I seem to get the most understanding by using a Parallel Bible approach and this NKJV is just another building block!
This is my translation
Reviewed by (Jeanie Stoddard, Prescott, AZ, United States) - Though I use many other translations, this is the one from which I have memorized the most Scriptures. So, of course, I had to have it accessible on my new laptop with e-Sword.
My Standby
Reviewed by (Len Andrews, Oroville, WA, US) - Very good rendition - have been using it for years -- just bought a new copy to repair a crashed disk.
Very good
Reviewed by (hany wadie, Anaheim, ca, US) - Very good translation , but it is very good also to use other translations bcz there is no one translation which can have all meanings
Love my e-sword
Reviewed by (Terry Fischer, Greenfield, Wisconsin, US) - Recently I purchased a bible program that cost about $500.00. There was a 30 day trial period which i was happy about. I found myself using my e-sword instead so I got a refund for the program. I am a simple man and I love how simple e-sword is. God bless you and thank you for providing it.
Good reading
Reviewed by (Gerald Witte, Bristol, VA, US) - I use the NKJV as starting point for message drafts because of current vocabulary, punctuation, capitalization, quotations, and grammar. Then I investigate other translations to flesh out the original meaning of the text.
Reviewed by (Dan Smith, Jacksonville, Florida, US) - God's word at it's very best for me. Easy to read and the understanding come much easier.
Reviewed by (Ronald Gottstein, WilkesBarre, PA, US) - Excellent version for E-Sword study
New King James Version
Reviewed by (Norman Riley, Darvel, Ayrshire, UK) - This came bundled with another purchase - having used the KJV version for decades I feel that the NKJV loses something in dropping the "thee" and "thou" terminology, shame.
Reviewed by (Ronald Bothma, North Lakes, Queensland, Australia) - Very happy with it. I only read NKJV for the past 25 years. Great to have it for computers as well.
Easiest Bible Ever
Reviewed by (James Thompson, West Fargo, ND, US) - The NKJV is just one of the many versions I use for blogging The Well-Dressed Branch. I love the NKJV because it retains the KJV's stellar scholarship while clarifying its archaic language. E-Sword makes adding new resources so easy that I have to discipline myself, or the e-Sword GUI might become too bloated. Thanks, Rick Meyers, for your ceaseless hard work that keeps e-Sword the number one bible study software at any price.
Excellent Translation
Reviewed by (Robert Wilson, Tampa, Florida, US) - I as a preacher of God's word have used the Kings James version for my studies of Gods word for many years and this version is the best. It makes the word of God more understandable for the average reader. I love the way it highlights in bold Key scriptures in the chapters. Great Job!!
Reviewed by (Kasthuri Manogaran, Durban, KZN, South Africa) - Studying the Word through e-Sword is the best. I have become very dependant on e-Sword in my daily reading of the Word and also my in-depth studies. The original Hebrew and Greek dictionary meanings have opened up a whole new depth of meaning to GOD's promises and His nature and motive. As I read/study I make notes in the journal section which I am able to reference anytime I so wish. I love the ease of access to the different Bibles and the parallel views that help me get a broader insight to each verse. I also use the journal to prepare my sermons. It is so easy to paste relevant Bible verses into the notes, highlight and underline them for future reference.
I love e-Sword. Thank you very much for this priceless tool.
Reviewed by (Edward Freeman, Gaffney, Souyh Carolina, US) - Great Bible
New King James Version
Reviewed by (Lester Zwicker, Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, Canada) - Great
My First Purchase
Reviewed by (Jody Wallace, Inglewood, California, United States) - Great addition to an already great program.
Adding to an already impressive program!
Reviewed by (Stewart Davis, Clinton, LA, USA) - Having the NKJV on my eSword App was a wonderful addition. This solid translation is a great reading version and study reference with other good translations.
Positive review
Reviewed by (Jerry Wood, West Blocton, Al, US) - Wonderful study resources,
Reviewed by (Steve Griffin, Sulphur, La., United States) - Enjoying my studies and ability to compare translations
What a Nice Change
Reviewed by (Michael Driskill, Novato, CA, USA) - I came to know the Lord Jesus on Mother's Day, 1975. My first bible was the King James Version, from which I memorized quite a few verses over the first 10 years. However, I became tired of the thees and thous and bought a RSV. Since 1981 I decided to use a variation of bibles, with a Strong's Concordance, to teach a bible study as thoroughly as possible. The New King James Version, when compared to the several I have used, is a significant improvement, is written in plain English, and is so much more parallel to the other versions. I like the fact that E-Sword for Mac was made available and that this app opens up wide the doors of the universe to Knowing, Loving, and Serving God, without being confused by language difficulties. Way to go E-Sword.... :)
NKJV for esword
Reviewed by (Steve martin, winston salem, NC, US) - I am very happy with this product. I had a computer infection and lost all my files. I was able to download e-sword and although I had paid for NKJV just a few days ago,I was able to go online to e-sword and download NKJV again with the product key.
Highly recommend
Reviewed by (Paul Adams, Ellettsville, IN, US) - Was glad to get this excellent resource at a great price!
Reviewed by (Mike Stephens, Durhan, NC, US) - NKJV was what I was looking for for my iPad and PC. Process of purchasing and downloading was easy and fast. Thank you.
Product review
Reviewed by (Marnene Smit, Durbanville, Cape Town, South Africa) - I am busy studying a Certificate in Ministry and the NKJV is very helpful and user friendly.
Reviewed by (Michael Bobczynski, Gainesville, FL, US) - I've been meaning to pick up this particular translation of the Scriptures to round out my e-Sword library for some time. The price was right and I'm glad I finally did. Praise and glory to God!
Reviewed by (James Mathew, Boise, ID, US) - Easy reading and useful to have for verse comparisons
Very Pleased
Reviewed by (Rick L Newman, Baker City, Oregon, US) - Seamless, easy installation. Works as if designed for e-Sword.
Very pleased.
Perfect except for one upgrade
Reviewed by (Jonathan Martino, Stapleton, NE, US) - I really love the NKJV. I use it when I am preaching and studying. I think that it is the best and most accurate translation. Perfectly combines the beauty and the integrity of the KJV with the modernization needed to understand and follow what is being said. There is only one thing that I would fix. Key the text to Strong's like the KJV is in E-Sword. This would streamline the study using e-sword instead of going from the NKJV to get the wording to the KJV to get the keyed number or doing a parallel view. Other than that it is Fantastic! Great Product!
Well done!
Reviewed by (Jan van Schalkwyk, Mountain Creek, Queensland, Australia) - The process was quick and painless. From purchase to installation.
New King James for E-Sword
Reviewed by (Donny Britt, Brandon, MS, US) - Excelent addition to my E-Sword collection. Helps in study to view different translations.
New King James
Reviewed by (Ian Neilson, Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand) - The New King James Bible is an easy read particularly for younger Christians. I recommend it to you as easier to understand in some parts than the KJV.
The revisers have taken time to search out the meanings of some words which can be difficult to understand unless you have helps available to do word searches and original meanings.
Read it, memorize it and God bless
Beautiful Translation
Reviewed by (Jack Douglas, Fayetteville, Arkansas, United States) - In the great tradition of the King James comes a modernized version, using the same prose, the same poetry and even the same manuscripts. I just wished there was a way I could access the footnotes that is found in every NKJV translations. These footnotes are an invaluable resource in letting us students know why a particular passage was translated the way it was. Otherwise, I would have gladly given this review 5 stars.
Reviewed by (Dennis Carlson, Auburn, WA, USA) - Purchased this for my father.
One of my favorite Bibles
Reviewed by (F. Hawk, Salem, OR, USA) - Greetings in Christ!
NKJV is my second Bible since I had read KJV during my childhood years, and am very delighted with very easy reading with English, not with any difficult and very archaic words like in KJV. This translation I relied on for my personal studies or bring this to church bible study groups. Really appreciated NKJV since I purchased a book in late 1980's and still have it handy with me--it still stay in good shape with all yellow highlights and markings. I decide to add module to my e-sword and still love it. You have my generous recommendation when you ask me about NKJV. May God smile upon you in Christ.
blooming beautiful
Reviewed by (bob barr, maitland, nsw, Australia) - bible works well amd i admit bias because i love its divine contents.
NKJV for eSword
Reviewed by (David Heider, Amarillo, TX, United States) - I use the NKJV Bible module for eSword on both my computer and iPad. Like all the eSS products for eSword, it is a great addition for both computer and iPad and iPhone.
Great resource.
Reviewed by (Mike Fitzherbert, Cowpens, SC, US) - I use eSword almost daily. Great resource and glad to see a bundle with the NKJV to help save money. Thank you for your ministry. Glory to God!
Thanks for the NKJV
Reviewed by (Colin McCosker, Sandstone Point, Queensland, Australia) - I like the NKJV for its wording that is close to that of the KJV - the translation that I taught me the basics of my faith, & where I learnt many verses as a young person.
I am part of a congregation that has a higher than the average proportion of retired folk as this is the population in this seaside community. Many still use the KJV so the NKJV speaks to them as well as to the younger folk.
e-Sword is a greatly useful in studying the Bible & in finding verses & sections that help me prepare for group or personal studies or for helping others or when called upon to lead a service.
Thank you.
Reviewed by (trevor davis, Melbourne, VICTORIA, Australia) - Excellent - a balance and easy to read - ideal for reprint and writing teaching material as it provides easier reading
Bless you guys
Trevor Davis
Preferred version
Reviewed by (Linda Hoover, Valley Mills, TX, US) - NKJV is the best of both worlds including the accuracy of original sources while not losing the classic and poetic sense in its style.
Great Sermon resources
Reviewed by (James Walmsley, American Falls, Idaho, US) - I open e-sword every time I need to write sermon. It is easy to cut and paste into my word document.
Comparative Expository
Reviewed by (Darwin Steele, Lafayette, CO, US) - I needed to have an additional translation for my eSword install. Being in seminary it is necessary to have multiple translations at your fingertips in a format that can be consulted quickly and appropriately. The NKJV fit that bill entirely - it is easy to read and matches two of my hard cover Bibles I have on hand. The team at eStudy and eSword always provide excellent tools - thank you very much and may the Lord bless you in His work.
Great to have the NKJV back!
Reviewed by (David Kern, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil) - Really enjoy the NKJV--it's what I do my memory work and preaching from. I especially enjoy comparing the ESV and NKJV in e-Sword.
The Blessings of Reading God's Word
Reviewed by (Richard Coldham, Randburg, Gauteng, South Africa) - God's Word continues to challenge and to build true faith and worship in my life. It is more precious than silver or gold! The study of the Scriptures in the different translations adds to the thrill of finding new treasures each day. I do not preach regularly but when I prepare for a sermon E-Sword is one tool I use extensively. Thank you for opportunity!
New King James Verion
Reviewed by (Frederick B. Bischoff Jr., Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US) - I find the New King James easier to read, but yet the wording is almost like the King James. I like that.
Great read
Reviewed by (EDWARD McTAGUE, WYOMING, PA, United States) - Easy to read, easy to understand. Great for study and reference.
Reviewed by (Robert McGrew, Phoenix, AZ, US) - I have never been accused of being to smart. The NKJV is just right for me. When I read it I get it. I really like eSword because of all the helps that come with it and the multitude of add-ons.
Reviewed by (Jack Kerns, Albuquerque, NM, USA) - This is my favorite version of the Bible. I wish I had added it sooner.
NKJV Great Bible
Reviewed by (Edward Turner, Burnley, Lancashire, United Kingdom) -
I have been waiting for the NKJV for quite some time having purchased it for my PDA years ago.
Very pleased that it has been added as an option to E-Sword.
Reviewed by (David Sommer, Santa Cruz, none, Bolivia) - I like it very very well. Thank you.
happy customer
Reviewed by (ron desantis, ellenton, fl, US) - found just what i was looking for, download went without a hitch, price was good for said product. i downloaded a the exact bible i bring to church for my computer, very easy to use and works better than a cd a had from before, would purchase another product from this site.My Entry
Most used Bible
Reviewed by (Linda L, Kennewick, Washington, US) - Great version/app. I use it daily on my iPhone. It is easy to flip from one verse to another quickly when following a sermon. So glad it is available.
Reviewed by (Will Ojanen, Kennewick, Washington, US) - I have been using The New King James version for several years and am pleased with the more modern version.
Great study version for my PC.
Reviewed by (Patrick Cormier, Sault Ste Marie, Ontario, Canada) - I am asked to speak once a month at three old fokes home, and I like to be prepaired to share Gods word with them. I use e-sword to study and give my best for these old foke, who I am honored to encourage and even lead to heaven in their last days.
I really appreciate the NKJV
Reviewed by (Irvin Rudolph, Lititz, PA, US) - NKJV is one of my favorite versions of the Bible.
Reviewed by (David Delauder, Marion, Ohio, US) - I love it I use it every day easy to use and easy to read
Reviewed by (Byron Flint, Cedar Rapids, IA, US) - I am very happy and proud to have the NKJV (New King James Version) of the Bible as part of my E-sword Bible study software. I am a very detailed Bible schooler who uses and researches many different versions of the Bible. I have found in my many studies, that NKJV and Holman Christian Study Bible (both of which are in my E-sword software) are the most accurate word for word modern English versions of the Bible. I especially like the features which allow me to compare the different versions side by side.
Reviewed by (Brenda Conrady, Windthorst, TX, US) - The New King James is my preferred version to read. It is so true to the original King James, but with much easier language. I enjoy looking through several different versions of the Bible when studying.
Clear Translation
Reviewed by (Rod Perkins, Ft. Myers, FL, US) - I was pleasantly surprised to begin reading in the NKJV Bible. I had not previously read it as I expected all the Thee's and Thou's as in the original. I am finding it a refreshing change and so much more readable and understandable version than I had thought.
A teachers usefull tool,plain english.
Reviewed by (Bob Wilson, Garland, Texas, US) - This Bible is the best reading anyone would want, it is plain english and easy to follow. The references are easy to follow and makes it easy for me, as a Sunday School teacher, find the best scriptures to make my point in class.
Many of the members of our church use the New King James version including my pastor.
Any one who wants to understand the Bibli better should use the New King James Bible.
Wonderful addition availability
Reviewed by (Ralph Shannon, Florence, Arizona, United States) - Thank you for making the NKJV Bible available for eSword. I use it often.
Reviewed by (Leon Viljoen, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa) - The New Kings James Version of the Bible is an accurate interpretation and the e-Sword version is easynto view and use. God bless
A Set of Study Tools
Reviewed by (Shaun Gaskell, Northampton, Northamptonshire, UK) -
This is a great tool, I recommend it, as it is a brilliant studyaid. Thank you for the effort put into this tool, it is very much appreciated.
A helpful translation
Reviewed by (Richard Price, Sidney, New York, US) - This translation adds clarity and meaning to the text, bringing some old English up to date. I find the variation from the regular KJV to be minimal and not affecting doctrine so far. I find it very useful in my personal study and message preparation.
Bible Translation review #1
Reviewed by (Larry Prince, Fortuna, CA, US) - Very pleased ... NKJV is one of my preferred texts. I use the various versions as "commentaries" on each other, and it's very easy to do in e-Sword!
Exactly What I Wanted
Reviewed by (T Wiggins, Canby, Oregon, United States) - Easy to download and easy to install. I was able to have it running in just a few minutes and I have been using it on a daily basis. Love it.
NKJV one more for my arsenal
Reviewed by (Tom Hughes, Tollhouse, CA, US) - With the addition of he NKJV, I now 30 translations for study and devotions on my iPad. The cost is minor when I see it as an investment in eternity. Our Lord said, "My words are spirit and they are life." Most believers don't realize the power in Jesus' Words (He is the Author of ALL scripture, which is profitable . . .2 Tim. 3:16-17)
New King James Version® for e-Sword
Reviewed by (Richard Parker, Tellico Plains, TN, US) -
What an amazing resource! Every resource on e-sword is a useful tool for any person who wants to expand their biblical, theological and Christian knowledge. I first started using e-sword when it first came out and have been using it as my main program for research, and sermon and bible study preparation ever since. e-sword is the most user friendly program that I have ever used. It is a God-send for the disciple of Christ, period. The basic program is tremendous but for sometime now you can purchase resources from e-studysource that automatically load into the e-sword program upon purchase and download.
New King James Version® for e-Sword
Reviewed by (Gordon Reineke, Newbridge, Kildare, Ireland) -
The flow from purchase to installation was flawless. Everything works well and has given me what I expected.
E-sword is an invaluable tool.
Reviewed by (Arnel Marcelo, Milpitas, California, United States) - For a free Bible Software that continues to upgrade so that we can adapt and experience more easy way, I really praise the Lord for what you have freely given. E-Sword has fully helped me prepare Lessons, Exhortations and even Homilies I share in our church. It is really a lot of help for someone like me who serve the Lord. God Bless you!
Alternative to KJV
Reviewed by (John Bennett, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, UK) - Whilst I was brought up on the KJV I think this is a helpful addition to the versions I have available. It provides a modern English version without compromising on the reliability of translation or depending upon a departure from the Received Text.
Easy to understand and follow
Reviewed by (Anthony Maduekwe, Dakar, - -, Senegal) - I write a lot of materials and quote from the Bible a lot too but find that the old King James version sounds way to offish to young readers or listeners and in my opinion the Good News version does not get certain messages across the way I want it. The new King James version helps me make that connection and I have found it very useful in my works so far. I use mostly the electronic version so I cannot comment on the printing but generally I find it a very useful Bible version.
Excellent product - excellent service
Reviewed by (Wilma Vawter, Woodson, IL, United States) - The bible I love most is the New King James Version. I downloaded the bible with no problem at all. It was immediate and simple to do. I use this bible for teaching an adult Sunday School class. I can select the scriptures I want for the class, print them all off and give them to the class as handouts. Saves time searching through the bible. Students take the papers home with them for further study or information. Wonderful tool, wonderful service. Thanks
NKJV FOR E-Sword is wonderful!
Reviewed by (Mary Ellen Roit, Groton, CT, US) - I have been reading KJV all my life and have memorized many verses, but when newer word for word translations came out, I began searching for something more current. I went thru several translations and discovered that not only had I not found the translation I was searching for, but that I was forgetting many familiar references. That disturbed me. So I began searching for a copy of the New King James Version that would be appropriate for me. When I did find one, I began using it in my quiet time. My fear had been that it had become too modern. What a delight to discover that is still has the flow and poetry of the original KJV. So, since I use e-Sword extensively for my Bible studies, I purchased the NKJV for e-Sword and immediately included it in my parallel Bible, next to the KJV. I am delighted to find that there are few verses that have changed so much that I have to learn them all over and that it is so easy to make my notes in the editor. Very soon I will be comfortable to drop the KJV from my parallel Bible completely while still having it available for Strong's numbers in my research work. Many thanks to e-StudySource for the NKJV for e-Sword. I feel at home again as I study the Word. May God continue to bless you richly,

NKJV Bible
Reviewed by (JoEtta Hertel, Pinellas Park, FL, US) - I love this translation, it's much closer to the KJV than some of the other translation and it has Jesus' words in red.
Reviewed by (Bob Pezold, Lady Lake, FL, US) - My first experience with NKJV, and my first e-version experience for Bible study. I'm finding it a good addition to my resources, and prefer it to the KJV for obvious reasons. Using it along with NIV, NASB and The Message. I'm finding that the translation takes some liberties in adding words (not included in the original Greek) - my preference is still the NASB (for accuracy). I like the tool (e-Sword) version a lot; it really facilitates quick comparison study. I think it's an excellent value and would recommend it to friends.
Newer NKJV
Reviewed by (Jim Wane, Zillah, WA, US) - I have given this 5 stars for ease of reading. I am an OLD KJV reader and have studied the old KJV. Personally I miss the Thees and Thous, but that is me. Changing from the old English into modern day, how can you tell who is being addressed? Is the pronoun singular or plural? Despite this, I will continue to read from the NKJV and use the KJV when I need to clarify.
e-Sword is the best
Reviewed by (Emmitt Griffin, Newberry, Florida, US) - It's very easy to upgrade to products from eStudySource and I thank you for being there. e-Sword is my choice.
Good for what it does
Reviewed by (Thanos Kiriakidis, Toronto, Ontario, Canada) - My preferred Bible translation of choice is the NKJV. This version for the eSword allows me to easily do so. What I really like about it is that it allows me run the NKJV in parallel mode alongside the Greek with Strong's reference which I have enhanced by downloading for a small fee AMg's complete word study plus any other translation that my friends and colleagues use. I could only give this version four stars because it lacks a Strong's concordance of its own so I also have to run the KJV with Strong's concordance in parallel mode when doing my word studies. But for what this version does do - it does it very well. I do not find it buggy whatsoever
Reviewed by (Bill White, Mason City, IA, US) - Everyone should have it.
Well done
Reviewed by (John Cody, Leesburg, Virginia, US) - I likes being able to add this Bible to the program.
I use E-Sword on an almost daily basis, and have found it to be a magnificent resource. It really helps my Bible study by having so many translations available, and I love being able to find just the right way of using a verse in a particular way. Thank you for this invaluable tool.
Very Good
Reviewed by (Sandro Oliveira, Singapore, Singapore, Singapore) - Very good version and easy to search. Fantastic
Reviewed by (Burke Earhart, Richland, Washington, US) - It really instances my bible studies, I'm able to look up verses quickly.
I still love the NKJV the most...
Reviewed by (Joe Ditto, North Bend, BC, Canada) - I pastor a small country church in British Columbia where many of the congregation members have difficulty with some of the archaic language of the KJV, and so I use the next best translation in my opinion, that being the NKJV. I love E-Sword, and I use it all the time. The addition of the NKJV to my lineup of Bible translations on E-Sword is excellent to have. I use the KJV as my main study translation and the NKJV for preaching and teaching from. Next to the KJV it is still the one I love the most. It is faithful to the original languages, and most importantly to me, like the KJV, it is translated from the best manuscripts.
Love E Sword Ministry
Reviewed by (mark hermes, Jacksonville, arkansas, US) - I really love e Sword. I have been using it for years now. I thank God for your ministry. You have really helped me in studying in depth and I am truly grateful. There is so much available on it that I don't think I will ever get to use all the resources that you have for FREE and offer. I tell everyone about you when I can.
Again, thank you so much for your ministry. Sincerely, Mark.
Reviewed by (Robert Clark, Ulverstone, Tasmania, Australia) - Very easy to download and easY to read it has a good format.
Reviewed by (Herbert Edgerton, Manteo, NC, US) - I like the NKJV because it does not omit words and verses like some modern translations. A lot of modern translations have the text in a paragraph form but the NKJV does not which makes finding a particular verse easier at times. But I would like to say a few words about E-Sword in general. I use E-Sword to help prepare lessons and to locate verses all the time. I find E-Sword to be one of the best tools I have when it comes to finding verses and preparing lessons. It is also easy to copy and paste verses into my lessons. I have many translations and like to compare them with each other but I find myself using the NKJV the most. An excellent translation in my opinion.
Top Bible App
Reviewed by (Bruce Pinkerton, Curra, Queensland, Australia) - The e-Sword NKJV Bible is an excellent product and I highly recommend it. It works faultlessly and it is easy to find texts and shift between Bible versions. Well done and God's blessings to the e-Sword team.
Great Bible/Easy Download
Reviewed by (Meneika Keith, Greenville, VA, US) - Very easy, love it with the parallel feature of the e-sword software! NKJV is my favorite and usually the one I use to read every day.
Reviewed by (Chester Jenkins, Jennings, Missouri, US) - Great bible references for my bible studies.
Reviewed by (Chester Jenkins, Jennings, Missouri, US) - Great bible references for my bible studies.
Love it
Reviewed by (Ray Jones, Guelph, ON, Canada) -
Really enjoy and appreciate e-sword.
In my opinion, the very best translation
Reviewed by (Lowell Morton, Lorain, OH, US) - Having been in ministry for 35 years, as time has changed I have come to rely on my computer for Bible study. My computer recently crashed and I lost the programs upon which I have depended. As newer versions of the Bible have emerged, I try to keep an open mind to them, choosing my own method of comparing translations. The New King James Bible has, for me, become am indispensable tool for study. Some of the newer versions go as far as removing entire passages of scripture and relegating them to the margins to explain them away. The New King James Version is the one from which I preach and give to new candidates for ministry. I cannot be without it.
Reviewed by (JOSEPH SANTORO, HUDSON, FL., US) - This is a Red Letter Bible. Printed in easy to understand , modern day American English.
A Sharp Sword
Reviewed by (Christopher Sykes, Johannesburg, N/A, South Africa) - I use a variety of electronic bibles for study and ministry purposes, and I am grateful that e-sword is now available on iPad (hopefully in future Macs will be accommodated without having to use third-party software!). Like all e-sword resources, the NKJV is searchable and e-sword makes it very easy to intersperse notes with biblical text and my own comments.
Review NKJ Version for e-Sword
Reviewed by (Vickie Harris, Broken Arrow, OK, USA) - I enjoy using the NKJ version in my studies using e-sword. It is the bible I have used for years and the e-sword version works will in the program. I am very satisfied.
Reviewed by (Robert Jones, Hillsboro, OR, United States) - Easy to read and understand. Easy to draw parallel with original King James.
Great addition
Reviewed by (Jim Walker, Alcolu, SC, US) - This is a great addition to my e-sword program, especially when I'm using the parallel feature.
Reviewed by (Frank Matala, Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa) -
I purchased the New King Version of the Bible from eSword, this is not just a beautiful Bible, but the best version in my opinion. For a person that is looking for accuracy in the word of God and fidelity of translation from the original texts of the Bible, the New King James version is exactly what you need. I do my Bible studies using different versions of the Bible, but the new King James version is what I use to make my final conclusion of my Bible studies.
Clear and concise translation
Reviewed by (Charlie Lyons, Huntsville, Ontario, Canada) - I love this true-to-the-original-KJV translation. Modern day words utilized without adjusting the concepts and contexts. Very much a tool I use often.
Sunday School Lessons
Reviewed by (Donald Brogan, Columbia, Tennessee, United States) - Since getting E-sword, I have been able to prepare for teaching my Sunday School class about six times and it has been very helpful. Now that I have New KJV version, I can compare different interpretations of the bible for additional understanding.
Reviewed by (Earl Roemer, Chugiak,, Alaska, USA) - I use E Sword as my #1 go to Bible software. Having the New King James Version is a must. I have been in the ministry 47 years. Go E Sword!
Everything I Expected
Reviewed by (Roger Merschbrock, Natchitoches, LA, US) - I've really been amazed and blessed by the work produced by eSword with these products - these have become my primary study tool!
Great Download
Reviewed by (Ed Sisk, Canton, NY, US) - Great addition to my e-sword, just wish I wouldnt have put it off so long!
Great Resourse
Reviewed by (Enoch Daniell, Fayetteville, GA, US) -
For those who study the bible and prefer the NKJV, this addition to eSword is a great deal. A good price and easy to download. I would recommend this addition to all.
Bible Student Blend
Reviewed by (Darrel Yontz, Albuquerque, NM, US) - The New King James is a blend of old and new language. While the King James offers the standard for years, the NKJ offers the KJ translation without antiquated words in it. It is the perfect blend for preaching and teaching to older people that prefer the more formal translation and the younger people who need understanding. I generally preach from the NKJ for this reason and that as people hear the same passages read from the same translation, they begin to remember more.
Reviewed by (Janet Bateman, Cuero, Texas, United States) - Love having my favorite version on my computer and i don't have to have to be online to use it! God Bless~
Slightly less than I expected
Reviewed by (Steve Scott, Herndon, VA, US) - The hard copy version I'd seen had, for instance in Song of Solomon, divisions and headings which identified the supposed speaker of given verses, such as "The Shulamite," "The Beloved," etc., which made the book much easier to comprehend. I know such things may vary from publisher to publisher, but I somehow expected to find this in the e-version.
I gave this five stars because it seems to be a faithful translation, and because I use e-Sword daily, including at church, and having the different versions readily available lets me follow along no matter which version a teacher may reference.
(While the NKJV is noticeably more like the KJV, for reading aloud with my wife each morning I have found the ESV better lends itself to speaking.)
I recommend this version to anyone who wants to expand their e-Sword capabilities.
Reviewed by (Sandee Zech, Sidney, mt, US) - Happy to have the NKJ. Thank you!
Best Bible translation
Reviewed by (Bill Waters, Frankston, Victoria, Australia) - The New King James combines the best of the King James version and today's modern English, without in my view loosing the impact of the old style interpretation of the original languages.
New King James Version® for e-Sword PC
Reviewed by (Michael Peyton, Alamogordo, NM, US) -
Great resource. I have been using it ever sence I ordered it. I will be ordering more translations from eStudy. Love it!
Reviewed by (James Hazeldon, Medford, New York, US) - If you use this translation for most of your reading and study, it makes sense to have an e-version.
N.K.J. Critique
Reviewed by (David Watkins Barlow, Whiritoa 3646, Waikato, New Zealand) - I have been privileged to own many Bibles in many versions. I must have over two dozen now! While nothing that man does is ever perfect, and while I personally feel there are a few discrepancies in it, I nevertheless have found that the New King James Bible is the most faithful to the original of all the ‘Modern’ Bibles. There are aspects of the Old King James which make it unique, but if we desire to read our Bible in a more modern setting, I would certainly recommend the New King James over any other – any errors notwithstanding.
David Barlow. (Retired pastor)
NKJV - excellent alternative
Reviewed by (Jesus Ruiz, Loganville, GA, US) - So far so good. I use it alongside the KJV and have yet to find a significant difference between the two. NKJV is simpler to read if you are not used to the KJV. An excellent alternative or complement to the best and most accurate English translation available.
Reviewed by (Mark T. Marshall, R. Rch., N.M. 87174, US) -
I'm finally having to submit to the e-Library, for my resources. So, now, I must begin the building of it. HAHAHAHA!!
Being on the move, just about constantly, one needs to have resources that are readily available. You cannot find a better storehouse of study materials, that meet the needs & demands of the financially challenged, like e-Sword and eStudySource do, for everyone. Praise GOD for you all. Be blessed.
My Favorite Translation
Reviewed by (Don Ponikvar, Mt Jackson, VA, US) - This is my absolute favorite translation of the Bible. As a pastor of a small church in Virginia, I use the eSword tool and this translation to develop all my sermons, classes, and for ministry times. The software is wonderfully designed, and the New King James version makes it complete for me.
Still the best seller in the world
Reviewed by (Jjr George Peppard, yuma, az, US) - Still the best selling book in the world is the holy bible, the nkjv is becoming the best seller i think of them all. its the real word and upto our time, its inpresses me to see just how much it can still be used, on the computer makes dovations so much easyer and quick to look back onto for notes and messages, yet it goes even more what could be a better gift them the gift of life its self, die and its over, get saved and its just the begging of your life forever amen. be so blessed in Abba Christ Jesus Always..
Reviewed by (Myron Walters, Roswell, GA, US) - Additional bible version for comparison
3.5 Stars
Reviewed by (Blaine Simons, Rapid City, SD, 57701) - I would give this 3.5 stars if the option were available. I like the NKJV translation because if its closeness to the KJV. Although I like having many translations for my studies both inside and outside of my home. My church uses the NKJV but my college uses NIV. Having both helps for memory verses and such.
I love eSword for both having many free translations, a scripture memory tool, and other awesome tools; plus it too is FREE! How cool is that?!
My only negative points on the NKJV purchase are:
Cost: A bit high priced for an eBook download in my opinion. However, I did receive a coupon code which knocked it down a couple bucks. I just think, being a download, it could have included another eBook of some kind. Like a the NIV bundle did at the same price.
Over all I am very happy with my purchase's with and eSword. I use them everyday! Thank you!
Very pleased
Reviewed by (David Cover, Grandview, WA, US) - I have been very pleased with E-Sword. When I'm reading I prefer a physical Bible, but E-Sword is very helpful for word searches or finding the reference to a verse that's going through my mind. I can also copy and paste passages from it which is very helpful.
I would recommend E-Sword to anyone interested in a Bible program.
Almost Perfect
Reviewed by (Jim King, Jenks, OK, US) - After using many different Bible versions over the years, I now believe that the texts/manuscripts used for the KJV and NKJV are the most reliable. I appreciate the poetic majesty of the KJV but let's be real, it is harder for younger readers to understand. Even I have trouble with some of the archaic language and I'm 61. The NKJV speaks the same way I do, so it is my go-to translation. Not that it's perfect, but to me it's the best choice in the English language.
I've been using PC Study Bible for years and just began using e-Sword this year and I love it. It's faster and easier to work with. The only problem I have found with the NKJV addon is that some of the words which should be in italics are not. Two things would make it perfect: fix those missing italics and make it available with Strong's numbers. Thanks for a great product!
Good Resource!
Reviewed by (Filipe Teixeira, Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal) - Good Resource!
My Favorite Translation
Reviewed by (S. Selvage, Arab, AL, US) -
NKJV is my favorite translation. Easy to understand and closely translated with accuracy. Thank you Rick Meyers for e-sword and the folks at for providing the tools to help study the Word of God. All these resources at my fingertip with just the click of the mouse...awesome! Thanks again
Reviewed by (Garfield Watkins, Cwmbran, Gwent, UK) - Super Bible and excellent value
Great resource
Reviewed by (Michael Weaver, Pittsburg, TX, US) - Have always enjoyed using this Bible translation. When referenced in most classes or study groups, most will accept this version in place of the KJV when they will not accept other modern translations. I always like comparing translations when studying and E-Sword makes this simple, especially since it synchronizes all the active translations together along with study tools. The NKJV is a great translation and is easier to read silently and aloud due to be more like we think and speak today than the KJV.
Simplify the Word
Reviewed by (Kerry cathey, Kerrville, Texas, United States) - I have found that E-Sword is "THE BEST STUDY TOOL FOR THE BIBLE". I like comparing different versions of the Bible to aid in my understanding. The New King James seems to be a great aid.
Easier Understanding of God's Word
Reviewed by (Eddie Rape, Forest City, North Carolina, US) - As a preacher of God's Word from the King James Bible for over fifty years, I found myself updating archaic language from my beloved version continually from the pulpit. While I fully understand that the NKJV is not a revision of the orginal KJV it wonderfully captures the beauty and acuracy of translation and style of the original. It has now become my first choice for study and pulpit use. This is why I purchased this wonderful tool as an addition to my other Bibles on e-Sword. Thank you for making e-sword available.
Reviewed by (jacob guo, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China) - KJV Bible has been proved excellent in the English world, with many related resources. So,it is a very important version in my Bible reading. But especially for non-English country reader, KJV's English is a little difficult and is liable to be confused with Modern English. Now I have NKJV and I can read smoothly. I confirm it a great help in studying Bible and preparing the lecture. Thanks a lot for e-sword.
Great Study Package
Reviewed by (chuck lavender, ocala, fl, US) - I have used the New King James reference and Vine's in print for the past few years and having them in digital form, easily searchable and readable has made study and use following pastor much easier with additional reference for later study.
New King James Version
Reviewed by (blessing Mohale, polrovinceokwane, Limpopo Province, South Africa) - New King James Version
New King James Version
Reviewed by (Dennis Strickland, Troutman, NC, US) - I only purchased this for comparison reasons as I use the KJV for almost everything. I find it serves the purpose for which I bought it. I feel that the other versions removal of thee and thou etc. especially when referring to God, the Holy Spirit and Christ serves to bring them down to our level as if we are speaking to or aboput each other. God, the Holy Spirit and Christ are indeed superior to us and should be addressed in a manner depicting such.
Easier to Read and Understand
Reviewed by (Ron Baum, Davenport, IA, US) - I started out years ago trying to read and understand the Authorized King James. I quit reading and put the reading aside. I would occasionally try to read it again but until I purchased the New King James Version I could not maintain interest in my Bible study.
NKJV has all the fullness of the KJV but it is written wthout all the Old English thees and thous. The New King James does however keep the content clearly similar to the King James, which for me adds a richness of Scripture not available from the more modern translations of the Bible.
Easy Reading
Reviewed by (Gene Fairchild, Woodland Park, Colorado, US) - My church uses the NKJV for their base bible. Being a visual type person, I purchased a hard copy of the NKJV in order to better follow along with each Sunday's service. I recently shattered my knee and am unable to walk so I installed ESword on my lap top. Using the NKJV along with BBC commentary I purchased has really allowed me to come to a better understanding of the word.
I find the verses totally understandable and easy to read and has encouraged me to get back into the word outside of church.
Top translation with great ease
Reviewed by (mario Mendoza, Boquete, Chiriqui, Panama) - I use the NKJV to study and esword makes it simple and interactive with other resources. Love it. Thanks Esword.
The NKJV for e-Sword Helps
Reviewed by (David Laycock Sr., Lansing, Michigan, United States) - The New King James has been a wealth of help for me in my interpretation in my Hermeneutics work for my Masters in Divinity...thank you for having it available.
Great resource
Reviewed by (Sheila Williams, McComb, MS, US) - Easy to install and it's the New King James Version just like hard copy. Love the abiblity to compare all of the bibles on E-Sword.
NKJV Review
Reviewed by (William Smith, Ashland, AL, US) - This is great. I have enjoyed studying from this version. Much easier than the old "thee and thou". Thank oyu for making it available.
Study ~N~ Growth
Reviewed by (Lynn Downs, Durant, OK, US) - Recomended!
E-Sword Addon
Reviewed by (David Beebe, Loma Linda, CA, US) - Of course, the nkjv is the same as all published. The addon was easily downloaded and installed without any problems.
Thank you for all your hard work for the Lord.
Thank you for the bible
Reviewed by (Terry Caldwell, Smithville, Oklahoma, US) - I appreciate the NKJV that works with eSword. The seamless integration is why I have several bibles and commentaries I can reference during my studies.
Favorit Bible
Reviewed by (Ruediger Nullmeier, Haiger, Hessen, Germany) -
the NKJV is the best bible in modern days. it keeps track on the original.
Only Lacking one thing
Reviewed by (John Brown, Asbury, Missouri, US) -
I really like all the e-sword products, and the NKJV is no exception. However, they are all lacking in one thing, and that is the ability to scroll from one chapter to the next so the last few verses of one chapter can be viewed along with the opening of the next one.
My Favourite Bible.
Reviewed by (Shaun Spies, Warner Beach, Kwazulu - Natal, South Africa) -
The NKJV Bible has always been my best Bible version to read. It is printed in modern English, and very close to the authentic translations. This makes it easy to read, and to understand.
NKJV review
Reviewed by (Lawrence Neill, Red Deer, Alberta, Canada) - I mainly use the KJV/NKJV when studying. I love the readability of the NKJV and the accuracy of the KJV
Absolutely Brilliant
Reviewed by (Russel Prier, Tauranga, B.O.P, New Zealand) - I am very pleased with the NKJV, it is just what I wanted and has revolutionised my Bible Study time.
NKJV download from e-Sword
Reviewed by (Bruce Campbell, Wellsboro, PA, US) - The New King James Version Bible download was successful, simple to process, and went very quickly.
Great resource
Reviewed by (William Glaze, Lufkin, TX, US) - I really enjoy reading from and teaching from the NKJV. I was hesitant to purchase the module but am glad I did. This will make teaching preparation much easier. I love the E-sword resources.
Great Study Bible
Reviewed by (Kenneth Mitchell, Tamarack, MN, US) - I use a hard copy of this version as my daily Bible. I also use the e_Sword version for study and sermon preparation. This bible reads very well and it extremely true to the original text. I highly recommend this the New King James version to anyone.
What I needed
Reviewed by (Ed Cox, Stephenville, Texas, US) -
I really like the E-Sword study system. I use the NKJV in my studies and at church services. provided the NKJV at a reasonable price. The software down loaded and installed easily; No hassles. Best of all I didn't receive a ton of emails wanting to purchase other software from eStudySource or any third parties. Thanks. Keep up the good work. God Bless
Some Good, Little Bad
Reviewed by (George Koll, Walla Walla, WA, US) -
One of the great things about the NKJV is that it preserves some of the vocabulary on which bilbe-based thology in the English-speaking world has been based such as "Tribulation," "atonement," etc. Thus one can recognize, for example, the "great tribulation" vs. something like "the great distress." One of the bad things about the NKJV is that is also retains some of the inconsistency of the KJV such as "eternal life" in John 3:15 and "everlasting life" in John 3:16 which can have people debating the difference between "eternal" and "everlasting" whereas in the Greek the phrase is identifical in each. No doubt the translators feared that any change there would be perceived by unifmored, ultra-conservatives as tampering with the word of God when, in fact, as they sometimes did according to what they considered the best English style of the time, the KJV translators actually tampered with the worrd of God at times by using two English synonyms for the same Greek word or phrase in the same context. Also, the Greek text underlying the NKJV, although I will concede that the differences between this and the best Greek text are pretty inconsequential thologically, is not the best though typically the differences between their text and the Majority Test and the Nestle/United Bible Society text are footnoted. So, the good thing is that the NKJV continues a tradition and the bad thing is that where they might have made some improvements they continued the tradition of errors. sometimes they correct the situation in one case and, apparently is something like a hymn has been based on the KJV translation, they will leave the errror. (See what the translators do with "diadem" vs. "Crown" in the portions of the Revelation where the word is unquestionablly "diadem," though, granted, not everyone is aware of what a diadem is and what it may signify, i.e., imperial or absolute power -- see Rev. 12:3' 13:1;, and 19:12 where the Greek is the same in each case though only translated correctly in the first case. It might have been better to either correct all occurrences or to simply leave it "crown" in each case. Still, it is a translation that continues much of our English theological language and this is a valuable thing.

My Favourite
Reviewed by (Elaine Ray, Newcastle, NSW, Australia) -
This is my favourite version of the Bible. It is so easy to download and use!! I thoroughly recommend it to everyone. Great for study and research!
Top notch as usual
Reviewed by (Kendall Combs, Hazard, Kentucky, US) - NKJV just another of the top notch attachments for E-Sword. I have people tell me about different computer Bible sources on occasion, but I have no intention of ever using anything other than E-Sword. I have used it for years. The ease of use for studying scripture, comparing versions right on screen, sermon preparation, topic studies,and just so much more, make it my only choice for a computer Bible source. We might also add that the majority of the sources are free,when all other online Bibles are purchased products. How can we really compare any online Bible to e-sword?
Best Translation!
Reviewed by (Bob Graham, Saint Joseph, Missouri, USA) -
I love the NKJV translation of the Bible and teach from it. It is so awesome to finally have it on my eSword program for searching, crossreferencing, and for just some devotional reading. Get it now!
The Best Version!
Reviewed by (Les Wells, Sydney, NSW, Australia) - I really enjoy the NKJV as it has removed old terms as 'which' 'thou' etc, and given it a modern readable touch. It still contains the authenticity of the KJV and so I love reading it. having it available on digital format is exciting and makes it easy for me to enjoy my hard copy as well as now the digital copy on my IPhone. I greatly appreciate the many hours of those who put it into this form and know they will be blessed as I too receive blessing as I read it. I would recommend the reading of it to all ages and again thankful that it is available. Thankyou!
Reviewed by (Monica Bessinger, Ashburton, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa) - Having the various translations available to compare has certainly opened the Word, Thank you for making this available
Reviewed by (Danny Mitchell, Gilbert, W.V., US) - I am a pastor and the uses of e-sword with different Bibles helps me a great deal. I thank God for this gift you have given to help others in their study of the Word of God. E-sword helps in many ways time may be the greatest of all. The NKJV has been a great help as we give out the Gospel.
Plain English
Reviewed by (Patti Reynier, Hammond, LA, US) - I have always had trouble understanding the 'King's English'. I believe that's why I had problems with literature. The NKJV is translated into plain english which opens up to me the true meaning of the message of the Word.
Salamat sa e-sword!
Reviewed by (Renato Lagangan, Imus, Cavite, Philippines) -
I am a pastor taking part of God's work in the Philippines. Since a friend introduced me to e-sword, it has been my constant and reliable companion in my preaching preparations,daily devotions and other bible studies. It is easy to learn and it has a lot of useful features. I particularly appreciate the bible verse search feature. It has saved me a lot of my time. My purchase of the New King James Version of the e-sword has been more than worth the money. It has enourmously enriched my use of the e-sword. God bless you.
home study
Reviewed by (donnie carter, crossville, tn, US) -
The pastor of the church I attend recomended thatt all of us download your programs. I / we will be using them for home study, and to get a correct understanding of GODS word. The programs are easy to follow and understand allowing us who are non professional bible scholors to rightly study and divide GODS word, so that we can truly understand what has been put before us. I am a firm believer that the truth in GODS word has for the most part been lost in doctrines of the churches and bad teaching and forced opinions of preachers, teachers and evangelists over many years and we as the inherent children of GOD especially in the end times need to get a clear and precise understanding of GODS will.
New King James
Reviewed by (harold hoopingarner, indianapolis, in., US) -
I'm so glad I got the New King James, Vine's dictionay. & Bible commentary package with my E Sword order. The package has been very helpful in my studies and devotions.
My Product additions to e-Sword
Reviewed by (Mack Courtney, Comanche, Texas, US) - I use my e-sword daily for my Bible study. I like to use several Bible versions and different commentaries. The three items purchased last week New King James Version® for e-Sword PC, Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words for e-Sword PC and Believer's Bible Commentary for e-Sword PC are valuable reference items for the serious at home Bible student and they are also excellent resources when prepareing Bible Lessons for your Bible class.
Amazing eSword resources
Reviewed by (Sandy James, Strand, Western Cape, RSA) - I have just recently downloaded the NKJV and what an amazing tool this is for my eSword. The language is easily understood and i'm using it in conjunction with Vine Dictionary and BBC for eSword.
As i am at my computor for long hour's, the eSword resources are absolutely vital for me on a daily basis. Thank you.
What more can one say
Reviewed by (Gus MacDonald, Hull, East Yorkshire, UK) - With the NKJV what more can one say. This is a must for all serious Christians who want to grow in the word of God and bear fruit. Whilst we all love the KJV we have to admit that reading it in this day and age does make it hard going, so with this update into modern English we get all the wonders and joy of the old KJV, but now in words that all can understand and not have to scratch their heads about. With the words of Christ also highlighted in red, and the extra study that can be utilised through the e-Sword Bible study tool the NKJV just has to be on your list.
Well recommended.
NKJ Purchase
Reviewed by (Ken Skorseth, Gary, SD, US) - Excellent service. Thanks.
Reviewed by (Sharon David, Roseburg, Oregon, US) - I have been thrilled with everything about e-sword and all of the add ons. I am amazed by the simplicity of the program and the ease of studying scripture via e-sword. I have purchased add-ons and am well pleased. I promote it often as I am a Adult Sunday School Teacher. I also promoted it at Youth Camp this summer for the youth and have had reports of them downloading e-sword and using it. What a tremendous blessing this has been. It's free but I plan on donating. It is that good!! GOD BLESS YOU for making this available to us.
Reviewed by (Peter Russell, Brentwood, Essex, UK) -
Thank you e-Sword for setting up such a brilliant Bible study software. I am thoroughly enjoying using it, plus the NKJV I recently bought.
Five Stars is Appropriate
Reviewed by (Alvin Bragg, Frewsburg, NY, US) -
The NKJV is totally integrated into the e-Sword program. I was in the process of exploring all the capabilities of it along with a couple of other add-on's when my new computer crashed. Hopefully one of the benefits of purchasing from will be the ability to reload purchased programs that were wiped from a hard drive... I'm really looking forward to getting back to using the software!
Version Comparison
Reviewed by (Rex Kiser, Castroville, Texas, US) -
I have been aware for years of the qualitative difference in Bible versions. More specifically, I refer to the omissions that are commonly found in modern Bible versions, e.g.,missing key passages; missing names of Christ and titles of Diety. I am now teaching a Sunday school class which presents the opportunity for enabling student insight into the aforementioned reality. Of course this opportunity presents itself through the necessity to read and study Scripture. E-Sword has enabled me to place the same Bible verse from several different Bibles into columns for side by side comparison. The ability to set this up and print it out for perusal is of inestimable value as a teaching tool! Naturally, as a first step, I was in need of the best Bibles, in my view, for comparison. eStudySource has an excellent selection of electronic Bibles at reasonable cost.
Reviewed by (Ian Anning, Mareeba, Queensland, Australia) - If you are looking for an easy to read Bible that is as close to the original King James content as possible, then this is it. I have had hours of reading and revelations from this Bible version. Hours of searching for Bible scripture has also been hugely reduced, with the added bonus of copying and pasting those scriptural gems into my messages, which has also become a time saving blessing. My hat goes off to the e-Sword team for putting such a wonderful program together, and making it available to the public.
Star Ratings
Reviewed by (Solomon Prasad, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India) -
Very good for Bibile study.
New King James Version® for e-Sword PC
Reviewed by (Daniel Porteous, South Bend, WA, US) -
e-Sword is my first Bible reference tool that I refer to. Many sermons have been compiled using only e-Sword as a resource. The New King James version of the Bible has been an excellent addition as this is my first choice in reading the Bible (contains far fewer omisions in the New Testement than many other easy to read modern versions). I recommend e-Sword to anyone that I consider a friend.
So Happy!
Reviewed by (Karen Johns, Parkwood, QLD, Australia) -
Have been using the NKJV for years and am very happy to have in included with e-Sword. It's a great version.
Thanks Heaps
Portable Bible
Reviewed by (Jeff Lynch, Moorpark, CA, US) -
For what's billed as part of a 3-year leader course at my Church, we've started a full cover-to-cover read of the Bible sections discussed each month over the first year. Can't keep up with the pace; and, the full Bible I use for this purpose (Open Bible Expanded Large Print Edition) is too bulky for the workday office. This plug-in then allows me to print just what I need when I need it to help me get more reading in. Thanks!
Disciple John
Reviewed by (John Francis, March, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom) -
I am very pleased to find e-Sword and eStudySource provide Bibles like this at great value and their service cannot be praised enough. is a joy
Reviewed by (Timothy M, Newport News, VA, US) - is a real joy to work with! I have never had difficulties with any of my purchases and have been surprised several times by their remarkable service.
I only give the NKJV four stars becuase it really isn't the Bible version I study from. (I prefer NASB for serious study and NIV or ESV for ease of reading) I purchased the NKJV to use as a high quality reference and comparison. OUTSTADING VALUE.
Great Bible!!!
Reviewed by (Mike Henderson, Chatham, IL, USA) -
I have used the hardcopy of this Bible since the day it was first released and still have the original release. I remember calling the bookstore weekly to see if it had come in yet. I was glad to see it in electronic format. Thanks so much!
to Adonai all glory honor and praise
Reviewed by (Michael Comstock, Moreno Valley, CA, US) -
Out of several bibles that I read for my learning and study I have four I go over and over again gleaning my portion for that day, this is my number one pick for the Received Text version. It is one of the best translations in terms of accuracy a flow-readability. I bought this to give to someone who has no internet but needed a good bible. So far he is stuck on the Jerusalem text while good sure changes the sense of things which this version-NKJV-gets it right all the time as far as I can tell from multiple types of commentaries and other scholars who study and write on this. I bought the RSV-Catholic version as well for him to give him the chance to see the differences between the source texts and their resulting translation to our language. Hallelujah
As advertised
Reviewed by (Jim Hoekstra, JOSHUA, TX, United States) -
I continue to be amazed at how fluid e-sword is, Add a new product,a Bible, or commentary and ZAM! it is there! I use my computer in church for that is where my notes go, and I can compare translations instantly. Love e-sword!
New King James Version
Reviewed by (Jason Sikes, Bolivar, Missouri, US) -
I like the standard english but with the King James layout. I feel it makes it easier for good in depth study.
Glad to have a NKJ version with my esword
Reviewed by (LINDA Tjelmeland, CASA GRANDE, Arizona, United States) -
My husband and I both enjoy using the New King James Version to study the Bible. It is nice to now have that version working with my e-Sword Bible Study program. We are missionaries in Honduras. I love being able to copy verses into my outlines directly from my study program.
Great Product
Reviewed by (stan hamnett, tucson, az, US) -
This is a great resource. I was introduced to e-Sword some years ago by a person that was homeless at the time. I was not interested at the time. I decided a couple of years later to download it and the rest is history. I have found e-Sword to be an INDISPENSABLE TOOL. I downloaded the NKJV since this is my choice Bible. e-Sword is simply the best, easiest, most useful Bible study software I have used. The old saying, "you get what you pay for" does not apply here. You GET MORE THAN YOU PAY FOR. Thank you Rick Meyers and eStudySource for being there and doing what you are doing.
Reviewed by (Jan Aitchison, Moonta, --, Australia) -
I have been using e-Sword for some years now and find it extremely helpful and useful. I am really pleased to have NKJ bible as that is the one I use in my reading. The whole thing is great and I have never regretted putting it together and often refer it to my friends. Everything is at hand when you need to search for verses or meanings. Thank you for making this available.
Reviewed by (Jerilee Leong, Singapore, Singapore, Singapore) -
e-Sword has not only helped in my daily devotions, the availability of the different versions has helped to bring out more of God's word to us.
e-Sword Helps Teach Cross-culturally
Reviewed by (Dennis Steinmetz, Punta Gorda, NA, Belize) -
Much of the teaching I do is cross-cultural, in fact, across 2-3 cultures simultaneously; and Bibles are in short supply, so using "eStudySource's" NKJV straight-up, or copied to power point slides; and then projected on a sheet tied up, (oftentimes) in a thatched church allows all of my students to be on the same page. Accents and vocabulary deficiencies can foment confusion, and this helps to eliminate this confusion as well. Literacy varies greatly, and this method gives my students an opportunity to practice reading skills as well. Seeing and hearing the same Word helps ensure comprehension, and increase interest. The program works on my computer without a hitch (Windows 7) and allows me to set up quickly with a minimum of equipment. I can print hand-outs complete with commentary easily, too. We can quickly go to the Hebrew or Greek using Vines Dictionary to explain or define nebulous concepts if unanticipated questions or situations arise. This helps to keep group study relevant. With the NKJV I can more easily prepare my lessons. And as long as I have my laptop I can study anywhere, knowing that my dictionary and commentaries are with me. (Quiet time in the bush is very conducive to hearing His voice.) Only the Holy Spirit is a greater help to me in my studies and my teaching.

Easier to read than KJV
Reviewed by (Brad Toyama, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States) -
Good basic Bible to have in another version besides the common NIV, ESV, or NAS.
NKJV e-sword review
Reviewed by (John Cornell, Goshen, IN, US) -
Of the various Bible versions, I'm most acustomed to the NKJV and appreciate that it is available on e-Sword. It would be helpful if the Strong's Concordance reference numbers were available with text as the KJV is.
New King James Version® for e-Sword PC
Reviewed by (David Govier, Conder, Australian Capital Territory, Australia) -
All good and a pleasure to use.
New King James Version® for e-Sword PC
Reviewed by (Yvonne C, Esperance, Western Australia, Australia) -
The New King James is a great translation, and I love having it at the tips of my fingers in e-Sword. However, there are two shortcomings: Poetic formatting has lost the new lines (e.g. Ezekiel 28:13 should be on 7 lines, not one), and I could not find the marginal notes that the translators made when they did the translation, which really disappoints me (e.g. there ought to be a note on "angel" in Revelation 2:1 that says, "Or, messenger").
Studying made easy
Reviewed by (Donna Hume, SANCTUARY POINT, NSW, Australia) -
I have always loved the King James Version of the Bible and I have come to love the New King James version almost as much. Thank you for making it so easily accessible.
New King James
Reviewed by (Sarah W, Austin, Texas, US) -
If grew up reading the King James version then the New King James version is a must have for e-Sword users. It is so much easier to understand while maintaining the familiar style of King James.
Reviewed by (Herman Meister, Odessa, Florida, USA) -
All three additions (along with Believer's Bible Commentary and Vine's Expository Dictionary) are a great help and use for me. I amimpressed with the convenient use of the program as well as the additonal software that is availabe. How can anyone not give a 5 star rating on God's word.
Great for reading
NKJV for e-Sword
Reviewed by (Diane Levy, High Springs, FL, US) -
I use the New King James Version for Bible study. It is easier to read and understand than KJV. It is one of the more accurate versions of the Bible. Thank you for making so many Bible versions and other study tools available to us.
NKJV is awesome!
Reviewed by (James Davidian, Adelanto, Ca, US) -
I love the NKJV. It retains the poetic-reverent tone of the King James Version, but it is easy to read. I put this version above the NIV and other modern versions because those versions don't sound reverent, they use common schoolyard english which takes away the power and seriousness tone, and are too watered down and elementary. NIV and similar versions leave out verses (like 1 John 5:7..) The NKJV keeps the bible language reverent, complex, and easy to understand. I definetly recommend the NKJV.
NKJV available for e-Sword
Reviewed by (Pastor Robert Farr, Highfields, Queensland, Australia) -
It's so good to have this version of the Scriptures available on e-Sword. It is a very welcome addition to my e-Sword library.